Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement

Early Childhood
Grades 4-5
2008 Submission Guidelines
Early Childhood Generalist (grades four and five), valid for teaching all
core academic content areas in grades four and five, may be added to
an Early Childhood P-3 teaching license upon evidence of completion of
a minimum of nine additional semester hours of study aligned with the
Ohio academic content standards for grades four and five and including
preparation in pedagogy and child/adolescent development
appropriate for grades four and five, and upon successful completion of
an examination prescribed by the state board of education.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Performance-based standards
Ohio requires performance-based programs and program reports which must include
candidate performance assessments. A description of the assessments used for
candidate preparation should include:
 the program’s planned, purposeful, and continuing evaluation of candidate
 use of multiple measures to capture various proficiencies of candidates
 actions by the program to set performance levels and judge accomplishments of
 efforts to assure validity and reliability of the assessments
 the manner in which results of assessments are used to evaluate and improve
the program and candidate performance
Performance-based assessments should be appropriate for the standards including
multiple forms of measurement, and measurement at multiple points over a candidate’s
progression through a program. A multiple measures approach may include, but is
not limited to, such formats as observations, use of work samples, analytic work,
reflections, demonstrations, standardized test results, scoring rubrics, problem-solving
activities, field assessments of performance, self-evaluations, portfolio assessment,
action research, projects, simulations, case studies, etc. In addition, there must be
rubrics or criteria that describe levels of performance by which the program assessments
judge candidates’ performance.
OEP Program Cover Sheet signed by dean or head of teacher education. This form
is available at: www.education.ohio.gov with search keywords: OEP Program
Cover Sheet. Please indicate required level (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate,
and/or graduate level). Programs will not be processed without an appropriately
signed form.
Completed ODE Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement program report
 Organize the report around the areas listed in the report.
Submissions should have all pages numbered consecutively, including
For electronic submission: send 1 copy of the program submission documents
with an electronic or faxed copy of the OEP Program Cover Sheet to your
consultant. If you do not know who your consultant is, please call the office
number listed below.
For submission by mail, send 4 unbound copies of the program submission
documents with a copy of the OEP Program Cover Sheet to:
Office of Educator Preparation
Ohio Department of Education
25 South Front Street, Mail Stop 502
Columbus, OH 43215-4183
(614) 752-9447 (Office)
(614) 752-8406 (Fax)
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Program Report for the
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
(Grades 4-5)
Ohio Department of Education
Office of Educator Preparation
(Also attach OEP Program Cover Sheet)
Institution: University of Dayton
Date submitted:
State: OH
April 30, 2009
Name of Preparer: Joni L. Baldwin, Ed.D.
Phone #: 229-3230
Email: baldwiJL@notes.udayton.edu
Is this program offered at more than one site? Yes
No X
If yes, list the sites at which the program is offered
Program report type: (check one)
New Program
Continuing Program
For programs that received a Not State Approved report status (check one):
First Response Report X
Second Response Report
State licensure requirement:
ODE requires 80% of the program completers who have taken the licensure test(s)
[(e.g., Praxis II PLT and Praxis II subject assessment test (formerly known as content
and specialty area)] must pass licensure tests. Test information and data must be
reported in Section III. Are data included in this review for Praxis II PLT and subject
assessment licensure tests for: new program, data not available yet, PLT scores are
available for ECE undergraduate and post-bac students if wanted
1) Praxis II PLT tests
2) Praxis II subject assessment tests
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Not Applicable
Not Applicable
To complete a program report, institutions must provide evidence of meeting the requirements
for the Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement based on data from 2 to 4 assessments. In their
entirety, the assessment tools, assessment rubrics, and data required for submission in this
report will answer the following questions:
Have candidates mastered the necessary content knowledge for the Endorsement of Early
Childhood Generalist?
Do candidates meet state licensure requirements?
Do candidates understand teaching and learning and can they plan their teaching or fulfill
other professional education responsibilities?
Can candidates apply their knowledge in learning environments?
Do candidates focus on student learning?
To that end, the program report includes the following sections:
Context (3-page maximum narrative, plus two attachments not to exceed 2 pages
each) Provide general information on the program, and include a program of study. Using the
Section I Matrix (page 7), included in this report, list the nine semester hours of course work
required for the Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement. (If this is a new program
submission, the program of study may be “proposed.”)
List of Assessments
Using the Section II Assessment Chart (page 8), included in this report, indicate the name, type,
and administration point for each of the 2-4 assessments documented in this report. (The
footnote lists examples of assessments that may be appropriate for each type of assessment that
must be documented in the program report.)
Relationship of Assessments to Standards/Requirements
Using the Section II Assessment Chart (page 8), included in this report, indicate which of the
assessments listed in Section II provide evidence of meeting specific program requirements.
Evidence for Meeting Standards/Requirements
Using the Section II Assessment Chart (page 8), attach assessment documentation (assessment
tools, rubrics or scoring guides/criteria, and data tables plus a 1-page maximum narrative for
each of the 2-4 assessments). Three years worth of data is required, unless otherwise noted. (If
this is a new program submission, the requirement for three years worth of data is
Use of Assessment Results to Improve Candidate and Program Performance (2-page
maximum narrative)
Describe how faculty are using the data from assessments to improve candidate performance
and the program as it relates to content, pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills, and
dispositions, and student learning. (If this is a new program submission, describe the
process by which faculty will review and use data.)
For Response Reports Only
Describe what changes or additions have been made in the report to address the requirements
that were not met in the original submission. List the sections of the report you are resubmitting
and the changes that have been made.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Format and page limits for narrative sections and attachments:
Narrative: All narrative sections have page limits. Page limits are based on single-spaced text
using 12-point type.
