STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Career Report short activity.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Career Report
For this assignment, you will be researching a STEM career of your choice and doing a
short activity.
You will write a five paragraph essay on your career using at least 3 resources, one needs
to be a book; emails to current professionals will also work.
The due dates are as follows: rough draft: May 7th and final draft: May 12th
This essay is worth 60 points (Explanatory Writing Rubric, and 8 points for the Works
Cited page).
Follow these guidelines to ensure your success on the assignment.
Although you are gathering your information in sections, DO NOT WRITE YOUR RESEARCH
PAPER IN SECTIONS. Instead, let your information flow.
1st Paragraph – Begin with a grabber: Quote statistic, fact, question, etc. Then, provide 3-5
sentences or more about why you picked this career, your main interests in that field etc...
Thesis: Tell what each paragraph is going to be about. (Aim for five sentences or more)
2nd Paragraph –Write about the requirements: starting in high school, college or colleges, any
possible internship and length. You can print off a requirement sheet from a college but you must
write about it also! Try to think: topic sentences, fact, explain. (Repeat as necessary)
…concluding sentence (Remember at least 10 sentences.)
3rd Paragraph – Write about the actual degree that is needed and at what colleges they are
available at. You must find at least 3 colleges that have the degree for your career choice. You
will need to use facts from your research in this paragraph. (At least 10 sentences)
4th Paragraph – Explain what a person does in this career. Where do they work: Factory, lab, in
the community, research facility, college researcher, etc…You will need to use facts from your
research in this paragraph. Try to think: topic sentences, fact, explain, (repeat as necessary)
…concluding sentence. (Remember at least 10 sentences)
5th Paragraph – Begin by restating your thesis statement: End with a clincher, a general
overview finishing statement, and look back at the grabber for ideas. This is the last thing the
reader will read, so make sure the reader knows how you feel about your career.
Additional Information: Contact a professional in the field you are exploring. E-mail or call
them, and generate three questions to ask them about his/her career. The questions should be
relevant to the career to help write your paper, or to help you decide to pursue that career.
My career is _________________________
My signature that I am aware of the due dates_______________________
My parent’s signature that they are aware of the due dates________________________
I would prefer your drafts to be typed. If they are handwritten, use blue or black ink, skip
lines, and use only one side of the same type of paper.
Each body paragraph must be at least 10 sentences long.
You may use encyclopedias, books, and the internet. You need to find at least 1 book,
magazine, or encyclopedia resource and use a total of at least 3 sources.
Do not copy down word for word in your essay, unless you include it in quotations and give
the person who said it credit. Do not copy another person’s work.
Remember, this is the same as a test. I will accept no excuses for late work. Full credit the 1st
day, half credit the second day, and no credit after that.
Include your bibliography. These are the sources that you used for your paper (internet,
magazines, encyclopedias . . .) you will lose 8 points if this is not included.
STEM Activity Project
Presentations Start on May12th and end on the 16th.
You are also required to create an activity to go along with your career. You will come up in
front of the class and discuss your career for no less than 1:30 (one minute and 30 seconds).
Using the information from the report, you should be able to create an acceptable activity project.
Here are some ideas about things you could do for your activity:
Make a poster board about your career
Make a video
Do a rap or song
Make a pamphlet/brochure to give to the class
Do a skit or play
Get a guest speaker
Come up with your own really cool idea (get approval from the teacher)
You are not to read your report for the class. You may use note cards or go from memory.
However, the project discussion must be at least one minute and thirty seconds. This time must
be filled with information about your issue, not wasted time laughing or acting inappropriately.
You must educate the class and me about your career with this project. This is worth 33% of your
science issue presentation. Do well and you will be rewarded. Do poorly and you will see the
Remember to ask for help!!!!
Ms Ostrander