Westerville City Schools 936 Eastwind Drive, Suite 200 Westerville, OH 43081 Main Office (614) 797-5934 Fax (614) 797-5901 Department of Academic Affairs M. Scott Reeves, Executive Director Secondary Academic Affairs Vision Our vision is E-Day Lessons—Day 3 “Jack and Diane: Forecasting Your Future” Activity to be the benchmark of educational excellence. Schools: Westerville South High Schools Teacher Name: Linda Mapes E-Mail: Mission Course Name: mapesl@wcsoh.org Personal Money Management Our mission is to prepare students to contribute to the competitive and changing world in which we live. Values Respect Learning Target: Financial Planning: Students create personal budget projections comparing the economic and lifestyle consequences of going to college versus going directly into the workforce from high school. Materials Needed: Print out the three attachments needed to complete this problem. Attachment 1: Directions to Complete Jack and Diane’s Activity Attachment 2: Jack and Diane’s Activity Sheet (Spreadsheet) Attachment 3: Jack and Diane’s Overview Questions The spreadsheet that is provided can be calculated by hand or you may use the formulas given to you at the bottom of the problem directions sheet to set up your calculations automatically. Lesson Overview: Inclusiveness Community 1. Communication 2. Collaboration Innovation 3. Prepare a financial forecast and budget for the student who enters college after high school and then obtains a job after graduating from college. Prepare a financial forecast and budget for the student who enters the workforce directly from high school. Calculate the budgeted savings or debt each year for each student’s scenario as well as the cumulative savings or debt after each year. Nurturing Trust Accountability Evaluation/Assessment: Students will (1) determine yearly revenue, expense and savings or debt for 10 years, (2) determine cumulative savings or debt for each of 10 years and (3) answers the six overview questions. Student Completions and Make Up: Students can submit the e-Day assignment as it is completed either by e-mailing to your teacher (as listed above) or printing it out and turning it in to your teacher on our next school day. *Students without Internet access are given up to two weeks to complete the lesson and can get the material from their teacher. Visit us at www.westerville.k12.oh.us Westerville City Schools 936 Eastwind Drive, Suite 200 Westerville, OH 43081 Main Office (614) 797-5934 Fax (614) 797-5901 Department of Academic Affairs M. Scott Reeves, Executive Director Secondary Academic Affairs Vision Our vision is to be the benchmark of educational excellence. Mission Our mission is to prepare students to contribute to the competitive and changing world in which we live. Values Respect Inclusiveness Community Communication Collaboration Innovation Nurturing Trust Accountability Visit us at www.westerville.k12.oh.us