Department of Professional Studies
Approved April 25, 2007
Department of Professional Studies Policy Handbook
Table of Contents
Administrative Structure
a. Chair………………………………………………………………….... 3
i. Procedures for the Appointment of Department Chair………. 3
b. Program Director………………………………………………………. 4
c. Coordinator…………………………………………………………….. 5
d. Faculty Meetings………………………………………………………. 5
e. Voting Members……………………………………………………….. 5
Faculty Committees……………………………………………………………... 6
a. Procedures……………………………………………………………... 6
b. Faculty Affairs Committee…………………………………………….. 6
c. Academic Affairs Committee………………………………………… 7
d. Student Affairs Committee…………………………………………….. 7
e. Ad Hoc Committees……………………………………………………. 7
Faculty Review…………………………………………………………………... 8
a. Promotion & Tenure……………………………………………………. 8
i. Procedures
ii. Criteria
b. Annual Review and Salary Increment Recommendation………………. 10
c. Annual Peer Review Committee………………………………………... 11
d. Third Year Review Policy and Procedure……………………………… 11
e. Merit Evaluation Criteria……………………………………………….. 12
f. Sabbatical Leave Policy…………………………………………………
Faculty …………………………………………………………………………… 13
a. Tenure Track Faculty Search Process ………………………………….. 13
b. Limited-Term Lecturers, Continuing Lecturers, Clinical Faculty……… 13
c. Grievance Procedures…………………………………………………… 15
a. Staff Assignment Policy………………………………………………... 15
i. Teaching Load………………………………………………… 15
ii. Teaching Assignments………………………………………… 15
iii. Reassigned Time………………………………………………. 16
iv. Workload Responsibilities of the Department Chair………….. 17
b. Faculty Absence from Scheduled Classes……………………………… 17
c. Syllabi…………………………………………………...……………… 17
d. Faculty Schedules and Office Hours……………………………………. 17
The Student
a. Advising………………………………………………………………… 18
b. Grades……………………………………………...…………………… 18
c. Cheating, Plagiarism, Grade Appeals…………………..……………… 18
a. University Travel……………………………………………………….. 18
a. OAA Memorandum 05-3 Authority & Responsibilities of Chair
This document will be subject to amendment by a majority vote of a quorum of the voting
Department of Professional Studies faculty. Most recent approval: April 25, 2007.
1.1 Chair: (re)appointed by the Dean of the School of Education on the recommendation of the
department's faculty. The timeframe of the appointment is determined by the VCAA. The
chair will receive anonymous, informative, written feedback from the faculty annually,
this evaluation is conducted by the department Faculty Affairs Committee.
The department faculty endorse the VCAA Office of Academic Affairs Memorandum
05-3, dated January 2006, outlining the authority and responsibilities of the department
chair. This memorandum is located in the appendices.
In addition, the chair is to:
1. To serve on the SOE Dean’s Cabinet.
2. To serve on the SOE Dean’s Council.
3. To participate on the SOE Community Advisory Council
1.1.2 Procedures for the Appointment of a Department Chair
The department Faculty Affairs Committee initiates the following procedures in the first
week of February of the fiscal year of which the department chair's term expires (based
on the contract issued by the VCAA), or at the resignation of the chair. Reappointment of Incumbent Chair
1. The committee obtains a written statement indicating the incumbent's
willingness to serve for another term.
2. If the incumbent indicates willingness to serve, the committee circulates
his/her statement to the full-time faculty along with a mail ballot on the
question, containing the simple alternatives YES and NO.
3. If a simple majority of those eligible to vote, vote to reappoint the incumbent,
the committee informs the dean of the SOE that the department recommends
the incumbent's reappointment. If the vote is tied, the tie is reported.
4. If the person recommended is unacceptable to the administration, the
committee initiates the procedures below for appointment of a new chair. Appointment of a New Chair
1. The Faculty Affairs Committee implements these procedures if (1) the
incumbent chair succumbs, resigns, or is unwilling to serve an additional
term; (2) the incumbent's reappointment is not recommended by a simple
majority of the department; or (3) the reappointment of the incumbent is
denied by the dean.
2. The committee asks the tenured members of the voting faculty if they are
willing to serve as chair.
3. Having established a list of those willing to serve as chair, the committee
prepares a mail ballot on which each voting faculty member has the
opportunity to nominate up to three names from the list.
4. The final candidates for chair are the larger of the following two groups: the
three persons receiving the most nominations or all persons receiving
nominations from one-third of those faculty voting.
5. The committee arranges an interview with each final candidate at a time and
place convenient to the faculty.
6. Using campus mail ballots, the committee conducts balloting (including runoffs) to result in one candidate's receiving a majority of the votes of those
eligible to vote. Ballots shall include the option "None of the Above." Ballots
will be tallied by a committee member who is not a candidate.
7. The committee notifies the faculty of the recommendation.
8. The committee forwards the name of this candidate to the dean.
If the administration finds this candidate unacceptable, steps 6, 7, and 8 are
reiterated with this candidate's name eliminated.
1.2 Program Directors: Appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, the chair of the
Department of Professional Studies. General guidelines for appointment of
program directors will involve the expertise, background, respective teaching
loads of the individual faculty, and recommendation of the program faculty.
