EDA 507 (Revised_06) - Syllabus Course/Section Instructor 507R - v2006 -

EDA 507 (Revised_06) - Syllabus
[ Revised 12/11/07 5:03 AM ]
Course/Section Instructor
507R - v2006 Dr. Tim Ilg
Section 10
507R - v2006 Section 11
Dr. Dan
507R - v2006 937-229Dave Dolph dave.dolph@notes.udayton.edu
Section 12
If you have questions about the Distance
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of Dayton ~
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(Updated: 08/05/2006 - 11:20 AM)
Students are advised to register for EDA 507 Internship I in the fall term or winter
term after completing a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours including EDA 551
Research (the prerequisite).
Students may not register for EDA 551 and EDA 507 in the same term.
For principal licensure, students are advised to register for EDA 607 Internship II in
the fall term or winter term.
Students may register for only one of the two internship courses (EDA 507 or EDA
607) in any given term.
Both internship courses are delivered only through the online program. The
internship courses are designed to require more than one term to complete.
Additional details are available on the department website
Students must complete each internship course within two calendar years from the
end of the term in which they registered for the course. Students who fail to
complete the internship within the specified period will be required to re-register for
an internship course and pay the rate of tuition established for that academic year.
Students are encouraged to complete the internship course(s) in a timely manner to
avoid any additional tuition cost.
The foregoing information was provided by the Chairman of the
Department, Father Joseph Massuccci - July, 2006
Rev. Joseph D. Massucci, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Educational Leadership
School of Education and Allied Professions
324 Chaminade Hall
Dayton, Ohio 45469-0534
Phone: (937) 229-3737
Fax: (937) 229-3392
Web page: http://homepages.udayton.edu/~massucci
The assignments for this course are explained in Module 01.
You may complete and submit the assignments for this course in any
order that you desire; there is no required sequence of assignments.
You should retain copies of all work that you submit (This will enable you
to more easily resubmit work, should the need arise.)
You have two (2) years to complete EDA 507 (Revised_06); this time
period begins with your first semester of enrollment in EDA 507
Letter Grades in Courses that Extend Beyond One Term
"A "P" letter grade may be given in a course that is designed to extend
beyond one term, i.e. internship or dissertation. This grade may stand for
a period of no more than two years from the end of the term in which the
grade was assigned. If the grade is unchanged after two years, it is
permanent and the course must be retaken."
(Pg. 10 of the Student Information Handbook, University of Dayton - School of Education
and Allied Professions - Department of Educational Leadership)
All internship courses are CLOSED BETWEEN
COURSE between terms.
The EDA 507 (Revised_06) internship experience in educational leadership at the
University of Dayton is designed to help you prepare to assume a K-12 school
principalship. You are to engage in administrative experiences under the guidance
of the course instructor and a mentor from the district in which you are employed.
Online course work can be a lonely experience; especially in this course, which,
because of the individuality of internship experiences, does not require threaded
discussion. Therefore...DO NOT work in isolation, as you complete this course.
Frequently...rely on... / reach out to... / network with... your in-district mentor
and your course instructor.
Take the initiative; ask questions, seek advice. Do not assume that others
will perceive you as weak or ignorant because you inquire. The inquisitive
mind reflects an intelligent mind.
Check with your instructor (ask questions) if something is not clear. You may
contact the instructor via e-mail [the address is listed above] or by calling the
Help Desk 1-877-487-6327 (TOLL FREE).
Verify that you are completing the course requirements in the proper
manner. As soon as you complete writing your first Administrative
Experience, submit it to the Drop Box! Your instructor, who is
automatically notified by the WebCT program when you submit your
assignments, will respond with feedback to guide your future submittals.
After receiving verification from your instructor that your first submittal is
consistent with the course expectations, you may proceed with your
preparation of other submittals.
Submit your assignments incrementally! DO NOT wait until you have
completed and accumulated several assignments to submit them.
When you complete an assignment, submit it!
The internship experience is required for all licensure programs offered by the
Department of Educational Leadership in the School of Education and Allied
Professions (SOEAP) at the University of Dayton.
Beginning with the fall term of 2004, all administrative experiences in the
internship experience must be aligned with the "Standards for School
Leaders," which were developed by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure
Consortium. Commonly known as the "ISLLC Standards," these six standards are
integrated throughout the administrative experiences that are required in the two
administrative internship courses. Module 01 provides details regarding the
integration of the ISLLC Standards into the internship courses.
It is imperative that you become familiar with the ISLLC Standards and the
"indicator statements" associated with each ISLLC Standard. As an aspiring
school leader, you need to increase your understanding of how the ISLLC
Standards and their associated indicator statements build on "research about
skillful stewardship by school administrators and emerging perspectives about
society and education" (Standards for School Leaders, page 6) and "focus on
topics that form the heart and soul of effective leadership" (Standards for School
Leaders, page 8). Module 01 explains how you are to integrate the indicator statements from the
the appropriate ISLLC Standard into your description of each administrative experience.