Attachments: Include the appropriate attachments for Sections I and II, and note the page
limits for each.
 ODE staff may require institutions to revise reports that do not follow directions on
format and page limits. In addition, hyperlinks imbedded in report documentation
will not be read by reviewers and cannot be used as a means of providing additional
Specific Instructions for the Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Who Should Submit Program Reports:
Institutions submit program reports under the signature of the “unit head” (a dean of a
school or chair of a department). Use the OEP Program Cover Sheet found on the ODE
website under “Standards and Submission Guidelines for Licensure Programs.”
Licensure Rule 3301-24-05 (E) (7)
Early Childhood Generalist (grades four and five), valid for teaching all core academic
content areas in grades four and five, may be added to an Early Childhood P-3 teaching
license upon evidence of completion of a minimum of nine additional semester hours of
study aligned with the Ohio academic content standards for grades four and five and
including preparation in pedagogy and child/adolescent development appropriate for
grades four and five, and upon successful completion of an examination prescribed by
the state board of education.
ODE Approval Decision Rules:
In order to gain ODE approval, programs must successfully meet all Early Childhood
Generalist requirements. If one or more of the requirements are not met, the program
will NOT be approved. Program reports are reviewed by ODE selected reviewers and
approved on a “rotating cycle” that coincides with the institution’s accreditation on-site
visit. Programs are reviewed 6-18 months before an accreditation on-site visit.
New programs must successfully meet all requirements; however, the program report
may be modified (see language pertaining to new programs on previous page.) New
programs will receive 3 years of conditional approval, during which time data will be
collected to address the standards. The program, in its entirety, will need to be resubmitted at the end of the conditional approval period.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Other specific information required:
In Section I, the Matrix must provide documentation that the program includes the
requirements for the Early Childhood Generalist which are:
 Candidates must successfully complete a minimum of 9 semester hours of
additional course work beyond what is required for the Early Childhood Education
P-3 Licensure. The minimum of 9 semester hours must be aligned with the Ohio
Academic Content Standards for grades four and five, and pedagogy as it relates
to child/adolescent development in grades 4 and 5.
 Candidates must successfully complete the Praxis II Subject Assessment Test.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Section I Matrix for Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement Program Submission
Please use the following matrix to indicate course titles and experiences, a brief description of each course, and an explanation of
how the course addresses the minimum of 9 semester hours aligned with the Ohio Academic Content Standards for grades four and
five, and pedagogy as it relates to child/adolescent development in grades 4 and 5. The minimum of nine semester hours should
include courses and experiences that provide adequate content preparation for teaching at the fourth and fifth grade levels.1
Course Titles and
# of Semester Hours
Description of
Each Course
EDT 411/EDT 519 Social Studies for
4th/5th Grades. (3 sem. hours)
A course designed to address social
studies content, including social aspect
of learning, and pedagogy specific to
4th/5th grades.
EDT 410/520 Science and
Mathematics for 4th/5th Grades
A course designed to address math
and science standards not covered in
general education or core ECE content
classes (or equivalents as determined
by a degree audit) specific to 4th/5th
Explanation of how the Course addresses the
Ohio Academic Content Standards Grades 4-5
and pedagogy including child/adolescent
development Grades 4-5
4th grade: Ohio geography, Ohio history, Ohio government
and citizenship, and Ohio economy. 5th grade: geography of
North America, people, land and resources
(US History and democratic government processes are
covered in UD required general education classes or in core
ECE programming or equivalent courses for post-bac
candidates – see Attachment 2)
4th grade: Continued exposure to content and methods to
teach concepts of physical & chemical changes of matter, life
cycle of plants, weather – patterns and impacts, technology,
inventions, and human life. Mathematics: continue exposure
and application of 4-5 program benchmarks
5th grade: Earth and space science – solar system, simple
electricity, human activity and technology
(other science concepts have been covered in core ECE
general education content classes or equivalents for post-bac
Suggested courses might include three (3) semester hours of middle childhood pedagogy for Grades 4 and 5, with the remaining hours to be divided among the
academic areas.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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candidates – see Attachment 2). Mathematics: fractions,
percents, square roots, order of operations, measurement,
circumference and radius, patterns, data analysis &
probability at advanced levels from 4-5 program
EDT 425/530 Middle School
Principles and Practices – 3 credits
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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EDT 425/530 is a course that is part of the
Middle Childhood Program, and as such
includes a study of organization,
philosophy and curriculum of middle level
education. However, the content,
learning experiences, and field
experiences of this course integrate an
understanding of the development of
students in middle grades, including
grades 4 and 5, classroom environment,
and pedagogy. Candidates in EDT 425/530
also complete a research paper on a topic
relevant to middle grades education. ECE
Generalist Endorsement students will be
directed in the assignment description to
complete the research study on some
aspect of pedagogy specific to typical
aspects of student learning and the
academic content standards in grades
four and five. Examples could include
vocabulary acquisition in the content
areas, mathematical problem solving, or
inquiry-based instruction in science or
social studies. Candidates in EDT 425/530
Middle school pedagogy, including 4th and 5th grades,
including collaboration, flexible grouping and scheduling
arrangements, assessment/evaluation, philosophy of
learning, discipline, student accountability and resources
available to assist teachers working with 4th/5th grade
EDT 425L/530L Lab Requirement
with 425
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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will also complete their required field
experience in grade 4 or 5 so that their
learning experiences in the course will
have a direct relationship to student
development and pedagogy in those
20 hour Field Experience with EDT 425.
Candidates will be placed in a 4th or 5th
grade classroom for observation and
application of learned content and
Observation and application of pedagogical knowledge and
skills for 4th and 5th grade learners.
