University of Dayton, Department of Teacher Education Candidate: LESSON PLAN RUBRIC Student ID Number: Date: Revised 09.10.07 Course/ Instructor UD SOEAP Assessment Plan Scoring Procedures: These procedures are used when compiling scores to be entered into TaskStream. The rating of 1 is be given if any indicator within category 1(Unsatisfactory) is present. The rating of 2 is given if all indicators within category 2 are present, or one indicator within 2 and one or more indicators within 3 are present. The rating of 3 is given if all indicators within category 3 are present. The rating is entered in the UD SOEAP Assessment Plan Score column for each of the 9 lesson plan categories which will be entered into TaskStream. 1 Unsatisfactory 2 Basic 3 Proficient Pre-assessment strategies are not included. Pre-assessment strategies are included and somewhat appropriate. Connections to prior knowledge and future learning are not referenced. Connections to prior knowledge and future learning are included, somewhat appropriately and accurately referenced. Pre-assessment strategies are included, accurately assess prior knowledge and states how results are used to inform instruction. Connections to prior knowledge and future learning are appropriately and accurately referenced. Standard/s and indicator/s are missing and/or do not reference the Ohio (or Early Learning) Academic Content Standards appropriately. Standard/s and indicator/s reference the Ohio (or Early Learning) Academic Content Standards somewhat appropriately. Standard/s and indicator/s reference the Ohio (or Early Learning) Academic Content Standards appropriately. Objectives are minimal, do not provide a sense of what students will know or be able to do as a result of the lesson, or do not include measurable verbs. Objectives are stated but lack clarity, fail to state what students will know or be able to do as a result of the lesson, or include measurable verbs that lack relevance. Objectives use relevant measurable verbs to provide a clear sense of what students will know, be able to demonstrate and/or do as a result of the lesson. 3. Student Grouping Student grouping is missing, and/or inappropriate. Student grouping is stated and somewhat appropriate. Rationale does not state why groups are appropriate. Student grouping is stated and appropriate. Rationale states why groups are appropriate. 4. Methods/ Instructional Strategies Methods are missing, minimally appropriate, developmentally inappropriate and/or are not aligned with the learning objectives, or address the needs of a variety of learners. Methods are somewhat varied and/or are somewhat aligned to the learning objectives, and address the needs of a variety of learners. Various developmentally appropriate methods are listed and aligned with the learning objectives, and addresses the needs of all learners. 1. Connections 2. Learning Goals/ Objectives UD SOEAP Assessment Plan-- Score 1, 2, 3 5. Instructional Modifications/ Differentiated Instruction 6. Activities Modifications/accommodations/differen tiated instructional strategies are lacking or inappropriate. Modifications/accommodations/differen tiated instructional strategies are somewhat integrated, somewhat appropriate, and/or challenge students of some levels represented in the classroom. Modifications/accommodations/differ entiated instructional strategies are well integrated, appropriate, creative, and challenge students of all levels represented in the classroom. Opening and subsequent activities do not relate to the objective/s and indicator/s, and/or are not in any sequence, have no differentiation and/or are not developmentally appropriate. Opening and subsequent activities relate directly to the objective/s and indicator/s, are in a carefully planned and well timed sequence, have sufficient differentiation to accommodate all learners, and are developmentally appropriate. Opening and subsequent activities relate directly to the objective/s and indicator/s, are in a carefully planned and well timed sequence, have sufficient differentiation to accommodate all learners, and are developmentally appropriate. 7. Materials (including technology) Resources and/or materials are not appropriate or not described. Resources and/or materials somewhat appropriate and/or not fully described. Use of technology is not stated and/or warranted but not used. Use of technology is stated and somewhat appropriate. Resources and/or materials are accurate, appropriate and fully described. Use of technology, if warranted, is stated and appropriate. 8.Assessment /Evaluation Planned and appropriate assessment is missing or irrelevant. Planned and appropriate assessment is incomplete and/or only somewhat measures indicators and/or objectives. Planned assessment accommodations are missing or irrelevant. Planned assessment is incomplete and/or does not effectively indicate accommodations in assessments as needed. Outcomes of student learning are listed and somewhat relate to the indicator/obj. Reflections somewhat address strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement in planning, instruction and assessment. Reflections somewhat list how instruction might be changed as a result of student assessment results. 9.Reflections Outcomes of student learning are missing and/or do not relate to the indicator/obj. Reflections do not address strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement in planning, instruction and assessment. Reflections do not include how instruction might be changed as a result of student assessment results. Planned and appropriate assessment is complete and accurately measures indicators and/or objectives for all learners. Planned assessment is complete and includes appropriate assessment accommodations as needed. Outcomes of student learning are clearly listed and relate to the indicator/obj. Reflections address strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement in planning, instruction and assessment. Reflections specifically list how instruction might be changed as a result of student assessment results. Definition of Terms: Appropriate—meets most or all of the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations (SPA) i.e. CEC, IRA, ISTE, NAEYC, NCTE, NCTM, NMSA, NSTA Somewhat—meets some of the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations but not others Inappropriate or Minimally Appropriate—does not meet the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations 2