Section 18-4-306, MCA, allows a contract to be awarded for a supply or service item without competition under certain circumstances. The
required item must be available only from a single supplier. "Sole Source" is distinguishable from "Sole Brand" in that only one supplier is
available to provide the supply or service. Circumstances which could necessitate a sole source procurement are: (1) the compatibility of
current services or equipment, accessories, or replacement parts; (2) there is no existent equivalent product; or (3) only one source is
acceptable or suitable for the supply or service item. Sole source procedures do not apply if the item is under $5,000. The determination
as to whether a procurement shall be made as a sole source shall be made by the State Procurement Bureau (SPB), unless specifically
authorized in the agency delegation agreement (ARM 2.5.604). A request by a state agency to the SPB must be accompanied by this form
and must include a signed and dated quote. The following items do not require sole source justification: (1) professional licenses; (2) dues
to associations; (3) renewal of software license agreements; (4) purchase or renewal of maintenance agreements for software or hardware;
and (5) publications available only from a single supplier.
Department name:
1. Name of product or service:
2. Name of product manufacturer:
3. Name of "sole" product supplier or service provider: I
4. Estimated cost of purchase:
5. Expected length of contract (if applicable):
6. What evaluation of other product suppliers or service providers was made? (Please furnish names,
addresses, and other documentation.)
7. What makes this particular product or service unique and unavailable from other sources?
8. How did you determine that there was only one source for the product or service?
9. What product supplier or service provider has your Department used until now to satisfy similar
10. Attach dated quote.
Signature of Agency Procurement Official
Signature of State Procurement Bureau Procurement Official
 Approved
 Disapproved–See attached memo for additional information.
(Use Additional Sheets as Necessary)