Safety and Tolerability of bosentan in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: an open label study Andreas Günther1, Beate Enke1, Philipp Markart1, Peter Hammerl1, Harald Morr2, Jürgen Behr4, Gerd Stähler5, Werner Seeger1, Friedrich Grimminger1, Isabelle Leconte3, Sebastien Roux3 and Hossein-Ardeschir Ghofrani1 Online Data Supplement Materials and Methods PATIENTS 12 patients were enrolled into this study at the Medical Clinic of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen between February 2002 and January 2003. The following inclusion criteria needed to be met: diagnosis of IPF according to the ATS / ERJ Consensus Criteria for diagnosis of IPF [E1], 18 years of age, forced vital capacity FVC between 50 and 90% of predicted, decline of FVC values by 10% in the previous year despite steroid/immunosuppressive treatment, diffusion capacity for carbon dioxide (DLco) > 35% or predicted, partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2) > 55mmHg and systolic blood pressure 85mmHg. Major exclusion criteria included pregnancy, breast feeding, underlying severe liver or systemic collagen/vascular disease and current treatment with glibenclamid (glyburide), tacrolimus or cyclosporine A (see table E1). In one patient IPF had been diagnosed on the basis of an open lung biopsy for which an external pathologist had described a Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis (UIP) pattern. The biopsies of this patient were re-evaluated by our local interdisciplinary conference at a time he had already passed by the 3month study period. It was found that the changes seen in the biopsies would rather resemble morphological aspects of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (giant cells, bronchiolocentric distribution) than a usual interstitial pneumonia pattern and the diagnosis was therefore changed retrospectively. STUDY DESIGN This was an open-label; single center, non-comparative study, which consisted of a screening phase (maximum of 2 weeks), a three-part treatment phase (maximum of 12 weeks in total) and an optional extension phase (see figure E1). The planned sample size was 12 patients based on purely empirical considerations. The local ethics committee approved the study and informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to inclusion. Study course Patients were screened for preliminary eligibility prior to start of treatment. After finishing baseline, patients underwent right heart catheterization in combination with multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) on day 1 (first part of treatment), under which first bosentan administration took place. During this right heart catheter the pulmonary vascular responsibility was also assessed by a short term inhalative nitric oxide (NO) run. For this purpose NO inhalation was started with 5ppm and stepwise increased until no further improvement of hemodynamics or gas exchange was encountered, adverse events such as hypoxemia developed or 40ppm were reached. Using this algorithm, ~ 10-15ppm were used in the study subjects. After this NO challenge, patients received a single dose of bosentan for assessment of ventilation/perfusion distribution (VA/Q) and hemodynamics. Patients still eligible for further treatment (see below), received oral bosentan at 62.5mg twice daily during the first week (second part of treatment) and bosentan was up-titrated to 125mg twice daily with the beginning of the second week. Treatment was continued until 12 weeks were completed (third part of treatment), after which patients could enter an extension period. Study parameters After informed consent was obtained, medical history, body weight and concomitant medication were recorded and a physical examination, a 12 lead electrography, a lung function test including assessment of CO diffusion capacity, an exercise test (6min walk) including assessment of Borg scale was performed and quality of life ((EQ-5D [E2] and Mahler questionnaires [E3]), vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate) and oxygen saturation were monitored. The European Quality of Life Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire consists of two elements, a Visual Analogue Scale (EQ5D VAS), in which the patient can draw a line to a point between the best (100%) and the worst (0%) conceivable health condition, and a self classifier, in which the patient is asked to categorize his / her condition in view of “mobility”, “self-care”, “usual activities”, “pain/discomfort” and “anxiety/depression” (each consisting of three categories). Using the Mahler Dyspnea Index the patient is asked to categorize the extend of dyspnea in view of “functional impairement”, “magnitude of task” and “magnitude of effort” (each 5 categories). Blood was withdrawn and analysed for the following compounds: hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes, leucocytes (total), neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, other leucocytes, platelets, red cell distribution width, reticulocytes, prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (PTT), International