Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus
General Science
Ms. Helfenbein
Westwood High School 2015-2016
Welcome to General Science! I am very excited about this school year and look forward to
working with you this year! Here are some basic things to know about General science and
this class.
Classroom Materials: You are required to have these materials by Monday, August 17th:
 A notebook of your choice
o This can be a spiral or composition but it needs to have at least 200 pages in it
 #2 pencils and/or blue or black pen
 Colored pen
 A highlighter
 Ruler
 Scissors
 Glue stick
Optional/classroom donations:
 Colored pencils
 Tissue box
 Hand sanitizer
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns regarding the supply list.
Science Notebook: You will need to obtain a science notebook. This is a one-subject notebook
that can either be a composition notebook (graphing or regularly lined) or a spiral notebook.
Loose sheets of paper will not be accepted, whether they are in a binder or not. This notebook
will be where you keep your notes, diagrams, pictures, references, and other materials for this
class. This notebook will be used every day as a resource to help you study as well as to help you
not lose important tools that will help you to learn and complete your homework. In addition to
the notebook, you will need to bring a writing utensil (pen or pencil) with you to class.
General Science Content:
1st Semester: Introduction/Science Review, Astronomy, Physics
2nd Semester: Matter, Acids and bases, and Ecology
Attendance is necessary for your education. If you miss a day, it is your responsibility to check
in with me to receive the work you missed. There is an absent binder in the back of the room
with the assignments in it by date.
Assignments: You will have as many days to make up missed assignments as days you missed
plus one extra. So if you miss one day of school, you will have one day plus one extra to make
up the work for a total of two days. If you miss two days of school, you will have two days plus
Course Syllabus
one extra day to make up work for a total of three days. Please see me if you need more time on
Tests/Quizzes: If you missed a test or quiz you will need to make up that test or quiz the day you
return to school. If you miss the day before a test or quiz, you are still responsible for taking the
test or quiz on the scheduled day unless you have previously contacted me.
Labs/Class Activities: If you miss a lab or pre-lab, there will be an alternate assignment for you
to complete in place of the lab. The timeline for turning this in follows the timeline for
assignments (above).
Your grades will be based on daily assignments/homework, notebooks, labs, tests, and projects.
These grades will be cumulative throughout the semester. That is, your grade does not start over
at the end of the first quarter.
If you are not happy with the grade you received on an assignment or quiz I do give you the
option to redo it until you are happy with that grade. You must show me that you have increased
your knowledge of the content to improve your grade. This is not available for test grades.
The letter grade breakdown is as follows:
 Tests/Quizzes……………………………………………..20%
 Notebooks……………………………………….………..20%
 Labs…………………………………………………….…20%
 Projects…………………………………………...…….…20%
 Semester Final………………………………………….…20%
Classroom Procedures:
In my classroom we follow the Warrior PRIDE guidelines. You are expected to behave in an
appropriate and respectful manner at all times. This means that you will be courteous to me and
your fellow classmates and not interrupt or interfere with their learning. Good behavior has the
opportunity to be rewarded with Warrior PRIDE cards (see student handbook), and in most
cases, inappropriate behavior will be handled between the teacher and student as follows:
1. Reminders and warnings will be issued first
2. Student/teacher conference
3. Student/teacher behavior plan
4. Parent/guardian notification
5. Administrative referral
Please keep in mind that some behaviors may require me to skip some of these steps and could
result in an immediate administrative referral.
Course Syllabus
Contact Information: I will be a traveling teacher this year so I will not always be in the
classroom to answer the phone. If you need to contact me, my email will be the best option. I
will return your e-mail within 24 hours.
I look forward to this being a great year for everyone, and I look forward to getting to know you
and your parent or guardian. Please remember that I am always here to help, in whatever way
that I can, to make sure that my students feel successful and get the most out of my class.
Thank you,
Carol Helfenbein
All material on this syllabus is subject to change.
Please return the lower half of this sheet signed by both you and your parent/guardian in
acknowledgment of Ms. Helfenbein’s General Science policies and procedures.
Student Name______________________________________________ Hour________________
Student signature____________________________________________ Date _______________
Parent/Guardian signature _____________________________________ Date ______________
Any questions/comments or concerns for Ms. Helfenbein: _______________________________