2012-2017 Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014 May 2013

Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
2012-2017 Student Equity Plan
Progress Report 2013-2014
May 2013
Prepared by the Student Equity Committee
Report to the Planning and Budgeting Committee
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2012-2017 Student Equity Plan ..................................................................................................................................3
Progress Report 2013-2014 ........................................................................................................................................3
Goals .......................................................................................................................................................................3
Recommended Initiatives .......................................................................................................................................3
Goal 1, Objectives and Activities: Access Goal .................................................................................................5
Goal 2, Objective and Activities: Course Success Goal ......................................................................................7
Goal 3, Objective and Activities: Fall to Spring Persistence Goal ..................................................................... 11
Goal 4, Objective and Activities: Completion Goal ......................................................................................... 13
Goal 5, Objectives and Activities: Basic Skills and ESL..................................................................................... 15
Recommended Initiatives ............................................................................................................................. 16
Provide Disaggregated Data for All Annual Plan/Program Reviews ............................................................ 16
Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams ................................................................................. 18
Conduct Professional Development on Student Equity .............................................................................. 22
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 1 Access
2012-2017 Student Equity Plan
Progress Report 2013-2014
May 2013
Based on the review of the data, the following goals were recommended:
ACCESS GOAL: To target outreach efforts that will result in a consistent pattern of access that reflects the service
area population.
COURSE SUCCESS GOAL: To develop programs and activities to 1) improve overall course success rates, and 2)
ensure the course success rates are equitable among all of the ethnic groups.
FALL TO SPRING PERSISTENCE GOAL: To ensure all new students persist from fall to spring as dictated by their
educational goals.
COMPLETION GOAL: Increase the completion rate of students in degree and certificate programs.
BASIC SKILLS AND ESL: To increase the course success rate in basic skills/ESL to the average course completion
rate for the college.
Recommended Initiatives
Provide Disaggregated Data for All Annual Plan/Program Reviews
Promote Success for Black and Hispanic Students
Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams
Conduct Professional Development on Student Equity
The Student Equity Committee (SEC), under the leadership of both Co-Chairs, David Clay and David Johnson,
monitored each of the action steps (activities) outlined in the plan by (a) identifying responsible party and lead,
(b) setting reporting dates to present the progress back to SEC, and (c) evaluating the accomplishment for each
year. Please see table below for the summary of responsible party, action steps, and dates for reporting to SEC.
This report with links demonstrates the degree of progress made for the year of 2013-2014. SEC submits this
report to Planning and Budgeting Committee in May 2014.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 1 Access
Date present to
Student Equity
Jan 22, 2014
Responsible Party (The person listed first is the lead)
Outreach Office
Anniqua Rana, David Clay
David Clay
David Clay
David Clay
Feb 12, 2014
Anniqua Rana, Kay O’Neill, Chialin Hsieh
Chialin Hsieh
Feb 26, 2014
Anniqua Rana, David Johnson
March, 12, 2014
Anniqua Rana, David Clay
David Clay, Chialin Hsieh, Anniqua Rana
Chialin Hsieh, Kim Lopez, Maria Huning
David Johnson, Jonathan MacSwain, Anniqua Rana, Paul Gaskins
Anniqua Rana, Chialin Hsieh, Kim Lopez, Maria Huning
March 26, 2014
David Johnson, Anniqua Rana
David Clay, David Johnson, Robert Hood, Maria Huning
David Johnson, Anniqua Rana & Kay O’Neill
April 9, 2014
Draft Progress Report
April 23, 2014
Final Progress Report
May 7, 2014
Report to
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 1 Access
Goal 1, Objectives and Activities: Access Goal
ACCESS GOAL: To target outreach efforts that will result in a consistent pattern of access that reflects
the service area population.
1.1. Maintain HSI status
by continuing outreach
efforts that support
access for Hispanic
1.1a Continue outreach efforts
for Hispanic students in the high
schools and the community.
1.2. To identify best
practices in the
recruitment of Black and
White students to
1.2a Establish an
Access/Success Equity Work
Group to identify the barriers of
access for Black and White
1.2b work with CIETL to use
Focused Inquiry Network (FIN)
to assist in the project.
Student Equity
Equity Work
Student Equity
Greater than 25%
of the college
enrollment is
Completion Funding/
Access barriers
Fall 2014
FIN formed
Report prepared
Spring 2014
Orange box means the completion date is either (a) on-going or (b) spring 2014.
