VICE CHANCELLOR FOR IT & CIO 500 WELLS FARGO PLACE 30 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101-4946 ph 651.296.8970 fx 651.296.8488 MEMORANDUM Date: August 8, 2007 To: Leadership Council From: Ken Niemi Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO and Laura King Vice Chancellor for Finance and CFO Subject: Guidance on College/University Spending of FY 08 IT Allocation The purpose of this memorandum is to provide guidelines for the acceptable spending of each College/University’s FY 08 special IT funding allocation totaling $5 million for the system. Your spending allocation should, overall, be consistent with the final legislative language which states: "This appropriation includes funding for operation and maintenance of the system, including technology infrastructure improvements to deliver more online programs and services to students " Also, in order to ensure that the special IT funding allocation is spent in accordance with the Board of Trustees’ intent, each College or University should allocate this special funding in support of the appropriate institutional efforts in implementing the 8 key projects proposed in the 08-09 legislative funding request. These 8 key projects are consistent with the legislative appropriation language and include: Network and Data Center Modernization, Security Management, Identity Management, Retooled Administrative Systems, New Technology Architecture, Student Services and Online Learning, and Faculty Research and Development. Although much of the proposed work on these projects is carried out at the Enterprise System level, there are many investments and activities in support of these projects that will need to occur at each College and University. Attachment A includes the general description of these eight projects which was provided to the Board, the Governor and the Legislature. Attachment C is a spreadsheet listing the FY 2008 amounts already distributed to your institution by the Budget Unit. We have also included as Attachment B a short template which should be completed by each College/University and returned to the Office of the Chancellor by the end of September, 2007. This form will clarify and document your institution’s intent to spend the allocated dollars on the various projects. We have purposely made it as simple and straightforward as possible to minimize the time it will take to report this information. We will follow up at the end of the fiscal year as well to confirm your actual accounting of this special IT allocation. Feel free to contact either of us if you or your staff have any questions. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. VICE CHANCELLOR FOR IT & CIO 500 WELLS FARGO PLACE 30 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101-4946 ph 651.296.8970 fx 651.296.8488 ATTACHMENT A Eight Key IT Projects Network and Data Center Modernization The network and data center modernization will provide around-the-clock availability for all learning, research, and administrative systems. The modernization effort also includes implementing procedures and technologies for business continuity and disaster recovery. Security Management The security management project will ensure that the network, systems, and databases, which currently contain records for 6.4 million people, are not compromised and that our systems and policies comply with the law and Board policies related to security and privacy. Identity Management The identity management project will enable trusted collaboration and resource sharing between MnSCU institutions and with K-12, higher education, government and industry. The identity management infrastructure will also allow us to limit data and system access, both at the system and at the campus level, to those who need it for legitimate reasons. Retooled Administrative Systems The systems currently in use for all faculty, staff and administrators will be migrated to present day technologies in order to keep running. The system changes will be accompanied by documentation, training, and other support materials. Tools for reporting and assessment will be greatly expanded to allow better tracking of metrics, including student success and retention. New Technology Architecture A new, flexible technology architecture will enable innovation and preserve the ability of individual institutions to systematically customize and enhance core, systemwide applications while implementing identified best business practices and preserving data integrity and systemwide business/academic seamless operations. A modular architecture will allow us to realize the benefits of economies of scale while still allowing for institutional variation within an interoperable technology framework. Student Services & Online Learning Investments in our online learning and electronic student services will allow us to keep pace with increasing demand while also expanding access and opportunities for the growing pool of non-traditional learners. Enhancing online functions will go beyond learning and include online career planning, disability services, advising and business functions. Around-the-clock help and support for accessing the new online services will also be provided. Faculty Research & Development Faculty need help to manage diverse classrooms and support their research and development activities. Severe funding constraints have prevented us from helping faculty to use existing technology well – much less provide enhanced technology for their use. Faculty will receive more and better automated tools to help communicate with students, manage their classrooms and simplify reporting. Faculty will also begin to receive extensive training on administrative tools as well as eLearning tools. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. VICE CHANCELLOR FOR IT & CIO 500 WELLS FARGO PLACE 30 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101-4946 ph 651.296.8970 fx 651.296.8488 ATTACHMENT B College or University: Northland Community and Technical College Total FY 07 special IT Funding allocation: $102,220 SPENDING PLAN Enterprise Project Name: Faculty Research & Development College/University Project Name: Relocate and upgrade TRF ITV classrooms College/University Project Short Description: The current Instructional Television (ITV) classrooms have existing technology that is more than 20 years old and reached the end of its useful life. Modern technology will increase efficiency and allow faculty to utilize innovative practices to manage multiple classrooms from one location. Relocation will allow a physical setting that enhances the technology upgrades and supports an optimal student learning environment. Total Proposed Spending: $40,000 Enterprise Project Name: Network and Data Center Modernization College/University Project Name: Network Backup System College/University Project Short Description: The Network is currently backed up at each campus by a tape drive and running onto multiple tapes. The backup is running all day and night or waiting for tapes to be changed. Due to the inefficiencies of manually changing tapes, they are frequently left in the server room next to the server. A Disk Backup system will be implemented at a satellite office providing off site storage and a more efficient, reliable, backup system for both campuses. Total Proposed Spending: $35,000 Enterprise Project Name: Security Management College/University Project Name: Wireless Security College/University Project Short Description: Implement a Wireless Security System that will allow central management and secure wireless access college-wide. Total Proposed Spending: $20,000 Enterprise Project Name: Student Services & Online Learning College/University Project Name: Online Student Kiosks College/University Project Short Description: Implement kiosks that provide students easy access to online functions such as online bill payments, class registration, schedules, campus directions, program offerings, etc. Total Proposed Spending: $7,000 (Repeat as needed for any additional projects) The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. VICE CHANCELLOR FOR IT & CIO 500 WELLS FARGO PLACE 30 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL, MN 55101-4946 Return to Ken Niemi, Vice Chancellor for IT by September 30, 2007 ATTACHMENT C Minnesota State Colleges and Universities FY2008 Distribution of $5 million - Information Technology Initiative Distribution based on FY2006 Actual FYE FY2008 Information Technology Initiative Institution Name (FY2006 FYE) Alexandria TC 77,149 Anoka Ramsey CC 169,125 Anoka TC 59,641 Bemidji SU & Northwest TC-Bemidji 184,734 Bemidji SU 157,540 Northwest TC-Bemidji 27,194 Central Lakes College 87,431 Century College 222,769 Dakota County TC 84,004 Fond du Lac Tribal & CC 44,330 Hennepin TC 135,934 Inver Hills CC 122,932 Lake Superior College 126,509 Metropolitan SU 170,280 Minneapolis College 198,517 Minnesota SC-Southeast Technical 58,784 Minnesota State College 172,068 Minnesota SU Moorhead 253,986 Minnesota SU, Mankato 497,057 Minnesota West College 77,000 Normandale CC 223,812 North Hennepin CC 155,156 Northeast Higher Education District 156,013 Hibbing College 43,809 Itasca CC 37,178 Mesabi Range College 39,823 Rainy River Cc 11,920 Vemilion CC 23,283 Northland College 102,220 Pine TC 15,273 Ridgewater College 117,158 Riverland College 86,090 Rochester College 163,463 Saint Paul College 115,110 South Central College 83,371 Southwest Minnesota SU 139,845 St. Cloud SU 515,013 St. Cloud TC 99,315 Winona SU 285,911 Total 5,000,000 The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. ph 651.296.8970 fx 651.296.8488