normalized ratio (INR), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH). In addition serum was obtained at screening and at the end of the 3month study period for analysis of the concentration of Surfactant Protein D. Furthermore, a pregnancy test was conducted, if participating women were in child-bearing age. Invasive testing On the first day, right heart catheterization was undertaken, employing a Swan Ganz Catheter [E4] (Baxter Health care, Irvine, California) and conventional thermodilution technique [E5]. Moreover, ventilation-perfusion matching was assessed using the multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) as previously described [E6]. Patients remained in bed and thus at rest during the entire testing procedure. Parameters obtained by these techniques included: cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR, calculated as follows: PVR (dyn/sec/cm5) = (mean PAP – PCWP) x 80 cardiac output), systemic arterial resistance (SAR), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), heart rate (HR), mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP), mean systemic arterial pressure (MSAP), oxygen saturation (O2-Sat), minute ventilation (MV), pulmonary shunt flow, perfusion of low VA/Q, normal VA/Q and high VA/Q areas (in % of total perfusion), arterial blood gas analysis including paO2, paCO2, pH, BE. Treatment phase and extension At day 1 and week 12, body weight, lab tests, vital signs, pulmonary function and oxygen saturation were recorded. On occasion of the last visit in week 12 or at premature withdrawal all measures as detailed for screening and base-line had to be repeated. After completion of week 12, patients could be enrolled into a study extension phase, in which visits were performed every 3months. On these occasions, lung function tests including CO diffusion capacity, a 6minute walk distance, vital parameters and oxygen saturation were assessed. Primary safety endpoint The primary safety endpoint was a combined one, which was assessed at day 1 and at the end of week 2. Bosentan was considered as well tolerated if the following criteria were NOT met: - The arterial PaO2 decreased by > 10% or the cardiac output decreased by > 20% below their respective baseline values (day 1). Prior to amendment 1 an increase in perfusion of low VA/Q areas or shunt flow by more than 20% was defined as criterion, but later omitted in order not to needlessly discontinuate patients who had variable MIGET measurements but no consistent evidence for clinically relevant VA/Q mismatch. - The minute ventilation increased by > 20% from the baseline value (within first 2 weeks). - The oxygen saturation (at rest) decreased by > 5% from the baseline value (within first 2 weeks). Patients who met the mentioned criteria had to be withdrawn from bosentan. If thereafter, a patient had a sustained deterioration in minute ventilation (increase) and/or SaO2 (decrease), study medication had to be temporarily discontinued (4 to 5 days) and the patient’s minute ventilation and SaO2 re-evaluated at a later date. If, as judged from an improvement of minute ventilation or SaO2 after withdrawal of bosentan, the deterioration had to be attributed to the preceding intake of bosentan, the drug had to be permanently discontinued. If no improvement occurred treatment with bosentan could be re-initiated. Secondary endpoints Endpoints assessing additional safety parameters included changes in the MIGET data obtained during right heart catheter testing on day 1 (% shunt perfusion, % perfusion of low VA/Q areas, standard deviation of perfusion and ventilation), changes in minute ventilation, oxygen saturation, heart rate and blood pressure, body weight and incidence of adverse events and serious adverse events (SAE) and laboratory abnormalities. In addition, aspartate and alanine aminotransferase (AST and ALT) had to be closely monitored according to the protocol, which were in line with the guidelines in the summary of product characteristics. Secondary efficacy endpoints Endpoints assessing efficacy included changes in lung function (TLC, VC, FVC, FEV1, RV), CO diffusion capacity, 6-minute walk distance and Borg dyspnea score (exercise capacity) as well as quality of life (measured with the EQ-5D questionnaire and Mahler index). Serum concentration of SP-D as pulmonary fibrosis marker was determined using a sandwich type ELISA system with two monoclonal antibodies (IE11, VI F11-Biotin, BMA, Heidelberg, Germany). Human SP-D standard was prepared as described previously [E7]. Purity was checked by SDS-PAGE and concentration was determined using a commercial assay (BCA, Pierce, Bonn, Germany). Detection of bound antibody was accomplished by sequential incubation with avidin-biotin complex / HRP (DakoCytomation, Hamburg, Germany) and ABTS as substrate. The detection limit ranged at 100 pg SP-D per ml serum. Assays were performed in duplicate for each sample. Statistics: The sample size of 12 patients was based on empirical considerations and on