1.2.1 Designated program areas are:
Counselor Education
Educational Leadership
Special Education
1.2.2 Duties of Program Directors:
Recommend to the chair the scheduling of courses.
Recommend to the chair actions involving associate faculty in the area.
Supporting and monitoring the work of associate faculty members.
Supervise the area syllabi and curriculum.
Recommend to chair issues involving courses and instructors in the area.
Oversee program student handbooks, updates and revisions.
Supervise the maintenance of the unit assessment system and create output
reports from the UAS related to the area.
Coordinate relevant accreditation processes.
1.2.3 Compensation: (see Reassigned Time 5.1.3)
1.3 Coordinators: Appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, the respective program director.
A faculty member may serve as coordinator of more than one area. General guidelines for
appointment of coordinators will involve the expertise, background, respective teaching
loads of the individual faculty, and recommendation of the program faculty.
1.3.1 Designated areas for program coordinators are determined by the internal needs of
each program, with approval by the program director. The purpose of this position is to
provide leadership to a designated activity or program need.
1.3.2 Duties of Coordinators:
To provide leadership to the area.
To be a central contact point for inquires and student needs pertaining to the area.
To work with the program director in the scheduling of teaching times.
Supporting and monitoring the work of associate faculty members.
Supervise the area curriculum in relation to licensing standards and accreditation
6. Provide data and coordination of the UAS as requested by the program director or
7. Coordinate with relevant accreditation processes.
1.3.3 Compensation:
1. Coordinators’ duties are viewed as service to the program or department and are
typically not provided with release time for their administrative duties. However,
if workloads become prohibitive to the faculty member’s ability to accomplish
his/her teaching and research obligations (such as during an accreditation review),
release time may be granted at the discretion of the chair and dependent on the
availability of departmental funds (see Reassigned Time 5.1.3).
2. Depending on the coordinator’s workload, merit pay may be recognized in the
“excellence” service category in acknowledgment of the extraordinary effort of
the faculty member.
1.4 Faculty Meetings.
May be called by:
The chair of the department
A standing faculty committee
A majority of the voting faculty
In the absence of the department chair, or upon the request of a majority of
the voting faculty, the chair of the department Faculty Affairs Committee
may serve as presider.
1.5 Voting members of the faculty consist of all full-time faculty, including clinical faculty
members, with the following exception: in decisions pertaining specifically to tenuretrack faculty positions, only tenure-track faculty may vote.
The standing committees of the department are tasked with handing faculty, student, and
curricular matters specific to the Department of Professional Studies. In situations where issues
would impact the SOE as a whole, or programs in the Department of Educational Studies (ES),
the respective department committee will work in conjunction with the appropriate SOE or ES
committee or program.
2.1 Procedures:
2.1.1 Faculty committees must be convened in the first two weeks of the Fall semester
by the member whose name appears first in the alphabet in order to elect a chair. The
name of the chair of the committee is to be reported to the department chair and to all
department faculty.
2.1.2 Votes will be made by motion and the vote recorded.
2.1.3 Decisions require a majority of the committee members.
2.1.4 Minutes are to be forwarded to the faculty, with notice of the next scheduled
meeting time.
2.1.5 Decisions will be recommended to the voting faculty. Approval by the faculty will
also be by simple majority.
2.1.6 Faculty must see any documents to be voted upon one week prior to the faculty
meeting. Absentee ballots will be allowed for any faculty not present at the meeting.
2.1.7 Recommendations other than those acted upon by a committee may be brought
forward at a faculty meeting by other faculty.
2.1.8 Concerns of other faculty may be presented to a committee as follows:
By a written statement given to a committee member.
By personal attendance with a verbal presentation. The faculty member is to
inform a committee chair 3 working days in advance of the meeting of the intent
to appear.
2.2 Faculty Affairs Committee
2.2.1 Membership: Three full-time faculty, elected for staggered three-year terms. The
department chair serves ex-officio, without vote. The committee may meet in closed
session without the department chair.
2.2.2 Chair: Elected by the committee at the first meeting. The chair of this committee
will serve as presider for department faculty meetings in the absence of the department
2.2.3 Responsibilities:
To conduct elections for department and university committees;
Advise the department and the department chair on other matters concerning
faculty welfare and development.
Annually review governance, merit, and promotion and tenure documents,
revising as necessary (for vote by the full faculty).
2.3 Academic Affairs Committee
2.3.1 Membership: Three faculty, at least two of whom must be full-time, elected for
staggered three-year terms. The department chair serves ex-officio, without vote.
2.3.2 Chair: Elected by the committee at the first meeting.
2.3.3 Responsibilities:
Review and recommend new course and program requests and modifications for
vote by the full departmental faculty.
Oversee bulletin revisions.
Update curriculum check-sheets to correspond with current degree requirements.
Establish and oversee forms and procedures for transfer students.
Recommend on any other matters pertaining to curriculum.
2.4 Student Affairs Committee
2.4.1 Membership: Three faculty, at least two of whom must be full-time, elected for
staggered three-year terms.
2.4.2 Chair: Elected by the committee at the first meeting.
2.4.3 Responsibilities:
Select and oversee ad hoc committees to deal with student issues involving
department policies and make recommendations to the chair and/or the faculty.
