ALFRED UNIVERSITY BANNER FINANCE ACCESS Budgets: FGIBSUM: Budget summary by total salaries and total other expenses FGIBDST: Budget by account; supplies, postage, etc. FGITRND: Detail transaction screen Rollover Funds: FGITBSR: Available balance in rollover funds FGIGLAC: General Ledger Activity Grants: FRIGITD: Grant inception-to-date summary by account FRIGTRD: Grant Transaction Detail Form FGIOENC: Organizational Encumbrance List All: Reports: FGRBDSC: Budget summary report FGZODTA: Budget detail report FGZFMGR: AU Financial Manager Balance MY FOAP LIST Fund Org Account Program HELP 2771 Jason Warner Banner Finance Specialist 1/15 General Definitions FOAP F O A P Element Fund Organization Account Program Definition Money Source Department - Who is spending it What they are spending it on Where it goes in the financials Fund Types Fund 11XXXX 12XXXX 21XXXX 23XXXX-26XXXX 5XXXX3 6XXXX3 8XXXXX 9XXXXX Type Budgeted Funds - only funds that don't roll over Discretionary Funds Restricted Gifts - Spendable Grant Funds Quasi Endowment Spendable True Endowment Spendable Agency Funds - Not our money - Student Organizations Building and Repair Projects Account Types Type Assets Liabilities Net Assets Revenue Wages Benefits Expenses Transfers Acct 1XXX 2XXX 3XXX - 4XXX 5XXX 61XX-64XX 65XX 7XXX 8XXX Examples Cash, Inventory, Receivables, prepaid exp Payroll withholdings, accrued exp, loans Rollover balance from prior year Tuition, Fees, Other revenue Salaries and wages Employment benefits Supplies, Postage, 7208 International Travel Transfers in and out Organization & Program Must Always Match Org 1XXXX 20XXX - 28999 29XXX 3XXXX 4XXXX 5XXXX 6XXXX 7XXXX 8XXXX 90XXX-94999 95XXX 99XXX Prg 10 20 29 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 99 Description and Examples Revenue Instruction - A&D, English, Engineering Public Service Research Academic Support - Deans, Libraries, Galleries Student Services - Admissions, Athletics, SSC Scholarships Institutional Support - Bus Ofc, HR, VPs, ITS Physical Plant Auxiliaries - Residence Halls, Dining, Clay Store Debt Service Transfers 2/15 Frequently Used Accounts Account 7131 7132 7140 7162 7165 7200 7201 7208 7211 7242 7313 7314 7330 7500 7502 7602 7608 7701 7703 7811 7820 7822 7837 7903 7913 7914 Account Description Postage Overnight Shipping Dues and Memberships Subscriptions and Publications Photocopying Travel Travel - Students Travel - International Professional Development Meals and Entertainment Professional Services Consulting Services Speakers Supplies Supplies - Computer and Printer Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Software Licenses & Maintenance Furn. and Equip. Under $5,000 Furn. and Equip. $5,000 & over Honorariums Miscellaneous Expense Programming Grant Sub-awards Undergraduate Waivers Graduate Waivers Graduate Assistantship Rule Code Definitions (Type in Banner) Code Type Description BD01 BD02 BD04 CNEI CNNI CORD CR05 E090 FT01 HGNL HGRB ICEI ICNC ICNI INEI INNC INNI JE15 JE16 JZGN JZMP JZOF JZPC JZPP JZTL NHS1 NSS1 PCRD POCL POPN PORD SHS1 Budget Budget Budget Accts Payable Accts Payable Purchasing Journal Entry Purchasing Travel Payroll Payroll Accts Payable Accts Payable Accts Payable Accts Payable Accts Payable Accts Payable Journal Entry Journal Entry Feed Feed Feed Feed Feed Feed Cashiering Cashiering Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing Cashiering Permanent Adopted Budget Permanent Budget Adjustment Temporary Budget Adjustment Cancel Check Cancel Check Establish Change Order Cash Receipt Entry Year End Encumbrance Roll Clear Travel Advance Gross Payroll Expense Gross Benefit Expense Cancel Invoice Cancel Credit Memo Cancel Invoice Invoice with Encumbrance Credit Memo Invoice Journal Entry - Same Fund Journal Entry - Between Fds General Feed Motor Pool Feed Office Services Feed One Card Feed Physical Plant Feed Telephone Feed Payout Deposit Cancel Purchase Order Close Purchase Order Open Purchase Order Establish Purchase Order Student Charges 3/15 Helpful Hints Chart of Accounts is always capital A Fiscal year runs July 1st – June 30th Fiscal year = calendar year of spring semester % is a wildcard – use when doing queries in FGITRND Black X will take you back a screen Roll back will take you back to the top of the current screen Month end reports should not be run until 7 business days after the end of the month to allow for month end processing and reconciling. One Card charges post in the month following expenses. For example, April charges will post in the month of May (exception: June will post in June) The total on FGITRND will not reflect the correct total until you have scrolled through all transactions You have two choices to enter in the printer field when running reports DATABASE or EMAIL. DATABASE allows you to view the report in a browser window; from there you can print or save. When entering DATABASE you can enter it in lowercase the