In EDA 507 (Revised_06), there are four types of assignments:
Administrative Experiences
Board of Education Meetings
Administrator Interviews
Action Research Project
[These assignments are explained in Module 01.]
As you engage in your internship experiences, perform in a professional manner
and demonstrate life-long learning habits and attitudes. Focus on learning as much
as you can and express appreciation for the experiences being provided to you.
The internship experience is intended to be an experience that will enrich your
preparation to become a school leader.
If you choose activities that primarily reinforce what you already know and/or what
you have already done, then your internship experience will not be as fulfilling or
informative as it could be. In other words, analyze your professional growth needs;
examine your personal areas of inexperience and pursue administrative
experiences in those areas, so that you lift your level of preparation for an
administrative position.
[Module 01 provides a suggested method for analyzing your professional growth needs.]
Distance Learning Requirements:
You need accessibility to, and knowledge of, the Internet.
An Internet connection of 28.8 Kbs is required, a 56k modem is better, and a
high-speed connection via cable or DSL is best.
Use a major Internet browser. Firefox, Microsoft Explorer, and Netscape
Navigator work well with WebCT. Use the latest versions available; check for
You must use Microsoft Word when you prepare documents/files to be
uploaded to WebCT (for example, documents/files that you want to
submit to the Drop Box).
You must name your documents/files in the following manner:
Use only lower case letters or numerals; do not use any other
Do not create any spaces within the title of your documents/files.
o Example of properly named file: file.name
Course Requirements:
You are to:
1. Identify an "on-site" mentor. You must arrange for the assistance of an
administrator mentor who works in the same school district as you. The
mentor should be someone who can authorize your participation in a variety
of administrative experiences that will satisfy the assignments associated
with the course modules and ISLLC Standards. Prior to beginning any
internship work, you are to (1) duplicate and present to your mentor the form
letter that appears at the end of this syllabus and (2) send an e-mail
message to the instructor that provides the name of your mentor, along with
her/his title/position, name of school building and/or district, email address,
and office telephone number.
2. Read the content provided in each part/module of the course.
3. Complete the tasks that are associated with each part/module of the course.
4. Identify, participate in, and report ten administrative experiences. You
are expected to correlate your ten 10 reports with the ISLLC Standards. (The
table below illustrates the manner in which you are to correlate your ten
administrative experiences with the ISLLC Standards.)
5. Write a description and a reflective summary for each of your ten
administrative experiences (use the format that is prescribed in Module 01
and see the example that is provided on the home page; "Example/ Adm.
Exp."). Among other things, the format specifies that you are to report of the
hours you devoted to the completion of EACH administrative experience.
Your final grade is derived from the number of hours that you report (see
"Grading Criteria" below).
Writing Guidelines:
When writing the "Reflection" part of each of the ten assignments, use the
following perspective:
Given the administrative experience that you are reporting, what are the
observations and/or implications that you will take from the
experience? In other words, were there "lessons learned" and if so, what
were they? What impact did this experience have on you and how might it
affect how you will perform, when you are the principal?
DO NOT LIMIT your comments to simply stating the obvious;
[examples: "More parents need to be involved" or "Someone should contact
additional media outlets to increase the publication of school news" or
"Improved communication between grade levels is needed." While this kind
of statement may be warranted and perhaps should be included ... GO
BEYOND THE LEVEL OF THE OBVIOUS: introspectively consider and
respond to questions such as:
o "What did this administrative internship experience mean to me, in
terms of preparing to become a principal?"
o "What will I take from this experience that I might use (or not use)
when I am the principal?"
"What do I understand better now than I did before about school
"How did this experience change my perspective on school
You are to use the APA writing style, when preparing written papers to be
submitted to courses in the EDA distance learning program at the University
of Dayton.
APA (American Psychological Association) is most commonly used writing
style when citing sources within the social sciences. The following link
provides guidelines and examples for applying the general format of APA
research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference
page: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Additionally, you may use the following resource, which was written by
Colleen Wildenhouse at the University of Dayton.
December 2, 2004
Hi all,
Various questions have come to my attention regarding the APA formats
required for your research paper. What I will do here is give you some
examples and tell you where the most common errors seem to occur
with students who are unfamiliar with APA format.
These are the most common points to look for:
Roy, A. (1982). Suicide in chronic schizophrenia. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 141, 1726.
This is a single author journal citation. Here are things to take note of:
1. Notice that the first name is indicated with an initial only. We never
write out the first or middle names. If the author gives a middle initial, we
use that also.
2. Notice that the date of publication comes next in parentheses and
there is a period after the last parenthesis.