Section II Assessment Chart
In this section, list the 2-4 assessment tools that are being submitted as evidence for meeting the requirements. All programs must
provide evidence of a minimum of 2 assessments (2 additional assessments are optional). For each assessment, indicate the type or
form of the assessment, when it is administered in the program, and the evidence of meeting the requirements.
Name of Assessment
Type or Form of
1 – Assessment of candidate’s
content knowledge in the
prescribed coursework.
Knowledge Exam
2- Assessment of candidate’s
knowledge of instructional
strategies as they relate to
child/adolescent development
in grades 4 & 5.
3 – Additional assessment
that addresses the
requirement. (Required)
Social Studies
Topic Resource
When the
Assessment is
completion of
As part of the
EDT 410/520
Science/Math in
4th/5th Grade
As part of EDT
411/519 Social
Studies for 4th/5th
Indicate Evidence that Assessment is Meeting the
Documentation of core content knowledge and pedagogical
knowledge of skills appropriate for 4th/5th grade instruction.
Evidence will document the candidate’s conceptual
understanding of integrative curriculum models, the ability to
plan an integrated unit for 4th/5th grade students,
development of appropriate content specific integrated lesson
plans, and knowledge of appropriate pedagogy for 4th/5th
grade students.
Evidence will demonstrate candidates have a working content
knowledge of the 4th and 5th grade standards, along with the
resources necessary to teach the content. In addition,
collaboration and teaming skills will be stressed.
Examples of assessments include grades, Praxis II subject area tests, comprehensive examinations, case studies, action research, portfolio projects, research
reports, follow-up studies
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Section III
Attach a separate Program of Study
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement Coursework
Four Year Plan – See Attachment 1 for Course Titles
Early Childhood Education (Age 3-Grade 3)
with Generalist Endorsement (Grades 4-5) for Undergraduate Students
ECE 4 Year Plan
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
EDT 109 (1)
ENG 101 (3)
HST 103 (3)
SCI 190 (3)
SCI 190L (1)
PHL 103 (3)
VAE 101 (2)
EDT 211 (3)
EDT 211L (1)
EDT 305 (3)
MTH 204 (3)
Soc Sci Elec (3)
GEO 204 (4)
EDT 341 (3)
EDT 350 (3)
SCI 230 (3)
SCI 230 L (1)
CMM 113 (1)
EDT 411 Social
Studies for 4th/5th
Grade (3)
EDT 412 (3)
EDT 413 (2)
EDT 414 (3)
EDT 415 (2)
EDT 415L (1)
EDT 454 (3)
EDT 450 (3)
Total: 16 credits
Total: 17 credits
Total: 17 credits
Total: 14credits
EDT 110 (2)
EDT 212 (3)
EDT 313 (3)
EDT 473 (12
EDT 110L (1)
EDT 212L (0)
EDT 313L (1)
ENG 102 (3)
MTH 205 (3)
EDT 317 (2)
HST 251 (3)
CMM 111 or 112
EDT 453 (3)
REL 103 (3)
EDT 311 (2)
MUS 104 (2)
EDT 410 Sci &Math
EDT 340 (3)
CMM 110 (1)
for 4th/5th Grades
EDT 340L (0)
Art Study Elec (3)
Phil/Rel Elec (3)
EDT 425 (3)
Total: 15 credits
Total: 12 credits
Total: 16 credits
Total: 17 credits
124 credit hours are required for graduation, however, many ECE students have more
than that depending on their choice of focus area.
1. Bold indicates courses that must be taken during the term indicated
2. Italics indicate courses for the ECE Generalist Endorsement
3. EDT 340/340L is taken: 2nd semester 2nd year for PKSN & ECE Generalist and
2nd semester 3rd year for ECE majors.
4. ECE Candidates need to be finished with the cluster and University general
education class requirements BEFORE 2nd semester third year
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Program of Study for Post-baccalaureate Candidates
ECE Generalist Endorsement for Existing ECE License
Prior content knowledge will be addressed via a degree audit (see Attachment 2).
Following satisfactory analysis of previous learning, the ECE Generalist Post-Bac
candidate will take the following courses. Candidates must have a valid ECE licensure to
add the Generalist endorsement.
Fall Semester:
EDT 519 Social Studies for 4th/5th Grade
EDT 530 Middle School Principles and Practices
Winter Semester:
EDT 520 Science and Mathematics for 4th/5th Grade
Courses do not have to be taken in sequence. EDT 519 and EDT 530 can be taken
separately. Field work will be embedded into EDT 530.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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University of Dayton
School of Education and Allied Professions
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement - Grades 4-5
Context Statement:
Mission, Vision, and Conceptual Framework
The mission of the University of Dayton School of Education and Allied Professions
(SOEAP) is “Building Learning Communities through Critical Reflection.” As stated in
the SOEAP Conceptual Framework document, the Marianist history and heritage, a
heritage that obligates us toward community building and service to others, is articulated
in the five characteristics of a Marianist University: educate for formation in faith;
provide an integral quality education; educate in family spirit; educate for service, justice,
and peace; and educate for adaptation and change (Characteristics of Marianist
Universities, 1999).
The vision of the Department of Teacher Education is “Teacher as Reflective Decisionmaker in a Pluralistic Society.” Grounded in the Marianist tradition, the mission of the
Department of Teacher Education is evident in the four main candidate outcomes:
develop as scholar practitioners; engage in building community; engage in critical
reflection; and embrace diversity for the promotion of social justice. The Department of
Teacher Education conceptual framework is grounded in theory and research, and is
aligned with institutional values and professional standards. The conceptual framework is
the basis for student outcomes and proficiencies at all levels in our programs, and is
evident in our candidate assessment system.