system will capitalize it for you. EMAIL will send the file directly to your email as a CSV file that will open in excel. If you run reports to EMAIL and save them remember to change the format from CSV to excel workbook. When entering EMAIL you need to enter this in caps, the system will not do this for you. When running FGRBDSC or FGZODTA pay attention to the format i.e. the org code is listed first on FGZODTA where the fund is listed first on FGRBDSC. Keyboard Shortcuts Key F4 F6 F7 F8 F10 Shift F7 Shift F2 Description Record Duplicate Record Insert Query Enter Query Execute Save Roll back Count Query Hits Key CRTL PAGE DOWN CTRL PAGE UP TAB SHIFT TAB Down Arrow Up Arrow CTRL Q Description Next Block Previous Block Next Field Previous Field Next Record Previous Record Query Cancel The keyboard shortcuts can be used instead of clicking on the navigation icons on the next page. 4/15 Navigation Buttons FGIBSUM - Organization Budget Summary Adjusted Budget +/- YTD Activity +/- Commitments = Available Balance To see a break down by account (supplies, travel, etc.) Click on the word Labor, Expenditures, or Transfers Go up to Options Select Budget Status Information (FGIBDST 5/15 FGIBDST – Organization Budget Status (By Account) Adjusted Budget +/- YTD Activity +/- Commitments = Available Balance Types: L = Labor, E = Expenditure, T = Transfer To look at detail: Click on the account you want to look at Go up to Options Select Transaction Detail (FGITRND) If an account has a commitment (encumbrance) and you want to see what the encumbrance is: Go to Options Select Organization Encumbrances (FGIOENC) 6/15 FGITRND - Detail Transaction Activity QUERY – Doing a query allows you to narrow down to a specified data set. For instance, you can look at only One Card charges or all invoices paid to a specific vendor. FGITRND is used most frequently for querying. To do a query go into FGITRND enter the FOAP you want to look at and hit next block. If the form is blank you are already in query mode: tab to one of the following fields: Activity Date, Type, Document, Description, Transaction Date, Field, or Amount and enter your search criteria. If you hit next block and the form isn’t blank either hit F7 or click the query enter icon. Once you have entered your search criteria hit F8 or the query execute icon. Extracting Data – allows you to pull data from banner into excel. You can extract data in most banner screens. Go up to Help Select Extract data no key If you have a pop-up blocker on you will need to add banner to the list of allowed sites In internet explorer Go to Tools Pop-up Blocker Pop-up Blocker Settings Type in the address box Click add (if it isn’t already listed) 7/15 FGITBSR - Available Balance in Rollover Funds You want the Current Fund Balance to be a ‘C’ or credit balance. This means that you have more revenue than expense so you have funds available to spend. To see detail Click on the description you want to look at (Revenue Control, Expenditure Control, etc.) Go up to options Select Query General Ledger Activity (FGIGLAC) FGIGLAC shows things from a cash point of view. To see things from an expense point of view go to FGITRND and enter the fund number. 8/15 FGIGLAC – General Ledger Activity 9/15 FRIGITD - Grant Inception to Date If you want to see Revenue included in the above view – make sure you check the box for Include Revenue Accounts. To see transaction detail Click on the account code Go up to Options Select Grant Detail Information (FRIGTRD). 10/15 FRIGTRD – Grant Transaction Detail 11/15 FGIOENC - Organizational Encumbrance List To view the detail of a specific encumbrance Select the encumbrance of interest Go up to options Query Detail Encumbrance Info (FGIENCD) 12/15 Budget Summary Report Shows summary info w/ budget & expenses; similar to FGIBDST Type FGRBDSC in the “Go” box hit Enter. The Process Submissions Controls screen will appear click Next Block. In the Printer box type DATABASE and click Next Block. Click in the Values column on line 01, the Fiscal Year line, and enter 09, or whatever the current fiscal year is and Arrow Down to the next line. 5. Enter A for the chart of accounts on line 02 and Arrow Down to the next line. 6. The next parameter on lines 03 and 04 is for the fund code(s). These can be left blank. If you leave it blank you will get a report of all funds using the org entered. Arrow Down. 7. The next parameter on lines 05 and 06 is the Organization. Enter the same one on line 05 and 06 if you only want one. Arrow Down. 8. The next parameter on lines 07 and 08 is Account. This is optional. Leave it blank if you want all. Arrow Down. 9. On line 09 enter the date that you want the report for in this format, e.g. 04-SEP-2008 and hit Next Block. This date has to be within the fiscal year you chose in step #4. 10. This takes you to the submission block. Click Save to run the report. You should get a note at the bottom noting the file number. 