Image-Guided Lumbar Puncture Does Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) Checklist: Residents must demonstrate proficiency with 3 successful Lumbar Punctures prior to performing with indirect supervision (with direct supervision immediately available). Shows How Knows How RESIDENT: ___________________________________________ EXPECTATION: KNOWS KNOWS HOW SHOWS HOW Level: R1 R2 R3 R4 ASSISTS DOES Knows Miller’s Pyramid Medical Knowledge 1. The resident knows (can discuss) image-guided lumbar punctures and their indications/contraindications; knows how to perform the procedure; and shows how to perform the procedure? Yes No N/A Interpersonal & Communication Skills 2. The resident introduces her-/himself to the patient, explains the procedure adequately, answers all patient and family’s questions and obtains informed consent? Yes No N/A Patient Care & Procedural Skill 3. The resident checks pertinent history, exams, and indications? The resident examines the patient prior to prep for appropriate entry site? Yes No N/A 4. The resident performs (does) the procedure in a technically competent manner? Scrubbed? Identify appropriate level? Time out? Local anesthesia? Sterile technique? Obtain fluid safely & ensure proper labeling? Yes No N/A Obtain image with needle? Confirm dressing placement? Enter post-op orders? Medical Knowledge (& Communication Skills) 5. The resident creates an appropriate dictation which includes significant findings and pertinent negatives? Yes No N/A Practiced based learning and improvement 6. The resident selects appropriate additional views or maneuvers to accomplish proper lumbar puncture location? Yes No N/A Systems Based Practice 7. The resident uses principles of ALARA to minimize radiation dose? Yes No N/A Professionalism 8. The resident effectively communicates with patient, technologists and all others present before, during and after the procedure? Yes No N/A The Resident performed the procedure/examination at the following level (circle one): KNOWS KNOWS HOW SHOWS HOW ASSISTS DOES The resident performed this procedure in a competent manner? Yes No (If No is selected, faculty must provide written formative feedback in the box below.) PROVIDE FEEDBACK IN THE BOX BELOW: The Resident has successfully completed 3 Image-Guided Lumbar Punctures and is competent to perform this procedure with indirect supervision (with direct supervision immediately available). Yes No N/A Faculty Signature: ___________________________________________ Faculty Name/Title: __________________________________________ Date________________