This assignment connects to objectives (1) Ability to plan, implement,... remedial/intervention experiences for one pupil through case study activities; (5)... EDUC K352/ EDUC K536

EDUC K352/ EDUC K536
Case Study Assignment
Fall 2010
This assignment connects to objectives (1) Ability to plan, implement, evaluate, and revise
remedial/intervention experiences for one pupil through case study activities; (5) Knowledge of
planning and implementation of lessons/strategies/interventions to meet students’ individual needs
and goals; and (6) Understanding of relationship between students’ behaviors and learning
Over the next 15 weeks you will work (30 hours) with a student identified as having a learning
disability, mild or moderate mental disability, or emotional disability. This student should be in
grades P-12.
Complete the Case Study assignment which is composed of 5 parts:
(1) Partial Individualized Education Plan (electronic format)
(2) 4 Lesson Plans based on informal pre and post assessments (content of Language Arts, Math,
Science and Social Studies)
(3) Reflection based on CEC Standard #4
(4) Completed Field Experience Log with documented 30 hours (due by final exam)
(5) Class Presentation (Students in K352)
(1) Partial Individualized Education Plan (electronic format) (51 points total)
You will complete an IEP for the target student in an electronic format. This can be with the format
that your school uses or you will use ISTART7 (supported by the state) and I will provide access
You will complete a lesson and write a goal for each of the 4 areas: 1 Language Arts, 1 science, 1
Social Studies and 1 Math content.
Included parts of the IEP: Tabs are with the ISTART7 program
Purpose Tab: ‘Revise or initial’
Edit student Info Tab: Demography as in Student Name (fictional), age, grade (1 pt)
Evaluation Tab: Eligibility area and Present levels (20 pts)
Eligibility Tab: Parent concern and determine eligibility (yes) (7 pts)
Goals Tab: Measurable annual goal in each of the 4 areas aligned with IN State Standard(s) (15 pts)
Provisions Tab: Special Edu., related services, accommodations, AT, timeline, rationale (8 pts)
File Tab: Print Draft
(2) Lesson Plan Format: (32 points each X 4 =128 points)
PRE-ASSESSMENT: Describe the pre-test (6-10 items) that you gave to the student and the results
and how that shaped the lesson. Make sure to include the pre-test with the lesson plan. (3 pts)
TITLE: The title of the lesson (1 pt)
GOAL: What should the student know after the lesson is taught? Indiana State Standard that
addresses the goal. (4 pts)
MATERIALS: Describe the materials you will need to conduct the lesson. (4 pts)
PROCEDURES AND METHODS: Write your procedure and methods. Please make sure you
describe the activity enough so that someone observing you can follow the plan. If you discuss
certain materials used be sure to attach the pages to the lesson plan. (12 pts)
EVALUATION: Discuss your assessment methodology; pre and post test procedures and scores.
Complete an informal assessment with the student for each objective. The post-test should have 610 items and be included with the lesson plan. You will turn in the original student pre and post test
with the lesson plans. (8 pts)
Example of goals and state standards:
Goal: Jason will pronounce 6 sets of 2-letter initial blends (bl, br, cl, cr, fl, fr) and recognize
appropriate words with blends and consonant sounds.
IN Standard 2.1.1 Demonstrate an awareness of the sounds that are made by different
letters by: distinguishing beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words.
rhyming words.
clearly pronouncing blends and vowel sounds.
(3) CEC Reflection due with Language Arts or Social Studies or Math or Science Lesson plan.
(5) Students in EDUC K352 Presentation (25 points)
Choose 1 lesson plan to present (LA or math or SS or science)
You will prepare either overheads or a PowerPoint presentation.
Include Students name, age, grade level (2 pts)
Brief description of present level of educational performance (9 pts)
Brief description of the assessment, the goal, and the lesson. (14 pts)
For the presentation you will provide enough copies of your lesson plan to distribute to class
Grading: 214 points total (students in K352)
189 points total (students in K536)
(EDUC K352)
Partial IEP
4 Lesson Plans (32 points each)
CEC Reflection (format provided)
51 points
128 points
25 points
10 points
Total 214 points
(EDUC K536)
51 points
128 points
0 points
10 points
189 points
Part 1: IEP and Language Arts and Social Studies Lesson Plan
Part 2: Math and Science Lesson Plan (resubmit the IEP if same student, if different student new
Resource to assist with the Case Study Assignment: Indiana State Standards and Resources