Create and implement strategies for increasing student enrollment and retention.
2.5 Ad Hoc Committees
The chair may organize ad hoc committees for the purpose of pursuing specific tasks in
the department, such as faculty research, technological applications, the promotion of
scholarship, grant applications, space utilization, fund raising, or the pursuit of new areas
of certification. No ad hoc committee shall supplant any of the three permanent faculty
standing committees duties. The standing committees are Faculty Affairs, Academic
Affairs, and Student Affairs.
3.1 Promotion and Tenure
3.1.1 Procedure
Procedures for promotion and tenure follow the following timeline, as adopted from the
SOE procedures. The promotion and tenure process advances through the following assessment points
by the recommended dates listed in the text below:
a. Department P&T Committee
b. Department Chair
c. SOE P&T Committee
d. SOE Dean
e. IPFW P&T Committee
g. Chancellor The Candidate for promotion and/or tenure should notify the department chair of
their intent early enough to allow the case to be submitted to the Department of
Professional Studies by September 15. Candidates are encouraged to begin preparing
their case and seeking external letters of review during the spring semester prior to the
submission of the case in the fall. The department chair will convene a departmental meeting to form a P&T
Committee consisting of all tenured faculty members. The department chair will
participate as an ex officio member, but may not vote. If, by established departmental
criteria, fewer than three persons are eligible to serve on either departmental committee,
the department shall submit to the dean the names of faculty members from other
departments who it deems suitable to serve on the concerned departmental committee.
From the list, the dean shall appoint enough Faculty members to bring the committee to
three. The Department P&T Committee will elect a chair of the P&T Committee to preside
over the P&T meeting, conduct necessary votes, and report the vote,1 as well as a letter of
explanation approved by the whole committee explaining it, to the department chair. The
letter and vote should be forwarded to the chair by October 1. The department chair will write a separate evaluation of the candidate. The chair’s
evaluation, along with the Department P&T Committee’s vote and letter of explanation,
will be forwarded to the SOE P&T Committee by October 15.
According to Senate Document 88-13, Procedures for Promotion and Tenure, 2.3, “The deliberations of
committees at all levels shall be strictly confidential, and only the chair may communicate a committee’s decision to
the candidate and to the next level. Within the confidential discussions of the committees, each member’s vote on a
case shall be openly declared.” Abstention votes are not allowed.
8 The SOE P&T Committee shall consist of three tenured members from Educational
Studies and three tenured members from Professional Studies, all elected by the SOE
faculty as a whole. The Faculty Affairs Committee will conduct the election process.
Prospective P&T Committee members may be nominated by others or by themselves. If
by established criteria, fewer than three persons from each department are eligible to
serve on the SOE P&T committee, the respective department(s) shall submit to the dean
the names of the Faculty members from other departments whom it deems suitable to
represent the department by serving on the SOE P&T committee. From the list, the dean
shall appoint enough Faculty members to bring the respective department’s members on
the SOE P&T committee to three. The SOE P&T Committee shall review P&T cases, solicit input from the rest of the
tenured and tenure-track faculty, and vote on the case(s). The vote, plus a letter of
explanation written by the SOE P&T Committee, will be forwarded to the Dean of the
SOE, along with the letter of the department chair, and the vote and letter of the
Department P&T Committee by October 30. The SOE dean will forward an independent evaluation of a P&T case, along with
departmental and school level assessments, to the Campus Promotion and Tenure Sub
Committee before November 12.
3.1.2 P&T Criteria
See promotion and tenure document dated 4-19-10.
3.2 Annual Review and Salary Increment Recommendation
For reappointment and merit, each year the chair of each department of the School of
Education, completes a written evaluation of each tenured and non-tenured faculty member
in regard to teaching, service and research/creative endeavors. This evaluation should be
perceived by the faculty as being a valuable resource in assisting them to address problems
or achieve goals that both they and the administration consider to be important. The chair’s
evaluation is sent to the dean. The dean writes an independent evaluation for both tenured
(for merit) and tenure-track faculty (for reappointment and merit) after reviewing the
chair’s evaluation along with the faculty member’s annual report. The dean’s evaluation
serves both a formative and summative purpose. The dean’s evaluation provides
suggestions for improving or enhancing faculty performance to aid the faculty member in
developing strengths or overcoming weaknesses.
The dean sends the dean’s and chair’s reappointment evaluations, based on the faculty
member’s annual report, to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Copies of evaluations and other related personnel action forms are forwarded to all faculty
members each year and originals are placed in the confidential personnel file of the faculty
member. This confidential file is maintained in the School of Education office.
Timeline for Reappointment and Annual Reviews
Specific dates will be announced each year depending on the calendar and university
requirements. Note that for the first two reappointments, the reappointment and Annual Review
for merit occur at two separate times. From the third reappointment through promotion and
tenure, reappointment and merit review occur at the same point with the same document. The
following are general guidelines for the Annual Review.
The peer review committee should be selected by the faculty member to be reviewed by
the second week of January.
The Annual Review should be submitted to the peer review committee by the end of
The Annual Review and peer review are due to the chair by the second Friday in
February (the peer review is optional, except for the official third-year review).
