LSUHSC-SOM Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes December 8, 2011 Opening: The regular meeting of the LSUHSC-SOM Faculty Assembly was called to order at 4:00 p.m. on December 8, 2011 in Room 7 on the 6th floor of the Lions Building. In Attendance: Present: Ali, Murtuza; Bagby, Gregory; Cormier, Stephania; Engel, Lee; Erny, Eirinn; Foster, Tim; Gutierrez, Amy; Happel, Kyle; Hollenbach, Andrew; Holman, Stacey; Howes, Richard; Kantrow, Stephen; Levitzky, Mike; Lo-Blais, Betty; McDermott, Diana; Neumann, Donna; Winsauer, Peter Absent: Boulmay, Brian; Breslin, Jerome; Hunt, John; Kapusta, Dan Proxies: Donna Neumann for Andrew Catling; Andrew Hollenbach for Judy Crabtree, Peter Winsauer for Robin McGoey; Murtuza Ali for Jennifer Avegano; Stephania Cormier for Stephen Brierre; Kyle Happel for Stephen Kantrow; for Timothy Foster for Joy Sturtevant. Non-Delegate Faculty Present: N/A 3. Approval of Minutes for November Minutes approved unanimously. 4. Reports a. Executive Board – Greg Bagby. Search for chair is moving forward after 3 candidates have made first visits and second visits are being planned. The Dean was informed of our recommendation to the Faculty Senate to discuss tenure and the tenure clock. The Dean updated us on the medical educations programs being planned in Lafayette and Baton Rouge. b. SOM Administrative Council – Dr. Andrew Hollenbach. The new clinical building on St. Charles will be refurbished to include 30% more office space. Recipients of the LSUHSCSOM Alumni Awards have been identified and awards will be given out in the near future. c. Senate Report – Dr. Mike Levitzky. An active search for a new Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance is being conducted and the position is being advertised in the Times Picayune and on LSUHSC website. LSUHSC-NO has a Text Message Alert System (TMAS) to advise faculty, staff, and students about emergency matters. Everyone was and is encouraged to sign up for these alerts, yet it is unclear who and under what circumstances messages will be sent through TMAS. The Executive Board of the Senate plans to meet with Dr. Hollier to address these questions. Page 1 of 3 d. 5. SOM Newsletter report (The Pulse) – Dr. Andrew Hollenbach. The Pulse moved to Dr. Letourneau for approval and should be out before Christmas. Old business/Discussion items a. Department Head evaluations – Dr. Peter Winsauer. Peter met with Dr. Ann Tilton, who has been working to develop this evaluation using survey monkey. Currently, there is a fairly complete survey developed that includes 34 questions. Peter had several questions for the assembly to discuss including: 1) what level of anonymity should be provided to encourage participation from faculty?; 2) who should receive the results from the survey?; 3) should only aggregate information be sent to the Dean? A great deal of discussion followed and several things were decided. Do not include open ended questions. Most people comfortable filling out the survey without regard to rank. Similar to the Faculty Forward Survey, when anonymity could be compromised (e.g., due to small size of faculty), then responses should be aggregated. It became apparent that many of the remote sites have little interaction with department heads and more interaction with section heads; therefore, there needs to be some means or mechanism by which faculty can identify who they are working with at these remote sites, and it seems logical that their evaluations should be of their immediate supervisors and not the department head. Regarding the discussion of who should see the survey responses, the consensus was that the Dean needed to be the primary recipient of the results; however, the results will also need to be shared, in some form, with immediate supervisors and department heads. Section chiefs would be reviewed by clinical faculty that they administer, Department Heads would be reviewed by Section Chiefs that they administer, and the Dean would use information gathered and aggregated through this survey to evaluate his Department Heads. It is foreseeable that this evaluation mechanism could be expanded to cover Center Directors. Peter asked that further insight or thoughts on the evaluation process be emailed to him. One thought put forward on this process was that the staffs of most departments are too small to allow for the evaluation of department heads by staff, although a question on the survey could ask how department heads treated departmental staff. The assembly decided to invite Dr. Tilton to the January meeting to address additional questions regarding the survey. c. 6. FA Awards for 2011-2012 – Dr. Stephania Cormier. A committee was appointed to evaluate nominations for the 2011-2012 FA Awards. Dr. Levitzky volunteered to chair the committee and Drs. Lee, Ali and Happel agreed to be members of the committee. Stephania is currently receiving nominations and will forward all nominations to the committee. A reminder for nominations is to be resent to all faculty when we return from Holiday break. New business/Announcements a. The FA website needs to be updated and it was suggested that “Obituaries” and “Faculty Survey” in the left hand menu be replaced with “Actions and Announcements”. This new menu item would contain information pertinent to the faculty with most recent items at the top of the page. Information would include obituaries (to include Page 2 of 3 b. links to the Times-Picayune) and items like the FA survey, Links would be to on campus sites such as SOM calendars and off campus sites such as the LSU Faculty Senate. Dr. Gutierrez suggested that we webcast or web archive “high” level seminars and grand rounds to remote campuses. Of course, we would have to obtain copyright permission. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m. by Dr. Greg Bagby. The next general meeting will be at 4:00 pm on January 5th in Conference Room 7 on the 6th floor of the Lions Building. Minutes submitted by: Approved by: Stephania A. Cormier [Type name here] Page 3 of 3