Sociology Skyline High School Course Syllabus -- Fall 2015 Mrs. Amanda Weber (480) 472-9508 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Sociology is an elective course that studies human society and social behavior. Positive human relationships are an essential part of a civilized society and how we interact with each other is important so that we can find answers to questions and solve problems in our world. Sociology teaches us to look at life in a scientific, systematic way. The way that we view the world comes from what we learn in our everyday activities. The values, beliefs, lifestyles of those around us, as well as historic events help to mold us into unique individuals who have varied outlooks on social reality. This course deals with the social atmosphere that helps to make us who we are and how we behave. Sociology will cover topics such as culture, violence, deviance, social control, socialization and personality, group behavior, social class, and social institutions. The key component of this course is to study ourselves and the society that influences our behavior. NATURE of COURSE MATERIAL: Topics in this class may be sensitive for some people. These topics include: religion, sexuality, suicide, gender, economics, politics or other lifestyles. It is of the utmost importance that the student be mature enough to be sensitive to these topics and how people in this class deal with these topics. I am hoping that when these times arise that you will help your student to gain a better understanding of these items when they come to you for clarification. If you feel that your student will not be able to handle the discussion of such topics, or how others feel about them, it would be best to change your schedule as soon as possible to another elective. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text Book: Sociology loose-leaf paper in a section of a binder dedicated to Sociology writing utensils Fully charged laptop A inexpensive pair of headphones VIDEOS and FILM in SOCIOLOGY As a valuable supplement to the course curriculum, I will be showing several films or clips of films rated above the “G” level approved by the district. Several of these films are edited from Family Films and may have originally been rated PG13 or R, but they do NOT contain any nudity, graphic images or severe adult language. If you object to the viewing of these films, please let me know and I will provide an alternative assignment and classroom for your son/daughter when these are shown in class. A description of classroom policies are on the pages that follow, please read through these with your student as they will help them to be successful in class. TECHNOLOGY As our access to technology here at Skyline becomes all encompassing so too will this course. Being that this is the first year and we are working out all of the problems. This class will not be entirely on technology. It will however utilize it in the best ways possible. Therefore when a student is using technology after not being explicitly told to do so they will be subject to disciplinary action. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: 1) FOLLOW ALL SCHOOLWIDE POLICIES (dress code, electronic devices, etc.) 2) Respect a) Appropriate words and actions b) Respect the rights of others to have opinions other than your own c) Respect the property of others, and the school. 3) Responsibility a) Come prepared to learn with required supplies (paper, pen/pencil, completed homework, positive attitude). b) Students are strongly encouraged to keep a record of daily assignments in some sort of planner or agenda. Parents are encouraged to view this planner or agenda regularly. c) Regularly check the student/parent portal for grades and missing assignments 4) Questions? Please ask! GRADING: 1) Points are given for each assignment. Participation is critical for success! 2) Grades are based on: Participation (attendance, behavior, etc) Classwork/Homework (assignments, projects, etc) Tests/Quizzes Final Exam The grading scale is: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% and below 4) If a student has a concern about their grade, please make an appointment with me before/after school or during lunch. I will be unable to discuss grades during class as this takes time away from instruction and activities. 5) MAKE-UP WORK. Attendance is crucial but I understand that things happen. Work can be made up for excused absences only. It is your responsibility to retrieve the work from the make-up work bin for this class. If you have any questions, please ask! PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism of any kind is not permitted. Plagiarism means borrowing someone else’s words and/or ideas and presenting them as your own, either intentionally or unintentionally. This includes copying ideas or word-for-word from another student, out of textbooks, magazines, books, or Internet sources. Anyone caught violating this policy will receive a zero for the assignment and a referral to administration—no exceptions. EXTRA CREDIT: There will be many opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the semester. They are not mandatory and they are to be assigned at the teacher’s discretion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please sign and detach from top portion and turn in by Friday January 9, 2015) Student Name (first and last): _____________________________________ Class Period: _____ I have read and understand the rules and expectations for Mrs. Weber’s class. I am also aware of the sensitive material that will be covered, and have talked about appropriate behavior with my student. This signature also serves as permission to watch videos and films in this class. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________