First-year reappointment is due to the chair November 1st of the first semester (note: the
Annual Review for merit is separate and is due in February)
Second-year reappointment is due to the chair by September 15th of the second year (note:
the Annual Review for merit is separate and is due in February)
Third-year reappointment is due to the chair the second Friday in February, in the form of the
Annual Review.
(note: this is three months after the second-year reappointment).
Fourth/Fifth/Sixth-year reappointments are due to the chair the second Friday in February as
the Annual Review.
3.3 Annual Peer Review Committees
3.3.1 Membership:
Members of this committee will be chosen by the faculty member to be reviewed.
At least one member of the committee must be tenured, and a tenured member
must chair the committee.
Up to two members of the committee may be comprised of faculty outside of the
Department of Professional Studies.
The committee should be established by the second week of January.
3.3.2 Chair: To be selected by the faculty member to be reviewed.
3.3.3 Responsibilities:
To conduct annual peer reviews of nontenured faculty.
The report is to take the following format:
 Summaries of teaching, research, and service.
 Evaluative comments on progress toward promotion and tenure.
 Recommendations for the faculty member’s progress toward promotion
and tenure.
The written summative portion is to be submitted by the committee chair to the
other committee members for approval and signature, then presented to the
faculty member being reviewed. The reviewed faculty member may then choose
to submit the peer review with Annual Review to the chair of the department.
An informative verbal review will be presented informally by the chair of the
committee to the reviewed faculty member.
3.4 Third Year Review Policy and Procedures (revised 2/08)
3.4.1 It is the policy of the faculty of the department to conduct a formal third-year review of
assistant professors. This review will take place prior to the faculty member’s third Annual
Review (after 2.5 years of employment), which allows the candidate approximately 2.5 years to
respond to recommendations in the review prior to submitting a case for promotion and tenure. If
the faculty member is officially bringing in years from another institution, when possible, this
review should take place at least two years before P&T. Third year review shall result in a
written recommendation by the peer review committee to the chair of the Professional Studies
department regarding reappointment for the fifth year of the probationary period.
3.4.2 Procedures The faculty member under review selects a committee of three tenure-track
faculty, at least two members must be tenured, two members must be from the
department, and the chair must be a tenured member of the department. The faculty member will prepare a full case with appendices using the
department’s promotion and tenure criteria. This case will cover all information
since being hired at IPFW, previous material should be submitted if the faculty
member is officially brining in years from another institution.
11 Due to the extra work involved in reviewing a third-year review, the case will be
given to the peer review committee by the end of the second week of January (as
compared to the end of January for the regular Annual Review). The committee will review the case according to the department’s promotion and
tenure guidelines. In a detailed summary letter, the committee will:
Report the candidate’s progress toward P&T (a summary of
Provide an evaluation of the faculty member’s likelihood of achieving
tenure at the current rate of production, using the promotion and
tenure language of satisfactory and excellence for each category of
teaching, research and service,
Provide a written recommendation regarding reappointment for the fifth year of
the probationary period.
Provide specific and detailed recommendations for the faculty member to
achieve promotion and tenure, and
Provide a one-year peer review of the most recent calendar year, as
described in the peer review section. The whole committee will meet with the faculty member to review the letter by
the end of the first week of February. The committee will accept changes on the
factual information in the letter, but will not be required to modify their
conclusions or the wording used in the letter. The final letter, signed by all committee members, is forwarded to the faculty
member and department chair prior to the due date for the Annual Review
(second Friday in February). The faculty member may attach a written response to
the committee’s report.
3.5 Merit Evaluation Criteria
Each year, in the fall semester, the department Faculty Affairs Committee will review
and revise the merit criteria document which is suggested for use by the chair and dean in
determining merit raises. This document must be consistent with the departmental P&T
criteria. A copy of the merit criteria is listed in the appendices.
3.6 Professional Studies Department Sabbatical Leave Policy
This policy will serve as the basis of evaluation for applications coming from the Professional
Studies department. IPFW’s mission includes the search for new knowledge, excellent teaching,
and service to the university, profession, and community. In order to maintain and continue the
high level of academic excellence necessary to support this mission, it is important for the
faculty to periodically update and strengthen their professional skills. A sound program of
sabbatical leaves is thus of vital importance to the University in that it provides for this continued
professional growth and new or renewed intellectual achievement through significant study,
research, and writing that cannot easily be done while engaged in the ongoing duties of a faculty
A sabbatical leave is not a leave which a faculty member automatically “earns” by having been
employed for a given period of time. Rather, it is an investment by the University in the
expectation that the sabbatical leave will significantly enhance the faculty member’s capacity to
contribute to the objectives of the University. For this reason, all periods of sabbatical leave
count as full-time service to the University and will be approved only if there is adequate reason
to believe that they will achieve this purpose.
The following should be included in the sabbatical leave application:
1. A statement of goals for the sabbatical.
An outline of the type of evidence that will be used to demonstrate how those goals will
be achieved.
A statement of the proposed use of the applicant’s time during the sabbatical period.
Acceptable activities for the use of time may include:
1. Developing competence in the development of curriculum, delivery systems, or other
pedagogical issues.
