Indiana University-Purdue University School of Education G550: Internship in Counseling and Guidance

Indiana University-Purdue University
School of Education
G550: Internship in Counseling and Guidance
Internship Activities Guidelines
The following is a list of counseling and guidance activities that to be
completed over the course of the internship year. If you are unable to
complete any of these activities at your primary site, please make
arrangements to do them at one of the other sites you will visit to cover all
three developmental levels.
Responsive Services
 Individual Counseling: Over the year you should work with a
minimum of three individual students for a minimum of 3 sessions
each. These may be related to personal-social, academic,
developmental, or crisis issues.
 Group Counseling: Over the year you should be involved with a
minimum of one psychoeducational or counseling group for a
minimum of 6 sessions. You can develop, lead, co-lead, and/or
serve as a process observer for a group.
 Family Consultation/Intervention: Over the year you should meet
with a minimum of three different families (minimum of one meeting
each) to discuss some issue relevant to their child’s success in
 Teacher Consultation: You should consult with at least two teachers
on issues related to assisting student behavior or performance.
Guidance Curriculum
 Guidance Lessons: Over the year you should present a minimum of
three different guidance lessons in a classroom. For each lesson,
you must develop and implement a plan for assessing student
learning (i.e. a pre-post assessment of the lesson content). You
should then write a 2 page reflection on your lesson and the
assessment data.
o Guidance Lesson Reflection: In addition to the above, you
will submit a 3-5 page reflection on your 3 guidance lesson
project. This will include your objectives, student responses
and learning, and how you used student data to adapt your
lessons and your teaching style. Feedback from either your
supervisor or classroom teacher should also be solicited and
 Parent Workshop or Instruction: You should develop, present, or
assist in the presentation of a minimum of one parent workshop or
informational meeting related to academic, educational, or
student development needs or requirements.
Individual Planning
 Transition Planning and Preparation: You should work with a
minimum of three individuals or small groups on transition planning
and preparation from school to school, school to post-secondary
education, or school to work.
 Appraisal: You should work with a minimum of three individuals or
small groups using assessment data (abilities, interests, skills, and/or
achievement) to help students develop immediate and/or longrange plans.
 Other Advisement: You should work with a minimum of three
individuals and small groups on other advisement issues, including
scholarships, financial aid, test-taking strategies, etc.
 Special Education: You should plan to attend and participate in at
least two IEP meetings.
System Support
 School Leadership: You should attend a minimum of three school
faculty, department, or committee meetings and take an active
role to the extent appropriate.
 Professional Development: You should participate in a minimum of
one school or district in-service, as well as one professional
 Experience at all Developmental Levels: Per state licensing
standards, interns must have experience in elementary, middle, and
high school settings. Therefore, in consultation with the site
supervisor, the intern must make arrangements to visit schools at the
levels other than that of the primary site. The length of these visits
and the duties performed while there are negotiated between the
intern, the site supervisor, and the site to be visited. This does NOT
need to be a formal internship arrangement unless the intern will be
performing direct service to students as a part of the visit.