11. Click on Options, Review Output. 12. The Saved Output Review screen will come up. Double click in the File Name box. The same number that was listed when you ran the process should pop up in the Available Files list. 13. Double click on the Output File Name with the correct number and “lis” as the extension. 14. Click on Options, Show Document. Click Yes on the pop up window – if you have a pop-up blocker on your computer, hold down the Ctrl key during this step. You will get a version that you can print by formatting it in landscape (File, Page Setup, Landscape) and changing the text size to smallest (View, Text Size, Smallest) or you can save it as is. 15. Can save this as an html file to email in a nice format. 1. 2. 3. 4. 13/15 Budget Detail Report Shows transaction detail; similar to FGITRND with totals Type FGZODTA in the “Go” box hit Enter. The Process Submissions Controls screen will appear click Next Block. In the Printer box type DATABASE and click Next Block. Click in the Values column on line 01, the Fiscal Year line, and enter 09, or whatever the current fiscal year is and Arrow Down to the next line. 5. Enter A for the chart of accounts on line 02 and Arrow Down to the next line. 6. The next parameter on lines 03 and 04 is the Organization. Enter the same one on line 03 and 04 if you only want one. Arrow Down. 7. The next parameter on lines 05 and 06 is for the fund code(s). These can be left blank. If you leave it blank you will get a report of all funds using the org entered. Arrow Down. 8. The next parameter on lines 07 and 08 is Account. This is optional. Leave it blank if you want all. Arrow Down. 9. On line 09 and 10 enter the date range that you want the report for in this format, e.g. 04SEP-2008 and hit Arrow Down. This date has to be within the fiscal year that you chose in step #4. 10. On line 11 should be a Y. Arrow Down 11. On line 12 should be a Y. Arrow Down 12. On line 13 should be a B. Next Block 13. This takes you to the submission block. Click Save to run the report. You should get a note at the bottom noting the file number. 14. Click on Options, Review Output. 15. The Saved Output Review screen will come up. Double click in the File Name box. The same number that was listed when you ran the process should pop up in the Available Files list. 16. Double click on the Output File Name with the correct number and “lis” as the extension. 17. Click on Options, Show Document. Click Yes on the pop up window – if you have a pop-up blocker on your computer, hold down the Ctrl key during this step. You will get a version that you can print by formatting it in landscape (File, Page Setup, Landscape) and changing the text size to smallest (View, Text Size, Smallest) or you can save it as is. 18. Can save this as an html file to email in a nice format. 1. 2. 3. 4. 14/15 Financial Manager Report Shows cash balance of restricted funds by financial manager Type FGZFMGR in the “Go” box hit Enter. The Process Submissions Controls screen will appear click Next Block. In the Printer box type DATABASE and click Next Block. Click in the Values column on line 01, the Chart of Accounts line, and enter A, and Arrow Down to the next line. 3. Enter 09 for the fiscal year on line 02 or whatever fiscal year you want to run and Arrow Down to the next line. 4. The next parameter on line 03 is for the as of date. This is the date that you want the balances to be reported. You can use any date within the fiscal year you chose in line 02 above. Arrow Down. 5. The next parameter on line 04 is the financial manager ID. This is your Banner ID number that starts with A. You would enter your Banner ID number to have all the restricted/research funds show that you are the assigned financial manager. If you are dean/VP levels, leave line 04 blank. Arrow Down. 6. The next parameter on line 05 is the organization code. This is optional and would only be used by dean or VP levels to get roll-up information. If you completed line 04, leave line 05 blank. Next Block. 7. This takes you to the submission block. Click Save to run the report. You should get a note at the bottom noting the file number. 8. Click on Options, Review Output. 9. The Saved Output Review screen will come up. Double click in the File Name box. The same number that was listed when you ran the process should pop up in the Available Files list. 10. Double click on the Output File Name with the correct number and “lis” as the extension. 11. Click on Options, Show Document. Click Yes on the pop up window – if you have a pop-up blocker on your computer, hold down the Ctrl key during this step. You will get a version that you can print by formatting it in landscape (File, Page Setup, Landscape) and changing the text size to smallest (View, Text Size, Smallest) or you can save it as is. 12. Can save this as an html file to email in a nice format. 1. 2. 1. 2. 15/15