2. Research on significant issues and problems, including pedagogical issues.
3. Important creative or descriptive work in one’s discipline.
4. Retraining in new domains of scholarship or creative endeavor in one’s discipline. Such
retraining may be used to enhance one’s scholarship and/or one’s teaching capabilities.
Before being evaluated by the IPFW campus Professional Development Subcommittee,
applications for sabbatical leave will be reviewed by the Chair of the Professional Studies
department to ensure that the applications meet the guidelines specified in this document. The
Chair of the Professional Studies department will forward the application and his or her own
recommendation to the Dean of the School of Education.
The IPFW campus Professional Development Subcommittee is responsible for recommendations
to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs regarding sabbatical leave applications. The Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs makes final decisions regarding sabbatical leave applications.
At the termination of the leave, and not later than six months after returning to campus, the
faculty member must submit a report about the sabbatical leave to the Chair of the Professional
Studies department . The Chair forwards the report to the Dean of the School of Education, who
forwards the report to the Office of Academic Affairs. This report must include the following:
1. How the sabbatical period was used.
2. What outcomes were achieved, and what further outcomes are expected as a result of
the sabbatical project.
All such reports must be included with subsequent sabbatical applications. Information about the
outcome of previous sabbaticals will be used to evaluate subsequent sabbatical applications.
(See the evaluation rubric on the next page)
Professional Studies Department Criteria for Evaluating Sabbatical
Leave Applications
Excellent (2)
Good (1)
Unacceptable (0)
Exceeds the criteria.
Meets the criteria.
Does not meet the criteria.
The description of
activities is logical and
The requested term of
leave is sufficient or
appropriate for the scope of
proposed activities.
The procedures to conduct
the project are fully
The resources are available
to complete the project.
There is likelihood that the
applicant will accomplish
the objectives of the
planned study or
Potential Benefit
Deals with a significant
problem or area as defined
by one’s discipline.
The activity will enhance
abilities in research and/or
The activity involves a
planned and concerted
effort to augment or
develop professional skills.
The activity is consistent
with the mission of the
University, the School of
Education, and the
Professional Studies
The sabbatical leave will
contribute to the
professional and personal
welfare of the faculty
A Sabbatical Leave Application will be approved if it totals ten points or greater.
4.1 Tenure Track Faculty Search Process
4.1.1 When a faculty line becomes open, the chair will request that the departmental
Faculty Affairs Committee form a search committee. The search committee
should be comprised of members the respective program, at least one other
department faculty member outside of the program, and in circumstances where
the FAC feel it is important, faculty from other departments.
4.1.2 The search committee chair should, if possible, be a member of the respective
4.1.3 Working in conjunction with the program director and with approval of the
department chair, the search committee will write a position announcement.
4.1.4 The search committee will then follow established university procedures on
conducting the search.
4.1.5 When the search committee has completed their work, they will submit to the
department chair either a statement of why the search failed, or a statement
supporting their conclusions on the selected candidate.
4.1.6 The chair will review the committee’s recommendation. The chair will write an
independent recommendation of the candidate and forward both documents to the
dean for final approval.
4.1.7 With the approval of the dean the chair will negotiate the initial contract and hire
the candidate.
4.1.8 If the dean does not accept the committee’s recommendation, a meeting will be
held consisting of the committee, chair, and dean to clarify any possible issues. If
the dean then chooses not to hire the recommended candidate, the search
committee may either call a failed search or recommend an alternative candidate
(starting at item 5.1.5 above).
4.2 Limited-Term Lecturers (“associate” or “adjunct” faculty), Continuing Lecturers, &
Clinical Faculty
4.2.1 Identification Limited-Term Lecturers, Continuing Lecturers, and Clinical Faculty are
defined as persons teaching courses for the department who do not hold tenure
track appointment. They possess academic preparation and/or educational
experience comparable to qualifications demanded of resident faculty within the
assigned area of instruction. Limited Term Lecturers are hired on a semester by semester basis to teach
specific courses. These positions are half-time or less. Continuing Lectures and Clinical Faculty are similar titles for full
employees, half-time or more. They are hired for yearly or multi-year periods.
16 Candidates for these positions submit at least three letters of
recommendation from professionals who can attest to the candidate’s professional
competence. The program directors and faculty may suggest names of persons for
teaching specific courses to the department chair. Tenure-track department faculty
must be granted preference over associate faculty when one or more full-time
faculty are available and qualified to teach a particular course, as long as this is
not an overload. The department chair evaluates credentials and letters of recommendation
submitted by candidates for these positions, will consult with faculty within the
assigned area of instruction, and has final approval on their hiring. The chair notifies the Lecturers/Clinical Faculty of the appointment and
the dean’s secretary handles remuneration and paper work required by the
university. Staff for workshops and other academic activities carrying academic credit
are considered for approval at the same time the proposal for the workshop or
activity is submitted for approval.
4.2.2 Assistance to Lecturers/Clinical Faculty The dean’s secretary maintains a file for each Lecturer/Clinical Faculty.
The file includes the letters of recommendation, current syllabi, certification
documents, transcripts, vita, personnel information form, and previous campus
teaching and student evaluation reports. The handbook and/or other pertinent policy information for
Lecturers/Clinical faculty is distributed to through the department chair. The department chair may appoint a faculty member to assist new
Lecturers/Clinical faculty, or may assist him/herself. Assistance may include
syllabi used formerly in courses, special characteristics of the program in which
courses are offered, information concerning clerical assistance, textbook orders,
student evaluation of courses and other matters of interest.
