Study Skills going crazy!!!!!

Study Skills
…. Or, how to do the best you possibly can without
going crazy!!!!!
Use your
 Your book
 Your instructor
 Your friends (that know math)
 The Math Center tutors
 On-line tutorials
 Oodles and gobs of people and places that want to help you!
What’s in
your book???
Proper Study Skills
 Have a positive attitude
 Prepare for and Attend Class
 Read the Text
 Do the Homework
 Study for Class
How to…have a
 You must be willing to give this course, and yourself, a
 Don’t continue to say “I Hate Math!” – that won’t help…
 Believe in yourself!
Prepare for and
Attend Class
 You should plan to attend every class
 You need to do your homework completely
 Write down questions you may have
 While in class pay attention to what the instructor is
 Take careful, organized, and legible notes
Read the Book
 Math books aren’t meant to be read like a novel, or a magazine,
or a comic book
 Read them slowly & carefully, word by word.
 If you don’t understand it, re-read it…
 Make note of anything you read that you don’t understand & ask
your instructor
 Pay attention to the “Avoiding Common Errors” and “Helpful
Hints” boxes in your book
Do the Homework!
 Do the assignments as soon as possible, so the material
will be fresh in your mind.
 It is through doing homework that you TRULY learn the
 Check your answers in the back of the book & if you
can’t figure out how to get the correct answer, ASK!
 Test questions are usually very similar to homework
problems – so pay attention!
Study for Class
 Know your own study habits.
 Study in a place & at a time that is best for you to focus &
not be interrupted.
 Don’t try to study math for too long at a time – take
breaks to let your mind re-energize.
 Be sure you know WHY a problem is worked a particular
way, not just HOW!
What’s else is
in your book???
 How to Prepare for and Take Exams (p4-6)
 Prepare for an exam
 Take an Exam
Prepare for an Exam
 Study a little bit each day
 You shouldn’t cram the night before an exam (this
usually doesn’t help)!!
 Read & RE-READ your class notes
 Review your homework assignments
 Study formulas, definitions, and procedures
 RE-READ “Avoiding Common Errors” and “Helpful
Hint” boxes
Prepare for an
Exam… continued
 Read the summary at the end of each chapter
 Work the Chapter Review Exercises at the end of each
 Work Mid-Chapter and Chapter Practice Tests
 Rework any quizzes previously given
Prepare to
Take an Exam!!!
 Get a good nights sleep
 Don’t rush into class without time to relax before the test is
handed out
 Eat some brain food (peppermint is good for increasing
oxygen supply)!
When you get
the exam/test…
 Write down any formulas or ideas you need to remember
 Look quickly over the entire test to see how long it is, etc.
 Read instructions carefully. If something doesn’t make sense,
As you take
the exam/test…
 Show all your work – can’t earn partial credit any other
 Work the questions you know best first
 Don’t spend too much time on any one problem
 Plan to spend more time on the problems worth more
As you take
the exam/test…
 Attempt each problem – never leave a problem blank!
 Work carefully, double checking signs, numbers, and
 Write so that your instructor can read your work
 IF YOU HAVE TIME check your work – but don’t secondguess yourself!
As you take
the exam/test…
 Don’t worry if others finish before you – you have the time,
so use it!
 Stay calm. Take deep breaths.
 Think about what you know, not what you don’t know!
 Trust yourself!
When you get
back the exam/test…
 See what problems you missed
 Find out why you missed them
 Make note of what you missed and why you missed them
 You will probably need that information for future
Is there more???
 Learn to Manage Time
 Plan ahead
 Be organized
 When allowed – use calculator for tedious calculations
 Use a book mark
 Don’t take on more than you can handle; prioritize.