previous publications in the field. Intention to treat analysis was performed. For this purpose, quantitative secondary safety and efficacy endpoints were summarized using location and scale statistics together with 95% confidence limits (CL) for the mean. Qualitative variables were summarized using frequency counts and proportions. Exploratory p-values were provided using the paired signed rank test. Observed p-values were compared to the standard nominal two-sided 0.05 alpha level with no corrections for multiplicity of endpoints due to the exploratory nature of the testing. Demographics, baseline characteristics, and safety data were summarized descriptively, using summary statistics for continuous variables and frequency counts for categorical variables. All parameters were analyzed on a single analysis population including all patients who received any trial treatment. For O2 sat, MV, pulmonary function tests, walk test and Borg scale, missing values at week 12 were replaced by carrying forward the last post-baseline value (“last value carried forward technique”) observed prior to the time point of the missing assessment, an established statistical technique for reduction of nonresponse bias [E8]. For the above-mentioned analyses, patients who died were analyzed assigning at each parameter analyzed the “worst” assessment observed in the study population during the study period. Statistical Analysis System software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used for the analysis of the efficacy and safety data. Narratives for the two patients dying from pneumonia: Two patients died during the regular study course because of pneumonia and these cases are discussed in more depth in the following: The one patient was a 62 year old male with advanced (FVC 48% and DLco 33% of predicted) and accelerated (loss of 0.91 l of FVC within the preceding year) IPF. He also had coronary heart disease. His baseline Mahler functional grade was 1 and the walking distance on the 6 min walk test (6MWT) was 249 m with a grade 4 on the Borg dyspnea index after the 6MWT. His baseline blood gases were normal under Long term oxygen therapy (LTOT), there was no pulmonary hypertension during right heart catheterisation and cardiac index and PCWP were normal. When acutely administered, bosentan 125 mg did not elicit a V/Q mismatch on the MIGET. In detail, shunt flow was 6.1% of total perfusion prior to and 6.7% of total perfusion after bosentan administration. Concomitant medication was LTOT 2l/min, an immunosuppressive therapy consisting of prednisone and azathioprine, molsidomine, isosorbide mononitrate, ipratropium, fenoterol, N-acetyl cysteine and 125 mg b.i.d of bosentan. He was hospitalized suffering from progressive and severe dyspnea on day 32 after enrollment. On the day of admission, CRP values were already increased (26 mg/l). An intravenous antibiotic treatment was started with moxifloxacin 1x1 400mg, oxygen saturation was 49% without nasal O2 and patient still had dyspnea under high doses of nasal O2. Therefore, high flow CPAP was initiated one day after admission. Despite i.v. antibiotics, CRP kept on rising. Application of bosentan was interrupted in the first week after admission, without any significant change in the clinical status of the patient or the laboratory data. Intravenous antibiotic treatment was therefore changed to 1x2g ceftriaxon and 3x600mg clindamycin on day 34 after admission and amphotericin B was started on day 37 day after admission because of candida species proven in sputum samples. On day 38 ceftriaxon/clindamycin treatment was switched to 3x1g meronem, 2x1g vancomycin and 500mg azithromycin p.o. in view of rising CRP values (56mg/l) and progressive bilateral alveolar as well as reticular infiltrates. On day 41 gancyclovir treatment was initiated because of detection of CMV DNA in serum (nested PCR) and a shift in CMV IgM antibodies. No serological sign of an infection with Chlamydia, Legionella or Mycoplasma was obtained. Despite these efforts, the respiratory situation of the patient further worsened and the patient needed to be intubated and mechanically ventilated starting at d9 after admission In response to the onset of mechanical ventilation, CRP was further increased, but gradually declined until day 47 (37mg/l), when the patient started to develop severe sepsis and CRP increased again (peak 109mg/l). Despite high dose steroid and catecholamine treatment the patient got more and more unstable. Dialysis was not possible anymore and the patient died on day 49 due to septic shock. An autopsy was performed in this patient and both, the macroscopic as well as the microscopic examination of the lung strongly suggested severe pneumonia. No other source of sepsis was identified. The other, 58 year old patient also had advanced (FVC 47% and DLco 30% of predicted) and progressive (loss of 1.14l of FVC during the preceding 21months) IPF. This patient already reported of one episode of pneumonia necessitating hospital treatment before participating in the trial. Besides, he