Details: Business Office June 30


Details: Business Office

June 30 th

is the fiscal year end for the University. Preparation of the annual financial statements will begin on Monday July 15 th

. All transactions such as corrections, transfers, budget adjustments, yearend accruals, etc. must be submitted to the Business Office no later than Friday, July 12 to ensure that they are recorded in fiscal year 2012-2013. Please review your budgets and submit any transactions before that date. Any transactions received after that date will be recorded in the next fiscal year.

***Note that submitting a purchase order does not ensure that your transaction will be recorded in fiscal year 2012-2013. The item ordered must be received in June and the invoice must be received in the Business

Office by July 12 th

to ensure recording in fiscal year 2012-2013. If you have ordered and received your purchase in June and aren’t sure if the invoice has been received in the Business Office, please send us a copy of your purchase order so we can investigate.

Office & Procurement Services:

All purchasing requisitions are due to Office & Procurement Services in

Greene Hall no later than Friday, May 17 for processing. Remember, even if you have an outstanding PO, if the merchandise is not received by June

28 th

, it will not be charged to the current fiscal year budget (2012-13). It is important that you are aware of delivery times so the merchandise is received by June 28 th


Please be aware that if you submit a requisition that requires processing through the bid process, this takes additional time and resources. There is no guarantee that your purchase will be charged to the 2012-13 budget.

Accounts Payable:

All merchandise and services must be received and invoiced to the

University by Friday, June 28 th

, in order to be processed in the current fiscal year. All invoices with the proper signature and account coding need to be submitted to the accounts payable clerks in Carnegie Hall by Friday,

July 12 th

to ensure recording in fiscal year 2012-2013.


The cutoff date for travel expense forms that account for travel through

June 30 th is July 10 th to ensure your travel is charged to 2012-2013.

University One Card:

One Card recommended cutoff date to charge purchases on your credit card will be Friday, June 21 nd

. The earlier you complete your purchases the greater the likelihood that the transactions that you charge in June will be

POSTED to your account in SmartData by June 30 and will be posted to

your June expense accounts in Banner in fiscal year 2012-2013.

The One Card reconciliation schedule for June will be accelerated to get these expenses posted in the current 2012-13 fiscal year. Your reconciled statement with receipts needs to be given to your card manager by

Wednesday, July 10 th


Remember, you will need to print your statement from the SmartData Web site. Instructions to do this are on the One Card website. The card managers need to approve and forward the statements to Sue Peck by

Friday, July 12 th . It is essential that the proper coding be in SmartData prior to June posting.
