I. Call to Order II.

SGA Meeting Minutes 8/2/12
SLC Large Lecture Hall
Call to Order
Executive Board Reports
a. President –Renford Cindass (rcinda@lsuhsc.edu)
i. We are going to start focusing on the website more.
ii. To interest groups: Representative from each interest group has to be present at 75% of the
meetings (we will have 6 this semester, so must be at 5). Each group must have 2 meetings each
semester. Must have annual budget. Must have 15 people paying dues and 10 people on
average present at each meeting. Must have a letter from the faculty advisor confirming that
they will be overseeing the group that year. Documentation of all of these requirements will
need to be sent to the SGA secretary, Caitlin Robinson, by sometime next semester, so stay on
the lookout for her emails and keep good records of all of the above.
1. If a group does not fulfill these requirements, the group will be placed on probation
until they resolve the issue. Each semester the group will have the chance to be
reinstated. However, if the group does not resolve the issue after 1 year, they will no
longer be a part of SGA.
b. Executive VP – Daniel Logsdon (dlogsd@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Update: Student lounge survey had good responses. We put in a tech request for a new TV in
the student lounge. Will be put in and mounted on the wall this week. We will have HDMI cables
to hook up to the computers so we can use them for educational purposes (slideshows, etc).
ii. We are also looking to redo the student lounge since there isn’t enough space, it’s dirty and
outdated, etc. We have a cost estimate and have been talking to the Dean about it. He has been
looking at our proposal and we are waiting to hear back from him. We are trying to put in a new
fridge, 3 new microwaves, new countertops, new furniture, paint it, etc.
iii. Tech committee got new clickers for the L2s that will be able to be passed down from class to
iv. If you have ideas, send your thoughts to Dan or Claude.
c. VP of Community Affairs – Adele Williams (awil26@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Not present
ii. SLE Committee Meeting August 16 at 8:30.
iii. Tiger Run will April 14
d. VP of Social Affairs – Elyse Bevier (ebevie@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Back to School Party!! At Howlin Wolf August 24 from 9-12AM. Still finalizing the band.
ii. Working on the Social page of the SGA website with New Orleans activities
iii. Putting together this year’s Softball for Surgery tournament with Loyola Law School, to be
followed by a mixer with Loyola Law. This will be on October 6.
iv. If you have ideas for social events that could go on the social calendar on website let her know.
e. VP of Student Health – Katherine Pyburn (kpybur@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Splash cards will be given out to L2s soon. It goes on the back of your ID and tells you protocol
for needlesticks in the hospital, splashes, etc.
f. Treasurer – Stephen Carriere (scarr1@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Needs to get the interest group treasurer’s contact info from the presidents.
g. VP of Student Technology – Claude Pirtle (cpirtl@lsuhsc.edu)
i. As Dan said, we got the clickers for the L2 class this year.
ii. Tech committee approved First Consult subscription, which is very expensive, so try to use it.
iii. We are trying to use the website more. If you have any ideas for the website, or tech equipment
for the school that can be used in educational way, email him.
h. Secretary – Caitlin Robinson (crob14@lsuhsc.edu)
i. Not present.
ii. Student Activities Room located by atrium and is where interest groups can store their
materials, boxes. If you need access contact Student Affairs. Make sure you keep this room
clean and label all your boxes before putting them in their designated areas.
iii. No more than 2 interest groups can meet on the same day. Send in your meeting requests at
least 7 days in advance.
iv. Make sure you keep good attendance records.
v. Announcements need to be sent to her by Friday at 5PM.
i. Intramurals Chairs – Holly Martin (hmart1@lsuhsc.edu)
a. Met with proper people to reserve fields for flag football. Starts Sept 16th and goes for 7-8 week.
