Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester The University of Dayton Department of Teacher Education ECE Evaluation of Clinical Experience Candidate _______________________________ Cooperating Teacher ____________________________ School/Grade/Date ______________/__________/________Affiliation: University of Dayton_______ Instructions: For each statement below indicate the level of demonstrated competence. Please provide narrative evidence, if appropriate. NM – “not met” is used if the student had the opportunity to exhibit the given competency but did not follow through. EM - “expectations met” is used if the student exhibits competencies that are appropriate for a novice, preservice teacher. EE - “exceeded expectations” is used if the student exhibits competencies that are appropriate for a beginning teacher. Summative Evaluation Professional Behavior: Please fill out this section for both the mid term and the final evaluations. Thank you for your professional input on these important competencies. The preservice teacher. . . evidence/comments I. exhibits personal and professional behaviors that promote student learning (check all that apply) ____ is responsible and dependable, punctual and regular in attendance ____ acts with poise, mature judgment, fairness, and self-control ____ exhibits creativity and/or initiative ____ has lesson plans organized and ready for teaching, in advance for teacher approval ____ during school time is available for assistance in the classroom ____ approaches teaching with enthusiasm, energy, and/or a sense of humor ____ portrays a professional image consistent with school standards 2. handles responsibilities in an ethical and confidential manner 3. seeks opportunities for professional growth and development 4. intern works in collaborative partnership with families, establishing regular, two way communication NM EM EE NM EM EE NM NM EM EM EE EE NM EM EE NM EM EE NM EM EE NM NM NM EM EM EM EE EE EE Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester Domain A: Organizing Content Knowledge for Student Learning (Planning & Preparation): The preservice teacher. . . evidence/comments A1 is familiar with relevant aspects of the students' background knowledge, experiences and skills NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 2.A: Family and community characteristics NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NM EM EE NO A2 formulates clear learning goals/objectives for the lesson that are appropriate for students NAEYC: 3.A: Assessment goals, benefits and uses. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NAEYC: 5.D: Integrating multiple perspectives. NM EM EE NO A3 understands the connections between previous, current, and future content to be learned NAEYC: 4.C: Content knowledge. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NM EM EE NO A4 creates or selects teaching methods, learning activities, instructional materials, or other resources that are appropriate for the students and aligned with the learning goals. NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.C: Content knowledge. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO A5 creates or selects evaluation strategies that are appropriate for the students and aligned with the learning goals. NAEYC: 3.A: Assessment goals, benefits and uses. NAEYC: 3.B: Using appropriate assessments. NAEYC: 3.C: Practicing responsible assessment. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO 7/11/16 Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester Domain B: Creating an Environment for Student Learning (Classroom Environment): The preservice teacher. . . evidence/comments B1 creates a climate that promotes fairness between students and teacher and among students NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.B: Multiple influences on development and learning. NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 5.B: Ethical standards. NM EM EE NO B2 establishes and maintains appropriate rapport with students NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 5.B: Ethical standards. NM EM EE NO B3 communicates challenging and appropriate learning expectations to each student. NAEYC: 1.B: Multiple influences on development and learning. NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NM EM EE NO B4 establishes and maintains consistent standards of classroom behavior NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.B: Multiple influences on development and learning. NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 5.B: Ethical standards. NM EM EE NO B5 makes the physical environment as safe and conducive to learning as possible NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NM EM EE NO 7/11/16 Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester Domain C: Teaching for Student Learning (Instruction): The preservice teacher . . . C1 makes learning goals and instructional procedures clear to students NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. evidence/comments NM EM EE NO C2 makes the content of the lesson comprehensible to students NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.B: Multiple influences on development and learning. NAEYC: 3.A: Assessment goals, benefits and uses. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.C: Content knowledge. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO C3 encourages students to extend their thinking NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO C4 monitors students' understanding of the content through a variety of means, providing feedback to students to assist learning, and adjusting learning activities as the situation demands. NAEYC: 1.A: Young children’s characteristics and needs NAEYC: 1.B: Multiple influences on development and learning. NAEYC: 3.B: Using appropriate assessments. NAEYC: 3.C: Practicing responsible assessment. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO C5 uses instructional time effectively NAEYC: 1.C. Using developmental knowledge to create learning environments. NAEYC: 4.A: Connecting with children and families. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NM EM EE NO 7/11/16 Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester Domain D: Teacher Professionalism (Professional Responsibilities): The preservice teacher. . . evidence/comments D1 reflects on the extent to which the learning goals were met (including the effectiveness of strategies, activities, student grouping, materials and evaluation strategies used) NAEYC: 3.C: Practicing responsible assessment. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NAEYC: 5.D: Integrating multiple perspectives. NM EM EE NO D2 demonstrates a sense of efficacy; assuming responsibility for student learning NAEYC: 3.A: Assessment goals, benefits and uses. NAEYC: 3.C: Practicing responsible assessment. NAEYC: 4.B: Using developmentally effective practices. NAEYC: 4.D: Building meaningful curriculum. NAEYC: 5.B: Ethical standards. NM EM EE NO D3 builds professional relationships with colleagues to share teaching insights and to coordinate learning activities for students NAEYC: 5.A: Professional Early Childhood involvement. NAEYC: 5.B: Ethical standards. NAEYC: 5.C: Continuous learning. NAEYC: 5.E: Engaging in Advocacy. NAEYC: 3.D: Assessment partnerships. NM EM EE NO 7/11/16 Summary of Praxis Observations done each Semester Directions: Provide a narrative statement for each area below, which (1) summarizes the preservice teacher's performance in each of the domains or standards. Summary Statement: Pathwise/PRAXIS Summary Statement: NAEYC Standards Domain A: Organizing content Standard 1: Promoting Child knowledge for student learning. Development and Learning. Domain B: Creating an Environment for Standard 2: Building Family and Student Learning. Community Relations. Domain C: Teaching for Student Learning Standard 3: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families. Domain D: Teacher Professionalism Standard 4: Teaching and Learning Professional Behavior: Standard 5: Becoming a Professional ______________________________ ______ Cooperating Teacher Signature Date ______________________________ ______ University Supervisor Signature Date 7/11/16 ________________________ ______ Teacher Candidate Signature Date