1.1a Continue outreach efforts for Hispanic students in the high schools and the community.
Responsibility Party and Work Group: Outreach Office and Outreach Advisory Committee
Date to Report the Progress to the Student Equity Committee (SEC): January 22, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 1 Access
1.2b. Work with CIETL to use Focused Inquiry Network (FIN) to assist in the project.
Responsibility Party and Work Group: Anniqua Rana, David Clay
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 12, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 2 Course Success
Goal 2, Objective and Activities: Course Success Goal
COURSE SUCCESS GOAL: To develop programs and activities to 1) improve overall course success
rates, and 2) ensure the course success rates are equitable among all of the ethnic groups.
Completion Funding/
2.1. Increase the course
success rates for Black
2.1a. Offer professional
development opportunities on
best practices in serving the
Black student population for
faculty and staff.
Student Equity
Number of faculty
and staff attending
the trainings.
Offer first
one by
Spring 2014
Basic Skill
2.1b. Collect information from
our Black students on why they
are not successful completing
their courses and develop ways
to improve their success.
Student Equity
Equity Work
Plan for improving
the course success
rates based on
information from
our Black students
Spring 2014
2.1bi. The college could consider CITEL
Student Equity
professional development for
faculty to address specific needs in Committee
pedagogy and support for
Hispanic and other student ethnic
Number of faculty
and staff attending
the trainings.
The effective of the
training impacts
faculty’s teaching.
Spring 2014
2.1c. Implement the plan for
improving success for Black
2.1d. Research possibilities of
mandating certain course-taking
patterns to improve success of
new students.
Increase of 1% per
year in success rate
for Black students
Report on options
for mandating
Student Equity
Student Equity
Spring 2014
2.1a. Offer professional development opportunities on best practices in serving the Black student population
for faculty and staff.
Responsibility Party and Work Group: Anniqua Rana, David Clay
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: January 22, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 2 Course Success
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
2.1b. Collect information from our Black students on why they are not successful completing their courses
and develop ways to improve their success.
Responsibility Party and Work Group: David Clay, Anniqua Rana
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: January 22, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
2.1bi. The College could consider professional development for faculty to address specific needs in pedagogy
and support for Hispanic and other student ethnic groups.
Responsibility Party and Work Group: David Clay, Anniqua Rana
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: January 22, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 2 Course Success
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
2.1c. Implement the plan for improving success for Black students.
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Clay
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: January 22, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 2 Course Success
2.1d. Research possibilities of mandating certain course-taking patterns to improve success of new students.
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Johnson, Anniqua Rana
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 26, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 3 Fall to Spring Persistence
Goal 3, Objective and Activities: Fall to Spring Persistence Goal
FALL TO SPRING PERSISTENCE GOAL: To ensure all new students persist from fall to spring as dictated
by their educational goals.
3.1 Increase the fall to
persistence rate for
Black students
3.1a. Using the data collected by
the Access/Success Equity Task
Force for Activity 2.1b (course
success), identify ways to
improve persistence for Black
3.2 Identify why Filipino
Asian students have a
high course success rate
and low persistence
3.2a. Study the course
enrollment patterns of Filipino
and Asian students.
Student Equity
Equity Work
persistence from
fall to spring for
Black students
Completion Funding/
and Institutional
Report developed
with an analysis of
possible reasons for
this discrepancy
Spring 2014
3.1a. Using the data collected by the Access/Success Equity Task Force for Activity 2.1b (course success),
identify ways to improve persistence for Black students.
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Clay, Access/Success Equity Work Group
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 26, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 3 Fall to Spring Persistence
3.2a. Study the course enrollment patterns of Filipino and Asian students.
Responsible Party and Work Group: Chialin Hsieh
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: February 12, 2014.
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 4 Completion
Goal 4, Objective and Activities: Completion Goal
COMPLETION GOAL: Increase the completion rate of students in degree and certificate programs.
4.1 Increase the
completion rates of
Hispanic, male, Black
and Filipino students.
4.1a. Using the data collected
from the Research Office and
the Access/Success Equity Task
Force, develop clear pathways
to completion plan.
4.1b. Create a career pathway
plan for students.
4.1c. Contextualize curriculum
for career relevance when
completion plan
Completion Funding/
Fall 2014
Career pathway
program plan
New curriculum
Spring 2014
Division Deans
and Faculty
Spring 2014
4.1b. Create a career pathway plan for students.
Responsible Party and Work Group: ??
