MESA HIGH AMERICAN HISTORY I AND II SYLLABUS: SS 34 / SS 35 MRS. POE – Room 828 2013 - 14 TEXT: American Anthem COURSE CONTENT/OUTLINE: American History I (SS 34), examines the history of the United States beginning with the Pre-Columbus Native cultures (Paleo-Indians) of the North American continent through the post Civil War and westward expansion eras in the United States. American History II (SS 35), investigates the history of the United States beginning with how industrialization transformed America during the late 19th and 20th centuries through to contemporary issues affecting the United States. STUDENT SUPPLIES: one notebook, loose-leaf paper, 2 folders (one for homework and one for graded papers – PLEASE KEEP ALL RETURNED WORK!), at least 2 highlighters, 2 blue and/or black ink pens (NO OTHER COLOR IS ACCEPTABLE ON ASSIGNMENTS!), #2 pencils with erasers, and ten or more colored pencils (for U.S. maps, graphs, timelines, or specific projects). COURSE OBJECTIVES: Thorough preparation for passing the Mesa District U.S. History Exam, as well as the mastery of expected AZ state standards to receive American History credit toward graduation. Class material will be presented from a multidiscipline (incorporating other content areas with history) perspective often emphasizing geography, government, economics, culture, periodical literature, consistent reading and proper writing, and the most current uses of technology. In addition to exploring the major events, concepts, and people in American History I and II, much focus will be directed toward reading literary excerpts written during the time periods we are covering in order to gain insightful information about all aspects of American life and our nation during significant phases in history. GRADING COMPONENTS: Grades for each quarter will be based on the following criteria: 1. WEEKLY QUIZZES: A quiz will be given each week (ALMOST ALWAYS ON FRIDAY), to test your understanding and retention of vital material presented and discussed during that week. 2. CHAPTER AND UNIT TESTS: Consist of most of the following: multiple choice, matching, true/false questions, fill-in-the blank, map/graph/literary interpretation, short answer, and essay questions. 3. SEMESTER EXAMS. 4. CLASS PROJECTS: Will be assigned individually, with a partner, or working in a team with specific duties for each student delegated by the teacher. Microsoft Power Point presentations and/or Internet usage will often be involved. 5. INTERNET RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS: Using the Internet as a primary resource for research papers, as well as for answering relative questions to topics we are discussing in class by employing well-known American History web sites. 6. PRIMARY SOURCE AND/OR BOOK / LITERARY INTERPRETATION REPORT: Will typically consist of a 1 to 2 page discussion/explanation of main ideas in historical U.S. documents (for example, explaining “unalienable rights” in The Declaration of Independence), or making connections through writing to related books and/or literary excerpts during the time periods covered in both sections of the course. 7. FILL-IN-LISTENING OUTLINES: May be graded for correctness, completeness, and neatness, and require LISTENING CAREFULLY EVERYTIME YOU COME TO CLASS! 8. CORNELL NOTES: Cornell note sheets will be provided to you for main idea note taking over teacher or student Power Point presentations or from the teacher’s direct instruction. 9. MAIN TERMS CROSSWORD PUZZLES: For each unit, you will complete the main vocabulary by reading definitions and writing in the correct term(s) in a crossword. 10. RELATED WORKSHEETS / MAPS / GRAPHS / TIMELINES. PLAGIARISM / CHEATING: Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work (for example, from the Internet, encyclopedia, a book, or etc.), and trying to say that it is your work. THIS IS CHEATING AND WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN A 0, AS WELL AS IF YOU COPY ANOTHER CLASSMATE’S WORK! ALL STUDENTS INVOLVED IN ANY FORM OF CHEATING WILL RECEIVE A 0 ON THE ASSIGNMENT. MAKE-UP AND LATE WORK POLICY: 1) Students with an EXCUSED ABSENCE will have 1 day per absence to complete any missed assignment. District policy states that: “students shall have as many school days to make up homework and tests as days they were consecutively absent.” 2) The SWEEP make-up policy is clearly written on the form you sign in SWEEP and will be strictly followed. 3) You will LOSE 10 POINTS FOR EACH DAY AN ASSIGNMENT IS LATE. 4) Talk to me if you have special circumstances. TARDY AND PASS POLICY: The pass sign-out procedure will be explained and strictly followed. 1) BE ON TIME FOR CLASS! REMEMBER, YOU CANNOT ENTER ANY CLASS AFTER THE SWEEP BELL – YOU MUST GO DIRECTLY TO SWEEP WITH NO EXCUSES. 2) The 10 MINUTE POLICY for passes will be strictly followed – which states that NO STUDENT IS PERMITTED TO LEAVE DURING THE FIRST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS. 3) The classroom pass is for personal care emergencies ONLY with one person to the pass having 5-7 minutes – THE PASS CANNOT BE USED DURING TEACHER INSTRUCTION TIME, BUT ONLY DURING STUDENT ACTIVITY TIME. GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST FOR AN “A+” YEAR!!! _____________________________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN BELOW TO INDICATE YOU HAVE FULLY READ MRS. POE’S SYLLABUS AND UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY ITEM IN THE COURSE GUIDELINES. _______________________________ ___________________________ Guardian Signature Student Signature Date Date