LBSC 708n Individual Final Paper Grading Form Student Name:

LBSC 708n Individual Final Paper Grading Form
Student Name:
Aspect to Grade
Motivation for
addressing the
Proposed Technology
This is where we comment on the design of your
proposed technology. Did you sufficiently
describe your design so that we get a clear picture
of the prototype (e.g., with words, screenshots,
usage scenarios, etc.)? Is it clear how your
technology will address the needs you specified
that you were addressing?
Summary of Design
This is where we comment on how well you
articulated your design process. Did you articulate
the method(s) from class that you used, how you
collected data, worked with users, and worked
with one another to design your technology? Did
you describe the iterations of your designs?
This is where I comment overall about your work.
This is where we comment on your argument for
why this is an important problem to address.
Make sure you provide support grounded in
literature, observation of others, and perhaps your
personal experience (note that your personal
experience alone is not sufficient for this section).