Directions: Think back over the experiences you have had in your...

Think back over the experiences you have had in your life – in the areas of work, leisure, or learning and pick 3-5 that
have the following characteristics:
 You were the leader or a significant player.
 You achieved, did or created something with concrete results, or solved a problem, or gave something of
yourself that you were proud of and are pleased with.
 You truly enjoyed yourself in the process.
On the reverse side:
1. List each of these events
2. Write why you consider it a success
3. Write a paragraph or two detailing the experience, step by step
4. Extract from these stories the values and interests they reveal about you and the skills you used
Adapted from What Color is Your Parachute? By Richard Bolles and “Put Your Science to Work”, Peter S. Fiske, Ph.D.
Prepared by Marlene Scherer Stern, April 2016
Why a Success
Detail the experience
Extracted: Values, Interests & Skills