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: ??
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
4.1c. Contextualize curriculum for career relevance when possible.
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Johnson, Anniqua Rana, Kay O’Neill
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 26
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 4 Completion
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Objective 5 Basic Skills and ESL
Goal 5, Objectives and Activities: Basic Skills and ESL
BASIC SKILLS AND ESL: To increase the course success rate in basic skills/ESL to the average course
completion rate for the college.
5.1 Basic Skills: Increase
the completion rates of
Black students.
The college could consider
learning communities specifically
for Black students, and a
support program such as
The college will consider
developing more accelerated
courses in Basic Skills areas,
including on-going research on
the outcomes of those courses.
5.2 ESL students will
successfully move into
academic and vocational
classes at a higher rate
than before 2010.
The ESL Department, in
collaboration with the campus
researchers will continue to
research whether the recent
changes in the ESL curriculum
will improve students' transition
to other academic or vocational
Equity Task
Plan developed for
Black student
completion (Activity
Completion Funding/
Fall 2014
ESL Department
Report on how to
improve transition
for ESL students
Spring 2014
5.2 ESL students will successfully move into academic and vocational classes at a higher rate than before
Responsible Party and Work Group: Anniqua Rana, Kay O’Neill, Chialin Hsieh
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: February 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives A: Disaggregated Data
Recommended Initiatives
A. Provide Disaggregated Data for All Annual Plan/Program Reviews
 A central recommendation of the Student Equity Committee is that Annual Plan/Program
Review documents include information about the equity for each program. This information
will be disaggregated into performance information for the various ethnic and cultural groups
surveyed by the campus research process.
Responsible Party and Work Group: Chialin Hsieh
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: February 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives A: Disaggregated Data
B. Promote Success for Black and Hispanic Students
 The college could consider learning communities specifically for Black students, and a
support program such as UMOJA. These would be good next steps. (Already in 5.1).
 The college could consider professional development for faculty to address specific needs in
pedagogy and support for Hispanic and other student ethnic groups. (move to 2.1.b.i)
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives C: Placement
C. Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams
The Student Equity Committee recommends that Leaders in areas such as Basic Skills, CIETL, Counseling, Research, and English,
Reading, and Math come together in a Task Force to make proposals for improving placement processes, and to consider pilot
programs for acceleration in Basic Math and English.
a. Examine the research on placement and Basic Skills Curriculum and pedagogy, including
accelerated courses currently being offered at other Community Colleges.
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Clay, Anniqua Rana, Chialin Hsieh
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives C: Placement
C. Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams
b. Look at alternative mechanisms for placing students into Basic Skills or transfer level Math
and English:
1. High GPA and transcripts in Junior and Senior Math and English
2. The Common Core Curriculum
3. SAT scores
4. AP success (we are already doing this)
Responsible Party and Work Group: Chialin Hsieh, Kim Lopez, Maria Huning
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives C: Placement
C. Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams
c. Consider the feasibility of expanding our Math Jam and Word Jam programs to include more
students, and study ways to incorporate the pedagogies of these programs into Basic Skills
Responsible Party and Work Group: David Johnson, Jonathan MacSwain, Anniqua Rana
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives C: Placement
C. Review and Revise Placement and Placement Exams
d. Prepare and implement a pilot study of a substantial cohort of students who could
benefit from alternative placement mechanisms and innovations in Basic Skills
Curriculum and Pedagogy.
Responsible Party and Work Group: Anniqua Rana, Chialin Hsieh, Kim Lopez, Maria Huning
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: March 12, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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Student Equity Plan Progress Report 2013-2014
Recommended Initiatives D: Professional Development
D. Conduct Professional Development on Student Equity
The Committee for Student Equity recommends establishing a fund for individual faculty (or small groups of faculty) to
research specific areas of student equity in their programs or courses and to seek ways to innovate in curriculum and
pedagogy to improve Student Equity in their areas. This program could be implemented through the Center for Innovation
and Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Responsible Party and Work Group: Anniqua Rana, David Johnson
Date to Report the Progress to SEC: February 26, 2014
In order to fully accomplish this action step by 2017, what is the plan to accomplish this action step for
2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17?
What have you accomplished for the 2013-2014?
Based on your accomplishment, what percentage is complete to date? (The anticipated % of
accomplishment for each year is 25%. Therefore, 4 years accomplishment reaches 100%.) Please provide
links or documents that support your rating.
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