Title Insert University Logo(s) Researchers, Student Names Contact Information, Email addresses

Insert University Logo(s)
Researchers, Student Names
Contact Information, Email addresses
Technical Approach
Include language referring to
opportunities for transitioning your
research to the customer or end user.
Add figures, pictures and examples of project work here. Make sure to include figures and/or examples that compare your work to the State of the Art,
highlighting your work’s challenges and significance.
Relevance & State of the Art
How does your work advance the State
of the Art? How is your work
expanding upon or building upon
existing products or solutions being
worked on by others already in the
market or in use? Who are the
stakeholders from DHS who will care
about this work and how will it impact
them? Compare and contrast to the
work of others referenced in your
Relevant References section.
Accomplishments Through Current Year
Transition Strategy
Include language referring to opportunities for
transitioning your research to the customer or end
Highlight the quality of your research and
explain its relevance to current technology
and applications for use in the
marketplace or homeland security venues.
If you can, demonstrate a pathway from
your research to a viable commercial
opportunity or end-user.
Future Work
Include expected future work the group is planning
related to this project.
Publications Acknowledging DHS Support
List DHS related publications here.
Relevant Publications
Patent Submissions
List references here.
Enter Patents here
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Office of University Programs, under Grant Award 2013-ST-061-ED0001. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. [10/2013]