Candidate Requirements for Admission, Retention, and Exit Undergraduate Level
All undergraduates who enter into the School of Education and Allied Profession must
have a 2.5 GPA in both content and professional education courses and have passed all
three sections of the PRAXIS I (Reading 173/320; Writing – 173/319; and Math –
173/318) to be admitted into the program at UD. The PRAXIS I is waived if the student
has a minimum ACT score of 24 or an SAT score of 1110 or higher. The 2.5 GPA must
be maintained for overall coursework, professional education classes, and teaching
concentrations, for a candidate to remain in the program.
The Early Childhood Program further requires candidates to successfully pass all
field/clinical experience with continued recommendations from cooperating teachers and
university supervisors. Candidates who do not do well in a clinical setting are counseled
throughout the semester on ways to improve performance, if this does not occur, the
candidate is counseled out of the program. Dispositions, including respect to children and
families, communicating with children and adults in an appropriate manner, and
willingness to present themselves as a professional, are tracked and assessed before the
candidate moves to the next level of classes.
Candidate Requirements for Admission, Retention, and Exit Graduate Level
Candidates returning for the 4th/5th Grade Generalist Endorsement only will be required
to hold a valid Early Childhood Teaching License from the Ohio Department of
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Education. They will be required to obtain C- (undergraduate) or C (graduate) or better in
each of the three classes to be recommended for the endorsement. Prior to entry into the
program, they will need to have a degree audit of their undergraduate and graduate course
work to ensure the background/content knowledge needed to add the endorsement
classes. This will be inclusive of the core content the undergraduate students learn in their
Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Mathematics content classes.
The Early Childhood Program
The Early Childhood Program at the University of Dayton is approved by the Ohio
Department of Education (ODE) and the Ohio’s Board of Regents of Higher Learning
(OBR). For a teacher preparation program to be approved by ODE, the program must be
aligned to the Ohio Academic Standards and the new Ohio Professional Teaching
Standards. The Early Childhood Program at UD is also accredited by the National
Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), with performance-based
assessments to document candidate knowledge and skills in content, planning, teaching,
and monitoring student learning.
The Early Childhood License is valid for teaching children age three (pre-kindergarten)
to grade three who are typically developing, at-risk, gifted, and have mild/moderate
educational needs. The Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement will be added to this
P-3 teaching license. A provisional two year license is granted from the state, with the
candidate required to pass the PRAXIS III (or substitute determined by the state) before
being approved for a five year license in Ohio.
The ECE Generalist Endorsement Program
ECE undergraduate teacher candidates at the University of Dayton complete several
courses in Social Studies (6 credits), Science (12 credits), English Language Arts (15
credits), and Mathematics (6 credits), in addition to their EDT courses to meet the
required 117 credits for ECE licensure. This provides a strong content base to teach at the
4th and 5th grade levels, addressing the English Language Arts standards, and many of the
Social Studies, Science and Mathematics standards. To address additional content
knowledge, we have proposed adding 6 credit hours: EDT 410 Science and Math in
4th/5th Grades and EDT 411 Social Studies for 4th/5th Grades. The third class ( 3 credit
hours) will address middle school pedagogy, EDT 425 Middle School Principles and
Practices, with an emphasis on 4th/5th grade specific content and issues. Field experience
will be a part of EDT 425, with collaboration a strong component of EDT 411.
Post-bac candidates will need to have a degree audit completed (see Attachment A) to
ensure they have the content knowledge needed to begin the endorsement program. If
they are missing comparative classes, they will be instructed to enroll in courses designed
to develop this content knowledge, before taking the three additional classes: EDT 520
Science and Math in 4th/5th Grades, EDT 519 Social Studies for 4th/5th Grades, and EDT
530 Middle School Principles and Practices. Field experience will be a part of EDT 530,
with collaboration a strong component of EDT 519.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Performance assessments utilized to document candidate content knowledge will include
the PRAXIS II subject area assessment (#0014) and the completion of an Topic Resource
Collection to document knowledge of content to teach Ohio geography, Ohio history,
Ohio government and citizenship, and Ohio economy which are the primary standards in
4th grade, in addition to standards specific to 5th grade. Collaboration and working with a
team will be emphasized in this course and assessment. To document candidate’s
knowledge of content and instructional strategies as they relate to child/adolescent
development in grades four and five, the candidate’s will develop an integrated unit of
study that addresses 4th or 5th grade Ohio Academic Content Standards in Math and
Science, appropriate pedagogy, and procedures to document student learning. Results of
these assessments will be reviewed each semester offered, as is done with other ECE
courses, to evaluate and improve the program and candidates’ performance. Field
experience in 4th /5th grade environments will be encouraged, with documentation of
specific teaching and behavior management strategies.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Evidence for Meeting Standards/Requirements
Assessment #1: PRAXIS II: Elementary Education Content Knowledge (#0014)
Description of Assessment
Teacher candidates in the Early Childhood Program at the University of Dayton are
required to take and pass the PRAXIS II as a requirement of licensing in the state of
Ohio. Early Childhood candidates take two examinations:
#0021 – Education of Young Children, and
#0521 – Principles of Learning and Teaching: Early Childhood
Candidates applying for the Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement will be required to
also take:
#0014 – Elementary Education Content Knowledge
Our candidates are encouraged to take the examinations during the summer prior to their
senior year. Candidates who do not take the Praxis II prior to the start of the fall semester
take the exam before entering student teaching in January.
Description of how the assessment aligns with standards:
The PRAXIS II Elementary Education Content Knowledge has been determined by the
Ohio Office of Educator Preparation as the examination that best aligns with Ohio
Standards for this endorsement.
