Social Studies E Day Lesson

Name: _________________
Period: _________________
Date: _________________
Social Studies E Day Lesson
Essential Question: How does Geography influence the way people live?
Target: I can identify the theme of geography (location, place, region, movement,
human environment interaction) that relates to a topic in today’s CNN Student
For this E-day lesson, you will watch today’s CNN student News. You are to write
about any three topics that are discussed in today’s episode. Write a brief summary
of what you learned. Next, choose one topic from your summary and explain how it
relates to the target.
CNN Student News: Date: _________________________________
You must watch the episode on the day of school that we missed. If you watch it
after the snow day, you will have to go to the archives to find the episode.
As you watch today’s news, you can take notes inside the box. You may write your
summary on the back, on a separate sheet of paper, or type it.
Part 1: Summary (must be a minimum of 5 sentences)
Part 2: Connection to Target
1. Which topic are you choosing from today’s CNN: _____________________
2. Which Theme of geography (place, location, region, movement, human
environment interaction) does this topic relate to? __________________
3. Explain how this topic relates to this theme of geography. (At least 2