Standard 3: Alignment with Teacher Quality Partnership Survey (Range 1-5: 1= Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree) Teacher Quality Partnership Survey – Standard 3 Pre-service Item Score Range 20052006 20062007 N=255 N=275 2007-2008 N=220 A10. My program was extensive or comprehensive enough to acquire needed understandings and abilities 1-5 4.21 4.40 4.47 A14. During my experiences in school I participated in a broad range of professional responsibilities. 1-5 4.48 4.43 4.55 A15 During my experiences in school I had opportunity to observe and work with several teachers. 1-5 4.45 4.52 4.58 A16 During my experiences in schools I had opportunities to work with successful teachers who had inclusive classes, that is classes that contain both typical children and children 1-5 4.23 4.24 4.29 A17 During my experiences in schools I had opportunities to work with school support personnel 1-5 3.42 3.57 3.70 A18 During my experiences in schools, I had opportunities to have outstanding veteran teachers. 1-5 4.27 4.30 4.34 A19 During my experiences in the schools, I had opportunities to have outstanding veteran teachers explain to whys and well as the hows of their teaching to me. 1-5 4.12 4.16 4.25 A23 Teacher education faculty at my college/university enabled me to evaluate and reflect upon my practice to improve instruction 1-5 4.37 4.39 4.40 A30 My cooperating teacher that I spent the most time with taught in ways that were quite different from the methods advocated by my college-based instructors. 1-5 3.56 3.45 3.55 A31 My cooperating teacher that I spent the most time with was an excellent teacher. 1-5 4.28 4.34 4.39 A32 My cooperating teacher that I spent the most time with was a worthy role model for me. 1-5 4.37 4.41 4.33 B8 Use educational technology in instruction 1-5 3.80 3.91 3.91 B21 Implement strategies to help students from different 1-5 3.40 3.60 3.62 with disabilities. cultures interact positively with each other. B24 Develop a curriculum that includes the perspectives, experiences, and contributions of different cultural groups 1-5 3.50 3.73 3.78 B26 Address the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds 1-5 3.37 3.53 3.62 Percent of Students Who Have Agreed and Strongly Agreed My program was extensive or comprehensive enough to acquire needed understandings and abilities. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 86.56 State 88.03 2006-2007 University of Dayton 93.25 State 89.07 2007-2008 University of Dayton 91.88 State 89.82 During my experiences in school I participated in a broad range of professional responsibilities (e.g., professional meetings, parent conferences, testing administration). 2005-2006 University of Dayton 90.59 State 90.05 2006-2007 University of Dayton 87.82 State 90.26 2007-2008 University of Dayton 92.59 State 90.08 During my experiences in school I had the opportunity to observe and work with several teachers. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 93.57 State 91.24 2006-2007 University of Dayton 90.29 State 92.61 2007-2008 University of Dayton 88.2 State 92.28 During my experiences in school I had opportunities to work with successful teachers who had inclusive classes - that is, classes that contain both typical children and children with disabilities 2005-2006 University of Dayton 83.08 State 83.98 2006-2007 University of Dayton 84.03 State 84.93 2007-2008 University of Dayton 83.75 State 86.03 During my experiences in school I had opportunities to work with school support services personnel (e.g., nurses, school psychologists, social workers). 2005-2006 University of Dayton 55.72 State 54.01 2006-2007 University of Dayton 61.76 State 55.18 2007-2008 University of Dayton 66.46 State 56.59 During my experiences in school I had opportunities to observe outstanding veteran teachers 2005-2006 University of Dayton 86.56 State 84.89 2006-2007 University of Dayton 84.81 State 85.91 2007-2008 University of Dayton 85.63 State 85.94 During my experiences in school I had opportunities to have outstanding veteran teachers explain the whys as well as the hows of their teaching to me. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 78.61 State 79.55 2006-2007 University of Dayton 81.02 State 80.94 2007-2008 University of Dayton 85.18 State 82.17 Teacher education faculty at my college/university used real-life teaching strategies such as case studies and simulations. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 87.13 State 81.13 2006-2007 University of Dayton 82.63 State 83.18 2007-2008 University of Dayton 90.8 State 84.46 Teacher education faculty at my college/university taught in ways quite different than the practices they advocated. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 40.8 State 39.68 2006-2007 University of Dayton 40.08 State 40.15 2007-2008 University of Dayton 47.53 State 42.2 Teacher education faculty at my college/university knew about the realities of contemporary schools and youth. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 77.89 State 74.04 2006-2007 University of Dayton 73.42 State 75.31 2007-2008 University of Dayton 80.25 State 77.03 Teacher education faculty at my college/university did not have communication with cooperating teacher(s) 2005-2006 University of Dayton 61.2 State 58.06 2006-2007 University of Dayton 61.34 State 59.44 2007-2008 University of Dayton 69.75 State 61.62 My cooperating teacher knew very little about my program's goals, requirements, or expectations. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 69.8 State 70.17 2006-2007 University of Dayton 69.33 State 70.59 2007-2008 University of Dayton 74.69 State 72.72 My cooperating teacher taught in ways that were quite different from the methods advocated by my college-based instructors. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 57.42 State 55.03 2006-2007 University of Dayton 55.46 State 56.36 2007-2008 University of Dayton 61.11 State 57.34 My cooperating teacher was an excellent teacher. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 83.08 State 86.4 2006-2007 University of Dayton 86.98 State 86.53 2007-2008 University of Dayton 83.43 State 87.81 My cooperating teacher was a worthy role model for me. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 86.14 State 86.82 2006-2007 University of Dayton 86.56 State 86.89 2007-2008 University of Dayton 84.05 State 87.88 My methods professors taught me to teach. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 76.62 State 76.9 2006-2007 University of Dayton 76.17 State 76.62 2007-2008 University of Dayton 80.98 State 77.64 My cooperating teacher(s) taught. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 78.71 State 81.41 2006-2007 University of Dayton 82.28 State 80.96 2007-2008 University of Dayton 80.37 State 82.16 Use educational technology in instruction (e.g., word processing, spreadsheet, games) 2005-2006 University of Dayton 62.37 State 70.23 2006-2007 University of Dayton 66.81 State 70.99 2007-2008 University of Dayton 70.55 State 72.71 Implement strategies to help students from different cultures interact positively with each other. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 46.27 State 54.7 2006-2007 University of Dayton 58.83 State 55.28 2007-2008 University of Dayton 56.17 State 56.35 Develop a curriculum that includes the perspectives, experiences, and contributions of different cultural groups. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 53.77 State 60.22 2006-2007 University of Dayton 64.14 State 61.92 2007-2008 University of Dayton 63.35 State 62.37 Address the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 48.47 State 52.58 2006-2007 University of Dayton 50.42 State 52.95 2007-2008 University of Dayton 56.88 State 54.25 If parents would do more for their children, I could do more. 2005-2006 University of Dayton 30.15 State 26.5 2006-2007 University of Dayton 31.49 State 29.19 2007-2008 University of Dayton 30.86 State 28.01