Summary of Data Findings
This assessment has not been required prior to this date, therefore there are no data
Interpretation of how Data Provides Evidence of Meeting Standards
Passage of the Elementary Education Content Knowledge examination will confirm
candidate content knowledge in the areas of Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social
Studies, and Science.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Assessment #2: Integrated Math/Science Project
1) Description of Assessment
Candidates will be required to develop an integrated unit based on a science topic from
the 4th or 5th grade Ohio Academic Content Standards. They will start with an analysis of
student knowledge, then develop a content rich topic web, which will lead to lesson plans
integrating science and mathematics. Candidates will be encouraged to include other
content areas as well. Appropriate pedagogy for 4th/5th grade students will be evident in
the plans, in addition to accommodations/modifications for all students to learn. A
culminating activity will be planned to document student learning.
2) Description of how the assessment aligns with standards:
Candidates are required to utilize the Ohio Academic Content Standards for 4th and/or 5th
grade students to develop their integrated project. Integration of the content standards
(benchmarks and indicators) in their lesson plans, with appropriate assessments planned
for the students, will reflect candidate’s awareness of the standards and alignment with
the OACS.
3) Summary of Data Findings
This assessment has not been required prior to this date, therefore there are no data
Interpretation of how Data Provides Evidence of Meeting Standards
Identification and documentation of content standards addressed, integration of math and
science indicators, and appropriate lesson plans for the 4th and 5th grade age students will
reflect candidate’s knowledge of content, pedagogy, and assessment for teaching students
in the 4th and/or 5th grade.
Candidate Assignment:
Candidates are to review the science content standards for 4th and 5th grade and choose an
overarching topic (ex. properties of matter, life cycle of plants, weather and patterns,
solar system). Candidates will then research to develop a well formed content web related
to the topic of study. A pre-assessment will be developed to determine the students’ level
of content knowledge. Candidates will then develop at least three lesson plans that
include both science and math 4th and 5th grade indicators related to the topic of study.
Appropriate pedagogy for 4th/5th grade learners will be included, inclusive of
developmentally appropriate activities and accommodations/modifications as needed for
the students at all levels of learning. One of the lesson plans should include the final
culminating activity, as well as an assessment of student learning. Refer to the rubric for
information to include in the lesson plans. Webbing and appropriate pedagogy will be
discussed in class prior to this assignment.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
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Integrated Math/Science Project Rubric
The rating of 1 is be given if any indicator within category 1(Unsatisfactory) is present.
The rating of 2 is given if all indicators within category 2 are present, or one indicator within 2 and one or more indicators within 3 are present.
The rating of 3 is given if all indicators within category 3 are present.
Topic web is missing and/or references
and resources are missing or not
appropriate for 4th/5th grade students
and content or does not include both
math and science content standards.
Lesson Plans Include:
1. Connections Pre-assessment strategies are not
to Learning
2. Learning
3. Student
Topic development includes a basic
web with limited connection to math
and science content standards,
resources and references not well
Topic development includes a
content rich topic web, connected to
4th/5th grade content standards, with
documented resources and reference
materials, appropriate and connected
to 4th/5th grade math and science
Ohio Academic Content Standards.
Pre-assessment strategies are included
and somewhat appropriate.
Pre-assessment strategies are
included, accurately assess prior
knowledge and states how results
are used to inform instruction.
Connections to prior knowledge and
future learning are appropriately and
accurately referenced.
Connections to prior knowledge and
future learning are not referenced.
Connections to prior knowledge and
future learning are included, somewhat
appropriately and accurately
Standard/s and indicator/s are missing
and/or do not reference the Ohio
Academic Content Standards for 4th/5th
grade appropriately.
Standard/s and indicator/s reference
the Ohio Academic Content Standards
for 4th5th grade somewhat
Standard/s and indicator/s reference
the Ohio Academic Content
Standards for 4th/5th grade
Objectives are minimal, do not provide
a sense of what students will know or
be able to do as a result of the lesson,
or do not include measurable verbs.
Objectives are stated but lack clarity,
fail to state what students will know or
be able to do as a result of the lesson,
or include measurable verbs that lack
Objectives use relevant measurable
verbs to provide a clear sense of
what students will know, be able to
demonstrate and/or do as a result of
the lesson.
Student grouping is missing, and/or
Student grouping is stated and
somewhat appropriate. Rationale does
not state why groups are appropriate.
Student grouping is stated and
appropriate. Rationale states why
groups are appropriate.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Plan-- Score
1, 2, 3
4. Methods/
Methods are missing, minimally
appropriate, developmentally
inappropriate and/or are not aligned
with the learning objectives, or address
the needs of a variety of learners.
Methods are somewhat varied and/or
are somewhat aligned to the learning
objectives, and address the needs of a
variety of learners.
Various developmentally appropriate
methods are listed and aligned with
the learning objectives, and
addresses the needs of all learners.
6. Activities
tiated instructional strategies are
lacking or inappropriate.
tiated instructional strategies are
somewhat integrated, somewhat
appropriate, and/or challenge students
of some levels represented in the
entiated instructional strategies are
well integrated, appropriate,
creative, and challenge students of
all levels represented in the
Opening and subsequent activities do
not relate to the objective/s and
indicator/s, and/or are not in any
sequence, have no differentiation
and/or are not developmentally
Opening and subsequent activities
relate directly to the objective/s and
indicator/s, are in a carefully planned
and well timed sequence, have
sufficient differentiation to
accommodate all learners, and are
developmentally appropriate.
Opening and subsequent activities
relate directly to the objective/s and
indicator/s, are in a carefully planned
and well timed sequence, have
sufficient differentiation to
accommodate all learners, and are
developmentally appropriate.
