Einstein IRB Protocol Exception Request Form A protocol exception is defined as any temporary deviation from the protocol that is approved by the IRB prior to implementation, e.g., enrollment of a subject who does not meet the eligibility criteria. When required by the sponsor, a waiver must be obtained from the sponsor of the study prior to implementation of the planned deviation. Principal Investigator: Name of Person Completing this Form: Protocol Title: IRB Number: 1. Subject Number (or other participant identifier, if not available, state so here): 2. Medical Record Number (if available): 3. Briefly describe the protocol exception request. NOTE: For sponsored studies, you must also submit documented approval of the protocol exception by the study sponsor. 4. Provide a justification for the request for deviating from the protocol: Signature of Principal Investigator IRB Office Use Only Comments: Name of Reviewer D:\219469471.doc Date Exception Approved? Yes No Signature of Reviewer Date Page 1 of 1 8/16/13