4.2.3 Evaluation Limited-Term Lecturers are evaluated during each semester of
employment. Limited-Term Lecturers use a common student evaluation
instrument distributed through the dean’s office. Continuing Lecturers/Clinical Faculty are evaluated each year in February,
following the Annual Review procedures for tenure-track faculty. Continuing
Lecturers/Clinical Faculty must use student evaluations and multiple methods of
documenting their teaching effectiveness similar to tenure-track faculty. The department chair may schedule a post-evaluation conference with
each Lecturer/Clinical Faculty to discuss his/her performance.
4.2.4 Reappointment The chair may discuss reappointment of Lecturers/Clinical Faculty with other
faculty in the unit before a reappointment is made. Limited-Term Lecturers are reappointed for each semester. Continuing Lecturers and Clinical Faculty may have yearly or multi-year
contracts. Student evaluations are considered as part of the basis for reappointment. A
decision on re-employment is made by the department chair after consulting,
when necessary, with faculty within the assigned area of instruction and the dean.
4.3 Grievances
Grievances amongst faculty or faculty and students will follow the most recent
procedures outlined by the SOE, IPFW, and IU or Purdue University.
5.1 Staff Assignment Policy
5.1.1 Teaching Load Tenured fulltime faculty may choose either Option I (three, three-credit
courses plus .25 FTE of Research/Creative Endeavor per semester, during the
academic year), or Option II (four, three-credit courses with no research release
time per semester, during the academic year) except where defined differently by
School or University policy. Tenured faculty who choose Option I must document their
required research and creative endeavor activities each year. The chair can make determination of Option I or II based on
evidence of productivity in research and scholarly endeavor. Untenured tenure-track fulltime faculty are required to pursue Option I. Non tenure-track fulltime faculty (clinical faculty, continuing lecturers)
have teaching loads of 8 courses per academic year appointments, 10 for fiscal
year appointments.
5.1.2 Teaching Assignments The department will offer its core curriculum classes and all other degree
classes required for graduation on a timely basis.
18 Unless specified otherwise, teaching credit will be based on the number
of student contact hours, with one credit equaling 15 contact hours. Due to their applied nature, practica and internships credits will
be determined by the respective programs based on licensing standards,
professional association standards, accreditation standards, or standards
customary to the field. Student teaching supervision will receive .50 credit per student. Credit for supervising other 0 credit courses or practica will be
assigned based on student contact hours and the above formulas at the
chair’s discretion. No credit will be assigned for Upper Division Examinations. Credit in team-taught courses will be divided proportionally among the
involved faculty. Independent Study
Supervision of independent study courses may be treated as evidence of teaching
excellence; however, under current procedures, it constitutes an uncompensated
overload. For this reason, the department neither encourages nor, in most
instances, discourages supervision of these courses. Application to supervise an
independent study course should be made by means of the departmental form
available for that purpose. Approval by the department Chair is required.
Applications for independent study are expected to contain a detailed, explicit
plan of work. Courses that duplicate regular courses offered in the same or the
next semester are discouraged. Summer Teaching Policy
Summer teaching assignment decisions will be based on program needs, faculty
interest, potential enrollment and available funding. The assignments shall be
made so as to provide equal opportunity for department faculty members to
participate in the summer school program.
5.1.3 Reassigned Time
The chair may grant four kinds of reassigned time: Research and Creative Endeavor
 The normal research course load reduction is .25 FTE.
 Additional course load reductions may be granted by the chair for other
significant research and creative endeavor proposals and funded research. Departmental Program Development, special projects, or significant
professional service (e.g. accreditation reviews). Funded Activity Underwritten by Non-Departmental Budgets, including
research, journal editing, service, extra-departmental teaching, and post-doctoral
education. Discharge of Administrative Responsibilities.
Due to the nature and scope of responsibilities, the following positions may
receive reassigned time for the discharge of administrative responsibilities (job
description guidelines to be on file.)
19 Director of Counselor Education: reassigned time may range
from 3 to 6 credit hours per academic year. Director of Educational Leadership: reassigned time may range
from 3 to 6 credit hours per academic year. Director of Special Education: reassigned time may range from
3 to 6 credit hours per academic year. It is recognized that the policies relating to teaching assignments (section
5.1 above) are guidelines along which the department Chair must exercise
discretion and judgment.
5.1.4 Workload Responsibilities of the Department Chair Department chair will receive .50 FTE administrative time assignment as
determined by the Dean of the SOE. The chair is expected to teach the equivalent
of 9 credit hours during each 12-month fiscal year.
Note: Reassigned time will normally be taken from the teaching load unless requested
otherwise by the faculty member, and will be based upon the availability of additional
resources and personnel to accommodate the reduction. The department chair in
consultation with the faculty member will review the projected teaching load and
determine actual load based upon departmental goals, objectives, and needs, and upon the
weight and nature of special projects or assignments.