7. Materials
Resources and/or materials are not
appropriate or not described.
Resources and/or materials somewhat
appropriate and/or not fully described.
Use of technology is not stated and/or
warranted but not used.
Use of technology is stated and
somewhat appropriate.
Resources and/or materials are
accurate, appropriate and fully
Use of technology, if warranted, is
stated and appropriate.
Planned and appropriate assessment is
missing or irrelevant.
Planned and appropriate assessment is
incomplete and/or only somewhat
measures indicators and/or objectives.
Planned and appropriate assessment
is complete and accurately measures
indicators and/or objectives for all
Definition of Terms:
Appropriate—meets most or all of the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations (SPA) i.e. CEC, IRA, ISTE, NAEYC, NCTE, NCTM, NMSA,
Somewhat—meets some of the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations but not others
Inappropriate or Minimally Appropriate—does not meet the criteria as described in the standards for professional associations
Data for Assessment 2: This course and assessment have not yet been offered. Date will be collected based on rubric categories.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Assessment #3:
1) Description of Assessment
Candidates will work with the Ohio Academic Content Social Studies Standards for 4th
and 5th grade to develop resource collections inclusive of explanations, lesson sketches,
and resources that will facilitate the teaching of these standards. This will occur during
the Social Studies in 4th/5th Grade class.
2) Description of how the assessment aligns with standards:
Candidates are required to utilize the Ohio Academic Content Standards for 4th and/or 5th
grade students to develop the resource collection. Integration of the content standards
(benchmarks and indicators) in their lesson plans, with appropriate assessments planned
for the students, will reflect candidate’s awareness of the standards and alignment with
the OACS.
Summary of Data Findings
This assessment has not been required prior to this date, therefore there are no data
Interpretation of how Data Provides Evidence of Meeting Standards
By working with the standards to develop lesson sketches and resources, the candidates
will become familiar and comfortable with the 4th and 5th grade Social Studies content
standards. Accurate teaching plans appropriate for 4th/5th grade learners will reflect
knowledge of the standards and pedagogy for this grade level.
Candidate Assignment:
Social Studies Topic Resource Collection – Grades 4 and 5
For this assignment you will work in small groups to compile a set of resources focusing
on each of the six social studies content standard areas as defined in Ohio’s Academic
Content Standards for K-12 Social Studies, with integration of the seventh standard
Social Studies Skills and Methods. This collection will address the following questions:
What do state standards say is important social studies content for children to
learn in grades 4 and 5?
How does social studies learning in grades 4 & 5 fit into the scope of K-12 social
studies learning?
What essential knowledge and understandings of social studies content and
processes must teachers have to teach this content?
What age appropriate resources support teaching this content (i.e., lesson sketches
[1 per grade-level per standard area], websites, print materials, trade books, field
trip possibilities, bulletin board ideas, ideas for integration into other content
areas, etc.)?
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
These collections will include two, one-page lesson sketch for each grade level (4-5) that
meets content and process standards in each of the six content areas, with the seventh
Skills and Methods integrated though out the other lessons. This means the group will put
together a collection of 24 lesson sketches, reflective of the majority of indicators in each
standard. Groups will work collaboratively to ensure lesson sketches cover the majority
of indicators at the 4th/5th grade level. Resource collections will generate four grades:
group grade for written unit, individual grade for contributed lesson sketches, peer and
self evaluation, and group grade for class presentation of one lesson from the collection at
the end of the class. All collections will be submitted in hard copy and electronically and
will be distributed electronically to all students.
EDT XXX Social Studies Resource Collection Rubric
Written Group Project
Summary of 4th/5th social studies topics and concepts
addressed in Ohio ACS
 Summary accurately addresses the concepts in
each grade
 Summary is well written, adhering to standard
writing conventions
What skills will teachers need to have to teach this content
 Explanation is accurate.
 Explanation is complete, addressing all topics and
concepts addressed above.
 Summary is well written, adhering to standard
writing conventions
Description of How Content Fits into Scope of Social
Studies Curriculum
 Description is accurate.
 Description is helpful in understanding the
importance of how developing particular skills and
knowledge supports future learning
 Summary is well written, adhering to standard
writing conventions
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Lesson sketches must be typed into the 3-column format
given and will be judged as follows:
 Indicator and grade level are stated.
 Objective states a measurable outcome and are
aligned to indicator.
 Assessment is developmentally appropriate and
aligned to the indicator.
 Evidence is tangible.
 Activities are aligned to the indicator, are creative
and engaging, are inquiry-oriented, and integrate
indicators from the 7th social studies standard:
Social Studies Skills and Methods
Supporting Collection must include a total of 5 additional resources from the following list:
Resources Each resource included will be judged on the following qualities:
 Resources are appropriate for and address content for each grade level
 Appropriate Ohio ACS indicator(s) for each resource are listed
 Resources are described well enough to determine from reading the
explanation if they will be useful
 Resources are referenced appropriately for easy retrieval
Age-Appropriate Supporting Literature (trade books):
fiction, non-fiction
Supporting Technology
Field Trip Sites (i.e., specific programs or lesson ideas)
Details for Guest Speakers or organizations (i.e., specific
zoo/museum programs)
Interactive Bulletin board ideas
Relevant Current Issues in Social Studies
Integration: Resources that connect content to other
content areas
Other Resource: (specify type)
Collection includes Peer Reviews for Two Lesson Sketches
Data Tables will be developed once data has been collected and will be reviewed per
component of the assignment.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Use of Assessment Results to Improve Candidate and Program Performance
The Early Childhood Program at the University of Dayton meet as a faculty at least once
per semester to review the previous semester’s data. Strengths and concerns are noted,
with changes made to course content, assignments, or scoring rubrics as needed by the
data analysis. Over the past three years, various program changes have been made, which
were recently reported in our NAEYC SPA report. A copy of that section of the report is
below for your analysis of our ability to analyze data and make program changes.
