March 21, 2016 Mrs. Anderson’s Class First Grade Week 28 Newsletter

March 21, 2016
Mrs. Anderson’s Class
First Grade
Week 28 Newsletter
Welcome back and happy spring! I hope everyone had a fantastic Spring
Break with family and friends! My little family and I decided to stay local
so that we could enjoy some relaxation together. We spent a lot of time
cuddling on the couch watching movies, and enjoying the sunshine on our
patio. We also got to go to a spring training game, and Avery had a blast
watching the action. I did miss my fantastic students very much though,
and I’m looking forward to our last quarter together in First Grade!
Next Monday is our field trip to the zoo! I can’t wait to spend the day with
your children exploring all of the different animal habitats. If you haven’t
sent in your $5.00 payment for the trip, please try to do so by the end of
this week. Also, I will be choosing chaperones to accompany us within the
next day or so. I will privately contact you if you are chosen. If you aren’t
chosen, please feel free to join us at the zoo and spend the day with us. If
you decide to do this, be prepared to find your own ride there and pay
your own admission fee. Lastly, if you do meet us there, your child will
still be required to ride the bus with us and stay within their assigned
group. This makes it easier for me to make sure every student is
accounted for at all times. Thanks for your cooperation with this matter,
and I hope to see everyone there!
On another note, I will be sending home report cards on Thursday with
your child. Please sign and return the report card sleeves as soon as
possible so that I know that you and your family received your child’s
report card. I believe that I forgot to request that families sign the report
card sleeves when I sent report cards home for second quarter, so if you
didn’t sign for second quarter, could you please do so this week before
you send it back. Thank you in advance for getting those back to me.
After receiving your child’s report cards, please don’t hesitate to contact
me if you have any questions or concerns. I would be happy to explain
anything you may be wondering about. You can call me at the school, or
email me at
I hope everyone has an easy transition back into the school routine. Have
a wonderful week!
Your Friend,
Morgan Anderson