5.2 Faculty Absence from Scheduled Classes
5.2.1 Instructors are expected to meet their classes on the day and time and in the room
designated in the Schedule of Classes. If temporary room or time changes are made, they
should be announced in advance both to the students and to the department secretary. The
department Chair should be notified of changes to the published room and time.
5.2.2 From time to time faculty may be away from campus during the academic term for
professional purposes (e.g., presenting a conference paper, service on a system
committee). Since such absences from class are normally known well in advance, faculty
are expected to arrange for a substitute instructor or alternative classroom activity and to
notify the department chair of the arrangements made.
5.2.3 Occasionally, the illness or severe weather may result in an unexpected faculty
absence from class. Under these circumstances, the faculty member should notify the
department chair and the Dean’s secretary. If at all possible, students should be notified
prior to the starting class time.
5.3 Syllabi
Faculty will provide syllabi for all courses (including applied lessons) to students, the
department chair, and the dean. Syllabi should be distributed during the first class
5.4 Faculty Schedules and Office Hours
Faculty will schedule, post and maintain office hours. A copy of each faculty member's
schedule will be provided to the department chair.
6.1 Student Advising
Student advisees, matriculating on degree programs in the department will be assigned by
the respective program directors to appropriate tenured or tenure-track faculty members
for advising on a regular basis. Faculty advisors will be familiar with the university's
academic regulations, with department and school requirements for graduation, and with
certification requirements in their respective areas. Although no faculty load credit is
assigned for advising, it will be noted that time spent in advising is an important element
in a faculty member's instructional responsibilities.
6.2 Grades
Faculty will familiarize themselves with the statements concerning grades and grading
policy in the IPFW Bulletin and the most recent edition of the Indiana University
Academic Handbook.
Grade appeals most frequently occur when the instructor has not clearly stated a grading
policy or has changed the policy during the semester. Faculty will provide students with a
written statement (presumably on the course syllabus) detailing the factors that will
determine their final grades and will treat the statement as a contractual understanding
with the students, to be altered only with their knowledge and agreement.
6.3_Cheating, Plagiarism, Grade Appeal
The Indiana University Academic Handbook and IPFW's own academic regulations (see the
most recent version of Fort Wayne Senate Document SD 89-28--IPFW Code of Student
Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct--and the current IPFW Bulletin) define these terms and
the campus procedures appropriate for dealing with them.
7.1 University Travel
All full-time faculty are eligible for reimbursement of some of the expenses (see
guidelines below) for attending professional conferences. The maximum amounts of
reimbursement are determined annually and are based on the funds for travel available in
the department's budget. When additional money is available, preference will be given to
faculty who are involved in professional activities at the event. Such involvement might
include presenting papers or workshops, performances, or serving as an organizational
7.1.1 Faculty traveling to conferences may be reimbursed for items such as:
registration fees.
7.1.2 If funds are available, associate faculty may be reimbursed for
registration fees.
7.1.4 University regulations govern the amount reimbursable in some categories. Consult
the Dean’s secretary for current regulations.
7.1.5 All faculty who travel to professional meetings or on other university business,
whether or not they request reimbursement, must complete the "Authority to Travel"
form available in the department office. (Completion of this form is necessary to activate
the university's liability coverage for faculty.) This form should be submitted to the
department chair no later than two weeks prior to the commencement of travel.
Office of Academic Affairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Office of Academic Affairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Authority and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
January, 2006
(supersedes No. 98-2)
Page 1
The department chair’s responsibilities are
• to provide leadership on behalf of the department’s teaching, research, and service
• to maintain a collegial and productive work environment, and
• to ensure that the department functions efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with
university policies.
In accordance with relevant policies, the chair makes decisions concerning hiring and
reappointment, staffing and scheduling of courses, faculty and staff work loads and assignments,
student concerns, and departmental resources.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. Leadership
The chair ensures that the department faculty work together to develop the mission, vision,
goals, and objectives of the department and that they use this framework to establish strategic
priorities, in keeping with the campus strategic plan.
The chair provides overall leadership of the department by initiating discussion of needed
changes and supporting appropriate initiatives generated by colleagues in the department.
The chair communicates departmental priorities to the dean and VCAA, as well as
communicating institutional priorities to the department.
The chair is an effective advocate for the department.
2. Management and Administration
The chair fosters a collegial work climate based on open communication, trust, and shared
responsibility for achieving the department’s strategic goals.
Office of AcademicAffairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Authority and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
January, 2006
(supersedes No. 98-2)
Page 2
The chair ensures that productivity and planning reports, and other reports as needed, are
submitted to the dean in a timely fashion.
The chair ensures that needed courses are scheduled and staffed each semester, monitors
enrollments, and makes adjustments to the schedule as needed and appropriate.
The chair manages and monitors the department’s budget, facilities, and equipment and prepares
salary recommendations and requests for new resources as needed to support enrollments and the
department’s strategic priorities.
The chair tracks and signs off on all grant and contract proposals on behalf of the department.
3. Personnel
In consultation with the department’s faculty and the dean, the chair coordinates all personnel
searches for the department, ensuring that appropriate procedures are followed, networking
contacts are made, and diversity/EEO-AA goals are pursued diligently.
