Featured Faculty Award for Teaching Nomination Cover Sheet- LEARNS(s), Learning Essentials and Reflecting, Navigating Student Success involves evidence of student learning. Consider LEARNS(s) when writing the nomination. Please enter information in the grey fields provided. Nominee Information Full Name and rank: Last First School/College Department Years at IPFW: Office Phone: Email: Nominator Information Full Name Last First School/College Office Phone: Department Email: Nomination Summary max 250 words, times new roman, 12 pt. font 1 IPFW Featured Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence Please refer to the purpose criteria for the award as you complete your application. Type your responses in the grey fields provided underneath each header. TEACHING/INSTRUCTIONAL Reflections on Your Teaching Effectiveness Reflect on your growth as a teacher and how you improved your teaching effectiveness. Discuss how you contributed to student success and improved learning outcomes. How did you assess student success and improved learning outcomes? Example of Teaching Effectiveness Provide an example of what you believe exemplifies your teaching effectiveness that lead to improvement in student outcomes. You may provide a link to a URL or to the media vault if desired. Your example may or may not include technology. TEACHING Credit Courses Taught List all courses taught at IPFW starting with the most recent academic session in a table using the headings listed below. Limit courses to the last three years. Academic Session Course Prefix and Number Course Title 2 Contact Hours Enrollment Peer Comments on Credit and Noncredit Teaching Please include a summary of a minimum of 2 peer reviews completed by either a CELT or FACET member. Provide the names of the reviewers. Reflect on your results and determine what changes can be made to enhance your teaching, i.e. work with CELT or a mentor. Contributions to Course and Curriculum Development Publications and Productions Related to Teaching Unpublished Work Related to Teaching Student Research Direction Grants for Teaching Improvement and Outcomes Student Academic Advising Reflections on Teaching Evaluations Consider what you believe are important take-aways from student evaluations. Please include some information about how you responded to student feedback to modify and improve your teaching. Share commentary themes that arise in the evaluations instead of individual quotes (i.e. students commented that I was knowledgeable, caring and attentive to questions and feedback from students both inside and outside of class). Student Evaluations of Credit Courses and Noncredit Courses 3 Consider what you believe are important take-aways from student evaluations. Please include some information about how you responded to student feedback to modify and improve your teaching. Share commentary themes that arise in the evaluations; do not include individual quotes. Choose 5 questions from the evaluation instrument used in your discipline that illustrate your teaching effectiveness. Please give values to your evaluation scale. For example, “5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest.” Aggregate, analyze, and reflect upon the data. Evaluation Questions: Please include questions in the boxes provided below. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Enter courses taught in the columns below. Using the questions provided above, please list the mean score for each question from the evaluations for that particular course. Please limit to ten courses. Course Information Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 *Insert Course Name, *Please *mean *mean *mean *mean Number, semester it was indicate score score score score taught (i.e., fall 2014), and the mean year it was taught in the score (i.e., columns below 4.5) for Q1 below 4 Institutes, Workshops, Conferences, Expositions, and Other Programs Attended Please include attendance from the last 3 years. PROFESSIONAL Teaching Awards Other Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness 5