Graduate Student Government Senate Meeting I. Call to Order at 12:10pm

Graduate Student Government
Senate Meeting
Curry Student Center 348
I. Call to Order at 12:10pm
II. Establish Quorum (Jack)
a. Attendance (Please See):
b. Quorum Established
III. Review of Minutes
a. Minutes are approved unanimously
IV. Officers Report
V. President
a. NAGPS National Conference
i. Eastern Michigan
1. Kledio said he met a lot of good people, encouraged
others to attend the local regional conference at Tufts
ii. Local Regional Conference (Tufts University)
1. Exec and GSG Senators can attend
2. Kledio
b. Spring Retreat
i. Committee Members
1. We want to have a date picked out (January)
2. We need people to help plan an contribute ideas for the
Spring Semester
c. Student Conduct Board
i. Deadline is Jan. 27th
ii. Sit on the Board for the next Academic Year
iii. Email at for more information (find them on
iv. Looking for graduate students to sit on that boar
v. You will hear cases resulting in suspension or expulsion
VI. VP Student Affairs
a. College Councils
i. College of Science and Bouve will start up next semester
1. General meetings will be held and gauge interest
2. Students will decide what their councils will look like
3. Helping to plan a data day/event in the spring that we
are thinking of doing and it will be about data (1 day
evening event)
ii. Advisors (academic side)
1. We need a student affairs advisor and an academic
advisor side of things
2. Professor John Ports (Political Science Grad Students)
a. Spoke with him yesterday
b. Take on the role (immediately) right after talking
c. Came here to check out meeting
d. Motion to approve at a later date
3. We now have a potential academic advisor
b. Tentative recognized groups
VP Academic Affairs
a. Graduate Survey
i. Survey has populated
1. She has taken input (she thanks everyone for giving
2. GSG has been doing this survey for a few years now
ii. With the survey results, we will make a presentation to Senior
Administration (Budget Priorities) in which we will try to focus
our results to get better resources for graduate students
1. Results have caused us to gain graduate student
spaces/lounges, a scholarship/fellowship database
iii. If you get the survey, PLEASE fill it out (and encourage others
who get it to fill it out)
1. The survey is also a LOT shorter (less than half the
length than it was last year)
VP Finance
a. Budget report
i. We have spent $18,630 (operating budget, separate from
conference and programming budget..where individual and
group funding comes from)
1. It’s pretty low!
IX. VP Membership
a. Social Media Presence
i. Will delegate out for help on this to ensure all outlets are
utilized (Twitter and Facebook)
b. Attendance
c. We have 30 Senators (not including the board)
X. VP Programs
a. Hockey Game + Pre-Game Hockey Party (tents outside Matthews)
i. This Friday
1. Food and drinks
ii. Tickets during meeting
iii. Tickets at Matthews 5-7pm (and will have entrance to the
game and to the tent) ALL FREE! (Food or Drinks are for pay,
but tickets are free)
iv. Contact Kledio – for tickets
v. UNH v NEU and it’s Homecoming!
b. Additional Prospective Events
i. CSI – Talking to us about Leadership and Presentations
ii. Spring Welcome Back Social
1. Do we want it in the day? Night? Alcohol? No Alcohol?
2. Style different from the Fall version
iii. Conference Database
1. If people apply, they should input some of their
processes and feedback
iv. More sporting events (tickets)
v. Community Service & Philanthropy
vi. UN Debate
vii. Treasure Hunt
viii. Karaoke & Trivia Nights
XI. Unfinished Business
a. Graduate Activity Fee
i. We have only used $18K YTD and the fiscal year started July
ii. Do we want to increase it?
1. We increased it last year to do more programs, offer
more funds for graduate students (individual and
b. Advisor Confirmation (moved up on agenda)
i. Created Graduate Student Life Assistant Dean Position
1. Initiative that the President put forward to increase
graduate student life as well educational portions and
increase graduate student support
2. For a new advisor per our Constitution, we need to vote
on it, so are there any questions? –No
ii. Motion to approve Dan Volchuck to approve him as our advisor
1. 2nd By David Walsh
2. Unanimous vote (no objections)
New Business
a. VP of Finance position opening
a. English Graduate Student Association – Dana Horton (represented by
Max White)
i. Issue of student support for adjunct Action
b. Will need to call a Special Meeting next Wednesday at 12-1pm to vote
on the Student Fee
c. Please email Kledio for tickets for Hockey Game/Pre Party (FanFest)
Adjourned at 1:10pm
a. Quorum was lost by the end of the meeting