also had a gastric ulcer, coxarthrosis and hypercholesterolemia. At screening, his baseline Mahler functional grade was maximal (0) and the walking distance on the 6 min walk test (6MWT) was 260m, with a grade 3 on the Borg dyspnea index after the 6MWT. His baseline blood gas were normal under long term oxygen therapy (LTOT), a moderate pulmonary hypertension (mPAP 30 mmHg) was evident during right heart catheterisation and cardiac index and PCWP were normal. When acutely administered during right heart catheterization, bosentan 125 mg did not elicit a V/Q mismatch on the MIGET. Concomitant medication included LTOT 1l/min, immunosuppressive treatment with prednisolone, atorvastatin, omeprazole, calcium, magnesium, beclometasone, dihydroergotamine, natamycin and 125 mg bid of bosentan. On day 13, the patient reported of colored sputum and increased dyspnoe. Accordingly, CRP was elevated to 32mg/l and, although no infiltrate was seen on chest X-ray, respiratory tract infection was diagnosed. A pharyngeal smear revealed streptococci, and the patient improved under an intravenous, later oral treatment with sultamicillin (3x3g). 4 days after admission the patient was discharged from hospital with reduced greatly CRP values and in improved condition. He was then hospitalized again on day 28 due to now a profound dyspnea and highly elevated CRP values (65mg/l). Bosentan treatment was permanently discontinued 5 days later. The patient was transferred to the ICU due to progressive dyspnea, and a non-invasive CPAP ventilation was started. Despite extensive i.v. antibiotics (imipenem, vancomycin, fluconazole and moxifloxacin), the overall condition of the patient deteriorated progressively. Repetitive specimen obtained from blood, sputum and urine did not forward an identification of a microbial agent. However, in the beginning of this episode, sputum as well as pharyngeal smears forwarded hemolytic streptococci of group G. Infection with Legionella, Chlamydia or Mycoplasma was excluded on the basis or serologic tests. Similarly. CMV DNA was not identified and anti-CMV IgM could not be detected. Regardless of the inability to isolate the responsible pathogen, the clinical course, the radiographic findings (bilateral consolidations) and the course of infection parameters strongly suggested lung infection. CRP rised from 65 mg/l on day 28 to 345 mg/l on day 34. Since the patient had determined in advance that he would never like to receive mechanical ventilation he was not intubated and died from respiratory failure on day 35due to sepsis and multiorgan failure. References E1. American Thoracic Society. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: diagnosis and treatment. International consensus statement. American Thoracic Society (ATS), and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 646-664. E2. EuroQol - a new facility for the measurement of health-related quality of life. Health Policy 1990; 16: 199-208. E3. Mahler DA, Weinberg DH, Wells CK, Feinstein AR. The measurement of dyspnea: contents, interobserver agreement, and physiologic correlates of two new clinical indexes. Chest 1984; 85: 751-758. E4. Ghofrani HA, Wiedemann R, Rose F, Olschewski H, Schermuly RT, Weissmann N, Seeger W, Grimminger F. Combination therapy with oral Sildenafil and inhaled Iloprost for severe Pulmonary Hypertension. 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Table E1: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Signed informed consent prior to any study Interstitial Lung disease due to conditions other than IPF procedure Patients of either sex, aged 18 or older, body Associated Connective Tissue Disorder (e.g. scleroderma) weight > 40 kg History of clinically significant environmental exposure known to cause pulmonary fibrosis Female patients with a high likeliness for not Pulmonary alveolitis being pregnant Systolic blood pressure < 85mmHG IPF diagnosis made from open-lung biopsy or Hemoglobin or hematocrit > 30% below the normal ranges video-assisted thoracic surgery or by clinical diagnosis according to Consensus Statement of ATS / ERS [E1] 50% ≤ FVC ≤ 90% of predicted value Worsening during the past year (at least 10% decline in FVC) DLco > 35% of predicted value Capillary paO2 > 55 mmHg either in absence or presence of nasal oxygen Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) values > 3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN), moderate to severe liver failure Evidence of acute infectious lung disease, HIV infection Taking or planning to take other investigational drugs during the study Taking or planning to take prostanoids (e.g., ilomedine, epoprostenol) during the study Receiving therapy with agents known or likely to interact with study drug (glibenclamide [glyburide], cyclosporine A, and tacrolimus). Previously received bosentan therapy or known hypersensitivity to bosentan Left ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction < 35%) Life expectancy < 6 months Evidence or history of drug or alcohol abuse Mental or physical impairment limiting the