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
From NAEYC SPA report of Sept. 2008:
SECTION V – Use of Assessment Results to Improve Program (24,000 characters)
Evidence must be presented in this section that assessments results have been analyzed and have
been or will be used to improve candidate performance and strengthen the program. This
description should not link improvements to individual assessments but rather, it should
summarize principal findings from the evidence the faculty’s interpretations of those findings,
and changes made in (or planned for) the program, as a result. Describe the steps program
faculty had taken to use information from assessments for improvement of both candidate
performance and the program. This information should be organized around (1) content
knowledge, (2) professional and pedagogical knowledge, skill, and dispositions, and (3) student
The Early Childhood Faculty at the University of Dayton meet at least twice a semester to review
program strengths and concerns, candidate issues, and state or national trends that will have
impact upon our program. During these meetings, assignments/assessments and data collection
are discussed, ensuring that the entire faculty (including adjunct faculty) know and understand
the assessment and data collection process. At the end of each semester, or early in the next
semester, each data point is reviewed with regard to the status of the candidates responses,
concerns the data might reflect, and changes that might be needed. This facilitates continued
tracking of our program, both of the curriculum and the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of the
Content Knowledge: Information from our assessments reflects that our teacher candidates are
competent in their content knowledge related to early childhood education. The 100% pass rate
on the PRAXIS II examination is a strong indicator of this, as is their performance on the case
study. The other assessments also require mastery of content knowledge, including subject
specific content such as science knowledge to complete their investigation unit (Assessment 3)
and teach proficiently during student teaching at the primary level (Assessment 4). Despite these
findings, our program continues to strive to improve the candidate’s content knowledge through
reorganizing class sequences (moving mathematics content class to later in their program of
study), working with Arts and Science faculty members to improve and make relevant
mathematics and science coursework, and connecting courses into “blocks” (Preschool Block –
2nd semester junior year, Primary Block – 1st semester senior year) with integrated teaching of
content and coordinated presentation of content and assignments from each faculty member. This
has strengthened our program as well as our candidates’ content knowledge.
Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions: Findings from our
assessments indicate our teacher candidates are strong in their knowledge of professional and
pedagogical knowledge and skills (Assessment 3 Investigation Unit, Assessment 4 Student
Teaching Evaluation, and Assessment 5 Evidence of Student Learning). They are familiar with
state content standards, state and national teaching standards, and teaching strategies to include
all students in instruction. Our candidates are proficient in developing a teaching unit and
implementing such in a preschool or classroom setting. They are also capable of assessing prior
and current learning, but are less proficient with using assessment data to inform instruction,
although still at least within the “basic” level of learning. As we would prefer candidates to be in
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
the “proficient” range of this highly critical skill, this will continue to be addressed in content
area classes, as well as courses designed to develop teaching and assessment skills. More
modeling and practice will be provided for our candidates.
Awareness of cultural differences and personal biases and beliefs is reflected as the most difficult
for our candidates (Assessment 6). Our candidates often struggle with the assignments required
to increase their awareness and understanding of urban and lower socioeconomic issues. We
have been, and will continue to, address this in their training. Changes made in this area include
obtaining assistance in course design from our Urban Teacher Academy faculty, designing a
practicum in an urban setting, and at the unit level, the introductory education courses that
require a field component are predominantly occurring in urban settings. Dispositions that drive
the EC program: research driven practice, critical reflection, community of learners, value
diversity, all children can learn, ethical conduct, and effective change agents are addressed in all
of the program classes. Following their graduation from UD, many of our candidates participate
in “a year of service” or choose to work in urban settings – continuing to follow the Marianist
Student Learning: Our candidates are instructed in techniques to assess current learning and/or
developmental skills beginning in their second year in the Early Childhood program. They begin
to move to “next steps” in teaching and learning during this same time period (see Assessment 2
Case Study). Junior year they engage in a several week long unit of instruction, where pre, peri,
and post testing are included to guide the development of the unit and continued instruction
(Assessment 3: Integrated Investigation Assignment). Post testing allows the candidate to
determine student learning (Assessment 5: Evidence of Student Learning). This continues into
the senior year where the candidates again develop an integrated unit of instruction in
cooperation with their mentor teacher, again assessing for current knowledge prior to planning,
then implementing assessments during instruction to inform the next segment of teaching.
Culminating assignments/assessments allow the candidate to assess student learning, including
mastery of early learning or academic state content standards. The ability to assess student
learning is critical to good instruction and our candidates are proficient in this area. However,
this continues to be monitored on a semester basis to ensure candidate proficiency and/or the
need to make program or course modifications.
Changes to our program in the last three years have included a better alignment of classes,
integration of content in the Senior Block semester, adjustment of assignments/assessments to
ensure meeting of standards, and closer monitoring of candidate dispositions. Results/data from
program assessments/assignments have reflected the need for more detailed directions and
rubrics, which has in turn led to improved candidate performance. Changes that we hope to make
within the near future include the addition of an assessment more strongly focused on Standard
5: Becoming a Professional, and to continue to work on the student teaching evaluation to make
it more reflective of early childhood standards.
Attachment 1: ECE Program Checksheet
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON Initial State Apprvd. Prog. 7/98
CHECKSHEET (For students entering in or after 8/01)
RELIGION-PHILOSOPHY (12 sem. hrs. req.)