Playoffs 11/18. Similar plans to last year. Co-ed kickball tournament in the works. Softball (men’s
and co-ed), volleyball all same as last year.
b. Any ideas for intramurals please email her.
j. Yearbook Chair- Robert Oubre (roubre@lsuhsc.edu)
a. L2s the white coat ceremony will be posted to M drive soon.
b. Last year some interest groups didn’t have pics in yearbook so this year try to remember to take
a picture for the yearbook.
k. L4 President – Clark Alsfeld (lalsfe@lsuhsc.edu)
a. Turn in your rec letters, CV, personal statements, characteristics into Student Affairs. And pay
class dues!
l. L3 President – Dan Logsdon (dlogds@lsuhsc.edu)
a. Rotations going smoothly.
b. Pay your dues!
c. Step 1 forum on Thursday Nov 15th at 5PM. Will compile a presentation based on survey we sent
to our class. L3s will be there to answer questions.
m. L2 President – Samantha Baker (sbake4@lsuhsc.edu)
a. White Coat was last weekend and went smoothly.
Office of Student Affairs Update – Dr. D
a. Congrats to the L3 class on their scores! The average and range of scores was very, very similar to last
year’s scores. Average 228 (same as last year). LSU’s 5-year average is a 217. Highest scores this year
were 265. Last year was 268. The top scores this year were 2 females scoring 265 and last year was a
male and female scoring 266/268. Most scores on the failing end were close to passing. Only 2 were
below 180. Key is preparation and practice questions. Dr. D will be present at the meeting and talk
about data from past years. Important to take practice tests because they give you an idea about how
you’re going to do.
b. Thanks to L2s and L3s involved at white coat.
c. Bulk of seniors have turned in their materials to Student Affairs, which were due yesterday. Residency
programs will receive a list of all comments written about you on your clerkships, as well as class
rankings (to be determined later). The office has to compile everything together for October 1 (a month
earlier than in the past).
d. L1 orientation looking great thanks to L2s. New “houses” in SPM groups. 2 SPM groups will be 1 house.
There are 8 houses. About 6 faculty for each house, as well as a house leader. Each faculty will have 3-4
students for which they can serve as mentor for the rest of their med school years. Houses will have
social and academic components. They are named for streets in New Orleans.
e. Professionalism Evaluation Form (PEF) used to alert Student Affairs to professionalism problems that
need attention.
f. Internet Abuse problem: In the past too much bandwidth  get blocked. New vice chancellor is helping
with this problem.
g. Don’t put posters on the walls.
h. Tshirts: “LSU Health Sciences Center” is copyrighted but can use “LSU School of Medicine Interest
Group..” to get around this. Some shirts violate school policy.
i. Cut in funding: could have resulted in losing ~300 residency positions in LA. These positions bring in
money for the schools, hospitals, and programs. Be aware of what is going on! Cuts are coming that may
result in these programs getting their funding removed.
j. Ms. Carolyn Calvin’s mother passed away. The flowers and condolences from SGA and the med school
were appreciated.
k. As interest groups and SGA, it is inappropriate to allow vendors come to talk and provide you with gifts,
like free lunch or dinner.
New Business
a. Formation of Interest Group (must come to interest group week before the vote takes place to talk
about what it is)
i. Vascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery Interest Group
1. Vote will be held next week. 2/3 vote required.
Student Group Announcements
a. There were none.
Future Meetings
a. Next Meeting = August 22, 2012
b. New things to discuss at future meeting:
i. August 22
1. Sodexo will be there at next meeting! They run the food here and there are lots of
complaints (ex. no late night options). If you have a complaint for Sodexo, send it to Dan
Logsdon and maybe come to meeting if you want to discuss it.
ii. Sept 12
1. New hospital: Woman on head nursing staff on new hospital will come in. He wants to
put gym in at the new hospital. Many hospitals have them these days. It’s our
opportunity to put our input into the new hospital.
iii. Oct 3
1. Class Officer Election (mostly for L1s): The L1s will talk to Samantha and ask about
positions etc.
iv. Nov 8
1. Personal budgeting: will discuss/educate on how best to budget as med students.
v. Dec 5
1. Christmas party