3. Notice that the first word of the title is the only one capitalized. This is
always the rule in APA except for the following:
a. Where there is a proper noun (often a person’s name) in the
b. If there is a colon in the title, capitalize the first word of the
following section of the title. See the next example.
4. Notice that the title of the journal is in italics and all of the words begin
with a capital.
5. Notice that the title is followed by a comma and the volume number is
in italics.
6. Notice that the citation ends with the page numbers and is completed
with a period.
7. Notice the hanging indent, i.e., the first line is flush and the others are
This is a journal with multiple authors:
Baldwin, C. M., Bevan, C., & Beshalske, A. (2002). At-risk minority
populations in a church clinic: Communicating basic needs. Journal of
Multicultural Nursing & Health, 6(2), 33-40.
1. All of the above from the single author citation apply and,
2. You separate all authors with a comma, including the second to last
before the ampersand (&).
3. This is from a journal that is paginated by issue, so we have the
volume in italics followed by a parenthesis (2) not in italics.
This is a citation from a book, with a single author:
Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health education. Philadelphia:
Balliere Publishers.
Notice the following:
1. Much the same format as the journal article citation, except
2. Notice that the title comes after the date and is in italics with the first
word capitalized. The same rules hold if you have proper names and a
colon with a phrase after. The first word of that phrase is in italics.
3. If you have multiple authors, use the same format as with the journal
4. If the book is done by editors, list the names and then put (Eds.) after
the last name in parentheses and followed by a period.
6. Use the hanging indent as with the journal article cite if the cite goes
more than one line.
Electronic citations: Look in the web source for the closest citation. You
need to follow the one that is the closest, since there are so many
variables in these citations.
Citing within the text of your paper:
It is a firm rule that the citations in the reference list are linked to withintext citations in your paper. You may not create a reference list without
having the links in the paper.
Most basic format for cites within your paper:
(Smith, 1990) Notice the last name only followed by a comma, all within
one set of parentheses.
(Smith, Jones, & Williams, 2004) Notice the positions of the commas
and use of the ampersand.
(Smith, Jones, Williams, Rogers, Morgan, Stock, Gray, & Roy, 2002). If
you have 7 or more authors, the first time you cite them in the body of
your paper you need to list all names. After that, if you cite them, you
can use the first author and “et al.” So this one would be (Smith et al,
(Smith, Jones, & Williams, p. 33) This format with a page number is
used when you have used a direct quote from the book or journal.
This is my basic online presentation for the most common error points in
using APA citation formats.
Colleen Wildenhaus
Evaluation of Student Work Submitted to EDA
To receive credit and a final grade in this course, you are expected to
participate in and submit written reports for a minimum of 150 hours
related to ten administrative experiences, two Board of Education
meetings, and four administrator interviews. (These assignments are
described in detail in Module 01.)
The following four-point scale is used to evaluate your responses to
the seven elective administrative experiences.
Your submittal
fails to address
the Standard
Your submittal
addresses the
Your submittal
addresses the
Your submittal
addresses the
The following four-point scale is used to evaluate your submittals
regarding the two Board of Education meetings and your four
administrator interviews.
Your submittal
fails to meet
Your submittal
minimally meets
Your submittal
Your submittal
adequately meets eminently meets
How to Access Numerical Ratings and/or Comments from the Instructor:
To access the numerical rating assigned to work that you submitted, click
and open "My Grades" on the home page
To access the numerical rating assigned to your submitted work and to
access any written comments provided by your instructor, click and open the
"Drop Box" and then click the underlined word "Graded."
Resubmittal of work:
With permission from your instructor, you may re-submit work that falls
below the norm / fails to meet the criteria and does not receive full credit.
You must e-mail the re-submitted report to the instructor. (The WebCT
program prohibits re-submittals to the Drop Box.
You are to duplicate and present the following letter to your mentor, at the
beginning of your internship.
University of Dayton
RE: EDA 507 (Revised_06) Internship I
Dear Administrator:
The University of Dayton's Department of Educational Leadership requires its
graduate students to participate in Internship I, a practical field-based course
that focuses on administrative experiences. A requirement for the course is to
work closely with a building/school administrator, as we believe this will be
beneficial to the continued growth and education of the participant.
It is hoped that you will agree to be a mentor and include a student in
administrative activities such as curriculum development, staff development,
in-service, teacher observations, pupil personnel situations, business/budget
sessions, staff personnel issues, scheduling, and day-to-day operations.
Our goal is to provide the student a laboratory in which he/she may explore
the skills, concepts, and philosophy acquired through the program at the
University of Dayton.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and feel free to contact me at the
number listed below if you have any questions.
Rev. Joseph Massucci, Ph.D.
Building Learning Communities Through Critical Reflection
300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0534
Telephone (937) 229-3737 ~ FAX (937) 229-3392