Dear Parents,

Dear Parents,
Your child will start off this school year reading what we
call environmental print. It is the print of everyday life like
the print samples on this page. Your child "reads" it
everyday and typically he or she is comfortable with it. It
is rich with experiences unique to him and to your family:
like going out to eat. Reading environmental print is a
good place for your child to begin to learn to read.
To support the environmental-print reading program at
school I want you to save labels. Here is how. When your
child eats at his favorite restaurant, buys a toy at his
favorite store, eats his favorite cereal, or buys his favorite
brand-name shoe, save the label. Send it to school. I will
add it to your child's "reading bag." The bags will hold all
of the examples of environmental print that your child has
brought to school.
We will read print from the reading bag daily, so send
examples just as soon as you can. Save those labels!
Thank you,
Ms. Keri, Ms. Dee, Ms. Jean, & Ms. Sharon