REL 103 Introduction to Religion[HB] .................................... 3
PHL 103 Introduction to Philosophy[HB] ................................ 3
EDT 305 Philosophy and History of American Education ..... 3
--- ---- REL or PHL Elective[4] ...........................................
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (57 sem. hrs. req.)
EDT 109 Personal Aspects of Teaching[1], [2].......................... 1
EDT 110 The Profession of Teaching[1] ................................. 2
EDT 110 Lab ......................................................................... 1
EDT 211 Child Development Birth to Age 8[1] ...................... 3
EDT 211 Lab ......................................................................... 1
EDT 212 Early Childhood Theory and Practice[1] .................. 3
EDT 212 Lab ......................................................................... 0
EDT 313 Develpmtly. Appropriate Practice Preschool[1] ....... 3
EDT 313 Lab ......................................................................... 1
EDT 317 Early Childhood Art Methods ................................ 2
EDT 340 Edu. Diverse Student Pops. in Incl. Settings[1]........ 3
EDT 340 Lab ......................................................................... 0
EDT 341 Language Development and Emergent Literacy ..... 3
EDT 350 Foundations of Literacy Through Literature[8] ........ 3
EDT 412 Devlpmtly. Approp. Practice Math ECE [6] ............. 3
EDT 413 Devlpmtly Approp. Practice Soc. Studies ECE [6] .. 2
EDT 414 Devlpmtly. Approp. Practice Science ECE[6] ......... 3
EDT 415 Working w/ Learners w/ Mld-Mod. Disabilit.[1],[6] . 2
EDT 415 Lab – ECE Primary (K – 3) Field Internship[6]....... 1
EDT 450 Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary[8] ...................... 3
EDT 453 Introduction to Literacy for Early Childhood [8] ...... 3
EDT 454 Methods of Lit. Instr./Assessment for ECE [6],[8] ..... 3
EDT 473 Student Teaching in the Primary Grades .............. 12
SCIENCE (Integrated Natural Science Core-12 sem. hrs. req.)
SCI 190 The Physical Universe ............................................ 3
SCI 190L The Physical Universe Laboratory .......................... 1
SCI 230 Organisms, Evolution & Environment ................... 3
SCI 230L Organisms, Evolution & Environment Lab ............ 1
GEO 204 Geology for Teachers ............................................. 4
MATHEMATICS (6 sem. hrs. req.)
MTH 204 Mathematical Concepts I ........................................ 3
MTH 205 Mathematical Concepts II ....................................... 3
LANGUAGE ARTS (6-9 sem. hrs. req.[3])
ENG 101 College Composition I[3] ......................................... 3
ENG 102 College Composition II[3], [HB] ................................. 3
CMM Sequence 110, 111 Or 112, 113[7] .................. 1, 1, and 1
HISTORICAL STUDY (6 sem. hrs. req.)
HST 103 The West and The World[HB]………………………. 3
HST 251 American History to 1865....................................... 3
SOCIAL SCIENCES (3 sem. hrs. req.)
---- ---- Social Sciences Elective[4] ......................................
ARTS STUDY (7 sem. hrs. req.)
---- ---- Arts Study Elective[4] ..............................................
VAE 101 Early Childhood Art Education .............................. 2
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
MUS 104 Music Literature for the Elementary Classroom ..... 2
PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUC. (3 sem. hrs. req.)
HSS 333 Health, Nutrition., and Safety for the Young Chld. 3
ELECTIVES[5] are needed to meet minimum graduation
requirements of 124 SEMESTER HOURS. Electives should
be selected based on a well thought-out area of focus. Consult
your advisor. Nine semester hours of electives should be taken
to fulfill the selected thematic cluster[4].
Successful completion of EDT field experience and a 2.5
cumulative grade point average are required overall and in
professional education courses to continue in the program,
student teach, and be licensed. All program (courses listed on
this page), professional education, general education, basic
skills, and endorsement courses must be taken using grading
option 1.
The PRAXIS I reading, writing, and math subtests are required
and must be waived or passed by the end of the first year. The
PRAXIS II tests are also required. They include the Principles
of Learning and Teaching (ECE) and the Specialty Area Test
in Early Childhood Education. They must be taken the
summer before first semester, senior year. Applications for
both tests are available in Chaminade 104 and the Chaminade
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik
Name ______________________________________________ID Number __________
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: (Courses required are marked with an X.)
Semester Hours
Reading/Language Arts Requirements:
_______ ________
ENG 101 College Composition
_______ ________
ENG 102 College Composition II
_______ ________
EDT 350 Foundations of Literacy through Literature
_______ ________
EDT 450 Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary
_______ ________
EDT 453 Introduction to Literacy for Early Childhood 3
_______ ________
EDT 454 Methods of Literacy Instruction and Assessment 3
for Early Childhood Or Reading in the Content Areas
Mathematics Requirements:
_______ ________
_______ ________
Science Requirements:
_______ ________
_______ ________
_______ ________
MTH 204
Mathematical Concepts I
MTH 205 Mathematical Concepts II
SCI 190 and Lab The Physical Universe and Lab
GEO 204 Geology for Teachers (Lab Included)
SCI 230 and Lab Organisms, Evolution & Environment and Lab
Social Studies Requirements:
_______ ________
HST 103
_______ ________
HST 251
The West and The World
American History to 1865
Undergraduate Students:
Dr. Joni Baldwin
Undergraduate Faculty Advisor
Joni L Baldwin/EDU/FacStaff/UDayton@UDayton
Graduate Students: Admission to the Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions is
required. The code for the generalist license is END.ECE.GEN
Mary Lou Andrews, Ph.D.
Graduate Faculty Advisor
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
Updated 11/26/08 cik