The chair ensures that faculty and staff searches are targeted to the needs of the department’s
The chair encourages faculty and staff to take advantage of appropriate professional
development opportunities and rewards demonstrated improvement in performance.
The chair ensures that associate faculty/LTL and graduate assistants receive necessary training
for their teaching responsibilities, that they are integrated into the department in appropriate
ways, that they have access to relevant professional development opportunities, and that their
work is evaluated.
The chair establishes office schedules and work assignments for departmental administrative,
clerical, and service staff.
The chair ensures that all faculty and staff in the department receive written performance reviews
each year, with formative and summative feedback.
The chair serves as mediator in resolving conflicts among employees or between faculty and
4. Promotion and Tenure
The chair ensures that the department’s promotion and tenure documents are consistent with
school and campus policies and criteria, and that departmental criteria for tenure and promotion
Office of Academic Affairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Authority and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
January, 2006
(supersedes No. 98-2)
Page 3
are appropriate to the discipline and to the department’s mission.
“The chair has primary responsibility for explaining the department’s expectations to pre-tenure
faculty and for ensuring that the faculty receive appropriate mentoring assistance. The chair and
mentors must make clear to faculty the level of performance/productivity needed to document
excellence in teaching, research/creative endeavor, and service.” (Guidelines for Reappointment
Review, OAA Memo 04-3).
The chair assists faculty in preparing and implementing a research/creative endeavor plan
appropriate to the faculty member’s rank, length of service, and responsibilities.
The chair supports faculty research/creative endeavor by allowing flexible schedules or other
appropriate accommodations to enable faculty to complete significant projects.
In recommending faculty for reappointment, promotion, and tenure, the chair ensures that
relevant criteria are met and standards upheld.
5. Curriculum and Instruction
The chair ensures that the department’s curricula are current, support the department’s strategic
priorities, meet relevant accreditation or other standards, and are responsive to student demand
and regional need.
The chair establishes, in consultation with the faculty and the dean, departmental priorities for
offering and funding courses and programs by various delivery methods (on-campus, online, at
remote sites, weekend) as needed and as appropriate to the discipline(s).
The chair ensures that faculty are aware of and have access to training in best practices for
teaching the discipline(s) offered, that they have opportunities to participate in peer review and
other formative evaluation of their teaching, and that they are encouraged to reflect on and
document their teaching effectiveness using multiple measures.
The chair ensures that the department’s assessment plan is aligned with the campus assessment
plan, with the department’s mission, and with relevant national or regional standards in the
discipline(s) taught.
The chair ensures that the assessment plan is implemented, findings are reviewed and reported,
and changes made as appropriate.
For programs with external accreditation, the chair ensures that accreditation reports are
submitted as required by the agencies.
Office of AcademicAffairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Authority and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
January, 2006
(supersedes No. 98-2)
Page 4
The chair ensures that periodic program reviews build on annual assessment measures/findings,
are conducted with input from all relevant stakeholders (faculty, students, alumni, etc.), and
completed in a timely manner.
6. Students
The chair ensures that appropriate recruitment and retention practices are followed, that
departmental scholarships (if available) are administered appropriately, and that diversity goals
for recruitment are pursued diligently.
The chair ensures that students are aware of standards that must be met for national exams or
other credentialing, and that they have ready access to information about the department’s
curricula, events, and opportunities for involvement in research/creative endeavor.
The chair ensures that all faculty and staff who advise students have had appropriate training and
receive regular updates on changes relevant to students’ curricula and/or degree completion.
The chair ensures that students have access to appropriate career counseling and information and
that they receive support and guidance as needed for successfully completing licensure exams,
applications for employment or graduate/professional school, and other opportunities.
The chair ensures that all instructional staff are aware of the rights and responsibilities of IPFW
students, as published in the Student Handbook, and that they communicate their expectations to
students proactively, in order to minimize misunderstandings and prevent situations that can
result in grievances.
The chair ensures that the department has appropriate policies and procedures for dealing with
rights violations and student complaints.
In the event of a grievance or grade appeal, the chair advises the student of appropriate
procedures and attempts to resolve the complaint informally.
The chair encourages the establishment of appropriate student clubs or other co-curricular
activities and rewards faculty who support students in these endeavors.
The chair monitors student progress toward graduation and recommends candidates for degrees,
subject to the policies of the school.
7. Community Outreach/Engagement
The chair ensures that the department’s alumni receive appropriate communication on a regular
Office of Academic Affairs Memorandum No. 05-3
Authority and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
January, 2006
(supersedes No. 98-2)
Page 5
The chair ensures that the department is connected to a community advisory board or other
appropriate resources for community involvement and support of the department’s mission.
The chair seeks opportunities for appropriate community partnerships and facilitates
communication concerning the establishment of such partnerships.
The chair ensures that community partnerships are nurtured appropriately.
The chair ensures that the department has current and useful information from potential
employers of the department’s graduates.
8. Terms of Appointment
Chairs are selected by a consultative process involving the department and the dean and serve at
the pleasure of the administration. Normally, the chair is appointed initially for a three-year term
and, given satisfactory performance reviews, for a subsequent five-year term.
Susan B. Hannah
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Merit Criteria