ability to comply with study requirements Breast feeding Table E2: Concomitant medication n % SYSTEMIC CORTICOSTEROIDS Total pts with at least one TRT 10 83.3% PREDNISOLONE 7 58.3% PREDNISONE 2 16.7% METHYLPREDNISOLONE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 7 58.3% CALCIUM 4 33.3% MAGNESIUM 3 25.0% POTASSIUM 2 16.7% LEKOVIT CA 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANTACIDS, DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF PEPTIC ULCER AND FLATULENCE Total pts with at least one TRT 4 33.3% OMEPRAZOLE 2 16.7% RANITIDINE 2 16.7% LANSOPRAZOLE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 4 33.3% AZATHIOPRINE 2 16.7% CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE 2 16.7% --------------------------------------------------------SERUM LIPID REDUCING AGENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 4 33.3% ATORVASTATIN 3 25.0% SIMVASTATIN 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------AGENTS ACTING ON THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM Total pts with at least one TRT 3 25.0% IRBESARTAN 2 16.7% VALSARTAN 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANTI-ASTHMATICS Total pts with at least one TRT 3 25.0% IPRATROPIUM 2 16.7% BECLOMETASONE 1 8.3% FENOTEROL 1 8.3% FLUTICASONE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------COUGH AND COLD PREPARATIONS Total pts with at least one TRT 3 25.0% ACETYLCYSTEINE 2 16.7% NOSCAPINE 1 8.3% POTASSIUM IODIDE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------LOW CEILING DIURETICS, THIAZIDES Total pts with at least one TRT 3 25.0% HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE 3 25.0% --------------------------------------------------------VITAMINS Total pts with at least one TRT 3 25.0% COLECALCIFEROL 2 16.7% ERGOCALCIFEROL 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANALGESICS Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% DIHYDROERGOTAMINE 1 8.3% TRAMADOL 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 1 8.3% PHENPROCOUMON 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------- n % BETA BLOCKING AGENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% BISOPROLOL 1 8.3% METOPROLOL 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% NITRENDIPINE 1 8.3% VERAPAMIL 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------DRUGS USED IN DIABETES Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% INSULIN 2 16.7% --------------------------------------------------------DIURETICS Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% FUROSEMIDE 2 16.7% --------------------------------------------------------ORGANIC NITRATES Total pts with at least one TRT 2 16.7% ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 1 8.3% PENTAERITHRITYL TETRANITRATE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANTIGOUT PREPARATIONS Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% ALLOPURINOL 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------ANTIMYCOTICS FOR SYSTEMIC USE Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% FLUCONAZOLE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% BETA-ACETYLDIGOXIN 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF BONE DISEASES Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% CLODRONIC ACID 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------LAXATIVES Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% LACTULOSE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------OTHER VASODILATORS USED IN CARDIAC DISEASES Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% MOLSIDOMINE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------PERIPHERAL VASODILATORS Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% GINKGO BILOBA 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------POTASSIUM SPARING AGENTS Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% TRIAMTERENE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------THYROID THERAPY Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% LEVOTHYROXINE 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------UROLOGICALS Total pts with at least one TRT 1 8.3% URALYT-U 1 8.3% --------------------------------------------------------- TABLE E3: Minute ventilation, oxygen saturation and Quality of Life Minute ventilation [l/min] Oxygen saturation [%] (at rest) EQ-5D Score (full health = 1; death = 0) EQ-5D VAS Scale (best imaginable state = 100% worst imaginable state = 0%) Mahler Dyspnoe Index (dyspnoe rate in 5 grades 0 = severe; 12 – unimpaired) Baseline (n = 11) Week 2 (n = 11) 11.61 (9.04;14.17) 94.45 (92.06;96.85) 12.39 (10.62;14.15) 94.36 (91.92;96.81) Baseline (n = 11) Week 12 (n = 11) 0.553 (0.323;0.783) 47 (31;63) 0.589 (0.435;0.742) 41 (27;54) 4.7 (3.4; 5.9) 4.2 (3.2; 5.3) Study Course HR PVR SVR O2 Sat PCWP CVP MIGET X X X X 125 mg bosentan -2h 0 1h 2h 4h 8h X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X wk12 wk6 X X X NO trial t= d1 X X 125 mg wk2 Lung function X 6 min walk X QOL questionnaires X ECG X Rightheart Cath-MIGET 62,5 mg d0 baseline screening 0 wk1 Figure E1 X X X X