LSUHSC-SOM Faculty Assembly Meeting Minutes February 6, 2014 Opening: The regular meeting of the LSUHSC-SOM Faculty Assembly was called to order at 4:03PM in Room 7 of the Lions Building by Dr. Mike Levitzky Present: Ali, M; Boulmay, B; Campeau, L; Conrad, E; Crabtree, J; Dawkins, R; Delacroix, S; English, R; Foster, T; Happel, K; Harrison-Bernard, L; Hebert, C; Holman, S; Hunt, J; Kamboj, S; Kapusta, D; Lazartigues, E; Levitzky, M; McGoey, R; Mussell, J; Neumann, D; Quayle, A; Spieler, B; Thien, D; Welsh, D; Winsauer, P Absent: Avegno, J; Cestia, W; Jagneaux, T Proxies: Crabtree, J for Hollenbach, A 1. Approval of the minutes from December meeting: Dr. Kamboj moved to approve minutes for January and was seconded by Dr. Lazartigues. Motion was approved unanimously 2. Invited Speaker: Mr. Thomas Rish, Facility Planning and Control Mr. Rish is a registered architect and project manager of the new University Medical Center (UMC). He presented a brief PowerPoint slideshow of the history of the UMC project from Katrina to the land acquisition to the architectural rendering to the current state of construction of the UMC. The presentation (minus the 2 videos) is available in .pdf form on the Faculty Assembly webpage: %20Presentation.pdf Some key points: o Archeological remains from the site (dating back to early 1800’s, i.e. time of settlement of New Orleans) may be displayed in UMC o The 911 hub remains on the UMC site due to cost prohibition of moving o No final decision on the renovated McDonough School 1. Currently owned by state of LA o The entire first floor can be sacrificed in case of a Katrina-type emergency 1. Emergency vehicles are able to come off I-10 directly onto 2nd floor of UMC 2. Hospital will maintain a reservoir of potable water and generator fuel for 7 days operating at full capacity Page 1 of 5 o There will be street car line access and new Veterans Administration Hospital access o Oncology building will have a separate parking lot for easier patient ingress and egress 3. Reports: Executive council meeting with Dean Nelson held on 1.30.14 o Mr. K. Schroth and Mr. Lousteau were also in attendance o Concern over electronic time sheets were brought to the executive council due to cumbersome design and inconsistent application among departments o Concerns were conveyed to Dean Nelson, Mr. Schroth, and Mr. Lousteau along with a request for background information, improved communication about why this is important, concise and similar instructions for all departments 1. Background: An audit nearly 2 years ago forced the medical school to look closely at whether we were fulfilling our contracts as providers because the audit showed us losing money; since then PM 69 requires that we monitor activity of providers within the departments and private partners are also requiring that we ensure that our contract obligations are held up. At this time, they are not requesting this info for each provider but we want to have the correct data if that was to happen. a. Resident supervision is tied into both contract for faculty and by resident schedules in RESTRACK and the ratio of House officers to faculty is defined by the ACGME 2. Business managers were allowed to create templates that were specific to the design of each department in an effort to optimize the data collection process a. Overall goals are not being achieved 3. This is an internal data collection and is only used by the medical school. It is not given to the hospitals and is not punitive. It is only for an internal control for each department and allows the CFO (Keith) to make sure that we all get paid and don’t lose money for the school 4. All contracts should really be tallied by the hour and some specific contracts may ask for 15 minute increments – that is designated by the departments 5. It is critically important that all faculty complete monthly time sheets within 10 days of the end of each month. If this doesn’t happen, payments to the school can be delayed. Page 2 of 5 o As we all know the hospitals are looking for LSU docs to be more productive. This information allows us to prove that if we are asked for it. It is a measure by which we are held accountable to be in the right place at the right time based on contracts and dept. expectations o A request was made to Mr. Keith Schroth to set up informational meetings with the business managers to review the goals for this process which will hopefully increase communication to every dept. In addition, the actual document will be streamlined to include only what is necessary (i.e. St. Charles and private practice work is not needed on this) o The Dean is meeting regularly with LCMC administration and seemed more positive about the ongoing partnership and our presence in the new hospital 1. As long as Tulane is keeping the downtown campus open, LSU should have more ability to provide service in the new UMC. o The VA, having passed the exclusion to allow faculty to provide service there (passed 7/2013), is still not clear on who will be providing services 1. Dean Nelson is meeting with them on Friday. o After a review of the timesheets and departmental summaries provided, it appears that only 6-7% of the clinical faculty were considered to have productivity concerns. This includes 382 clinic full-time faculty. This information was shown to Opelka and the President to reinforce the idea that LSU is in fact productive in patient care. o LCMC is creating a Strategic Planning Committee that will look at how we can begin plans for the new hospital transition. Areas of review will include: the actual move logistics, revenue stream, accountability and productivity monitoring, and program outlay for each department. This is expected to take place in the next couple of months. o Chair Searches: 1. Family Medicine – almost have a final decision 2. Ortho – advertising is in progress 3. Genetics – ongoing 4. Pulmonary – Dr. Mason has been named 5. Director of Translational Research is also an ongoing process Administrative Council Meeting Page 3 of 5 o Dr. Fred Cerise will be leaving to become CEO of Parkland in 1 – 2 months o New Faculty Orientation will be 3.12.14 1. In afternoon only o Curriculum renewal will be meeting with the various basic science departments 1. Proposed curricular changes will require more teaching commitments o Dr. Letourneau announced new policies on international travel 1. Individuals need approval to travel before submitting abstracts a. Department/Center Head will review and is empowered to make decision on travel o Annual department reports 1. Some are late 2. Will be combined with Department Head Survey then Dean Nelson will meet with each department head o New LCMC By-Laws 1. 2.16.14 revised by-laws will be presented a. Dean is incompletely satisfied with: i. Conflict management and resolution ii. Wavier of Faculty appointment 1) Wavier is granted by LCMC 2) Effectively creates an open medical staff at the new hospital 2. LCMC has heard the complaints raised by LSU administration and dismissed them 3. Assembly members questioned who at the state level is in charge of the state’s interest in the new hospital 4. Further indication that LCMC does not value faculty input was evident when UMC developed a strategic planning committee without LSU representation a. Dean Nelson tasked Dr. Letourneau with starting strategic planning groups of our own to begin programmatic development as if they do report to UMC in the hope we will be asked to join in the future o Bogalusa Medical Center is now under partnered with Our Lady of the Lake 1. Called Our Lady of the Angels Hospital Faculty Senate Report o Marie Cole invited to discuss change in benefits provider from Cigna to WebTPA (Aetna) Page 4 of 5 o Senate is investigating facilities concerns across the LSUHSC schools The Pulse o Editted and ready for final changes Baton Rouge o No report Lafayette o No report 4. Old Business: None discussed 5. New Business/Announcements: Assembly will follow up on time sheet issues within one month o If not billable, it doesn’t need to be tracked o Concerns were raised this time sheets are being used as faculty productivity tracking tool 1. Assembly members raised concerns over accuracy of data and ethical implications of inaccuracies 6. Adjournment: J Crabtree moved to adjourn and was seconded by S Holman. Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 by Dr. Mike Levitzky Minutes submitted by: Jason C Mussell Page 5 of 5