Academic Vocabulary Word List Science (K – 6 ) th Kindergarten Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional ask question predict use measure sort put in order tell share say Content objects 5 senses parts of the body result life earth space science safe alike different same group long short light heavy tools living non-living plants animals grow food water air space change shape size color texture magnet rock soil nature man-made weather temperature wind rain snow Word Study Basic/Intermediate Functional Content observe investigate participate experiences organism event compare classify sequence communicate environment physical behavior procedure data Word Study investigation 1st Grade Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional ask question predict measure sort put in order example watch group move Content objects 5 senses result life earth space science safe thermometer magnify weigh notebook tools living grow move protect support same different animals group (of animals) human child adult teen plants habitat (name different ones) shape texture size color solid liquid straight zigzag back-and-forth round-and-round fast slow rock soil water Word Study prediction measurement magnifier weight growth movement protection Basic/Intermediate Functional investigate observe compare classify sequence communicate Content compare organism event environment physical behavior procedure investigate balance data technology develop reproduce respiration infant adolescencent depend property retain (water) conserve recycle reduce wildlife celestial transient participate Word Study observation investigation development participation natural air tree sun heat light shadow shade cloud change sky seasons weather rain wind 2nd Grade Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional question collect look compare answer tell Content object event predict result safe order life earth space science thermometer magnify notebook science parts problem breath blood stomach mammal insect child adult baby teen solid liquid gas water ice shape weather measure temperature rain hail snow clouds Word Study Basic/Intermediate Functional record observe communicate contribute describe organize Content property environment investigate procedure physical scale (weigh) data conclusion career component system technology structure (animal) sensory defense movement digestive system (and their parts) respiratory system (and their parts) circulatory system (and their parts) life cycle infant adolescent vapor container precipitation cumulus stratus cirrus pateern Word Study observation 3rd Grade Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional observe question predict plan tell explain reflect show Content properties metric measurement safety length weight temperature chart scientist system root stem leaf flower seed growth death decay living nonliving light heat color Word Study investigation information Basic/Intermediate Functional conduct compare record describe design construct refract absorb demonstrate vibrate Content capacity data data table inquiry career drought beneficial harmful environment technology resources solution organism fern conifer producers consumers prism opaque pitch layers crust mantle core igneous pressure texture fossil Word Study communicate photosynthesis decomposer ecosystem microscopic macroscopic adaptations extinction transparent translucent metamorphic sedimentary 4th Grade Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional observe question predict plan tell explain show save Content properties metric measurement safety length weight temperature chart scientist system cause effect graph flood fire drought live backbone air water plant animal soil cactus spines light heat sound magnetic circle wind weather fast slow rain Word Study investigation information Basic/Intermediate Functional conduct compare record describe design construct infer identify demonstrate analyze classify conserve recycle reuse reduce repel attract Content capacity data Data table inquiry career drought beneficial harmful structure technology resource solution organism variable erosion survive camouflage mimicry mutualism circuit electricity series parallel pole rapid earthquake volcano tree rings ground water surface water glacier climate region weather front Word Study communicate formulate component ecosystem hypothesis collaboration adaptation pollution environment vertebrate invertebrate renewable Non-renewable inherited electromagnet conductor insulator deposition weathering atmospheric distribution barometer anemometer precipitation 5th Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional question Predict Cause Effect Find Safe steps plan explain strength weak Protect Support move parts object machine Day night Content science prediction conduct Measure tools scientist natural system Muscles heart Smooth muscles Skeletal muscles forces motion moon planet Word Study protection movement Basic/Intermediate Functional Observe Investigate locate Analyze Evaluate result discover Solution Resource product Relationship Technology function appearance Content observation investigation procedure Variable control Record data conclusion Graph compare behavior Inquiry Cycle theory impact Hazard habitat career function Skeletal system Rib cage Skull Vertebrae Pelvis Femur hip cardiac biceps Nervous system Brain Spinal cord Nerves Voluntary Matter Atoms Molecules Mixtures compounds Physical changes Chemical changes Gravity Friction Simple machine Word Study involuntary Lunar cycle Revolve Rotate Solar system characteristics revolution Rotation 6th Grade Science Pre-emergent/Emergent Functional question Form Safe Behave event create instructions Past present Compare Classify organize effect need problem water basic Content prediction tools science living Measure sunlight Word Study formulate scientific behavior measurement Basic/Intermediate Functional Different Observe locate Investigate analyze Logical argument Evaluate interpret result Represent display communicate generate different identify solution design Contribute Construct influence source Condition quality Content hypothesis observation research investigation control procedure process microscope data Correlation Variable sequence Tables Graph Qualitative quantitative conclusion culture technology career theory Process infer Hurricane Tornado Drought Flood disaster organism Structure Cell Cell wall Cell membrane nucleus Function Cell part Plant cell Animal cell Tissues Organs systems Respiration Digestion Circulation Word Study differentiate representation graphic diverse contribution processes Locomotion Transpiration Absorption Energy Ecosystem Environment climate environmental