 Use supplements
 Seek HELP
Plan Ahead…
 Expect to spend at least 2 hours studying and doing
homework for every hour of class…
 Plan when and where you will study…
 Don’t schedule other activities during that time…
 If allowed, use calculators for the “hard calculations”
 Prioritize…
Be organized…
 Keep what you need where you know where it is so you
don’t have to waste time looking for it…
 Use bookmarks to keep track of where you are…
Use your time wisely…
 Try not to take on more responsibilities…
 Math courses take a lot of time and energy, so don’t
overburden yourself with too many courses…
 You must set your priorities…
Use supplements…
 You can buy the Student’s Solutions manual – or use the
one in the Math Center
 You can use the DVD in the Math Center to see how
some problems are worked out
 You can access powerful online tutorials on
Seek HELP…
 Don’t be afraid to ask for help!!
 Don’t wait to ask for help!!
 If you get behind, it is VERY difficult to catch up!!!!
 There are many sources of help that I will talk about
 Teacher
 Friends
 Math Center Tutors
How can your
instructor help?
 Silly question….
 Honestly, though….. Teachers are here to help you…
 Remember, the classroom experience is not meant to be
a one-to-one tutoring session
 See the instructor outside of class for that
Getting help from
your instructor…
 Know how to contact your instructor
 Mrs. Rigdon prefers you contact her by email
 Know your instructor’s availability
 Mrs. Rigdon is the Math Center Specialist, so she can be found
there (Room 207), except when she’s in class, of course:
 Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays 9am – 6:30 pm
 Tuesdays 9am – 6 pm
 Fridays 9am – 4 pm
Getting help from
your instructor…
 Know what you need help with
 Don’t expect your instructor to re-teach the entire lesson
 There’s probably 1 or 2 things that you missed, or don’t
understand, and getting those will probably help you through
the difficulty you’re experiencing
Getting help from
your instructor…
 Your instructor may teach the material differently than
other people, so she/he really should be the first person
you go to for help…..
 But, your instructor should understand that you “getting”
the material is the important part and that if you want to
get help elsewhere, that’s fine as well!
How can your
friends help?
 Ever hear of study groups???
 Make sure someone in the group knows what they’re doing…
 Remember the study group time isn’t party time…
 Stay on task…
 Helping someone else learn the material is one of the most
effective ways to learn it yourself!!!!!
How can the
Math Center help?
 Excellent question….
 The Math Center is open…
 Monday – Thursday 9am – 9pm
 Friday 9am – 4pm
 Saturday 10am – 3pm
 Math Center personnel know their stuff……
 We are trained to help with Math Courses all the way up
through Calculus
How else can the
Math Center help?
 Textbooks & Student Solutions Manuals
 If you’ve not purchased your textbook yet, you can use ours in
the center
 If you need help figuring out a homework problem (odds only),
you can look in the solutions manual for a hint and explanation
 If you want to check the answer to an even-numbered problem,
you can look at the printout of even-numbered answers
How else can the
Math Center help?
 DVDs of Sample Problems
 The publisher has produced these DVDs to provide you
additional instruction on sample problems
 Headphones
 The Math Center has headphones you can use in the center to
listen to the DVDs
 Or, you can bring your own
How else can the
Math Center help?
 Calculators
 We have calculators you can borrow to use in the center
 Quiet Study Area
 If you just want someplace to do your homework
 If you have a question, you can just ask one of us
How else can the
Math Center help?
 Additional resources
 We have lists of additional websites that might be helpful
 We have informational bookmarks that might be helpful
 We have handouts on being a good math student
 This is a place your study group could use as your
meeting place…
 Complete with people to help you!!!
How can on-line tutorials help?
 is set up to help you learn various
Mathematical topics, including what’s in your book
 Have a Math Center staff member show you how access it,
 Select the Chapter & Section you want to work on
 You can select specific objectives to work on…
 You can work through sample problems
Some problems have videos showing an instructor working out a
similar problem
 Some problems have similar problems worked out step by step for you
to see
 All problems have similar problems that you can work out step by step (it
will check each step for you), so you can learn the processes
How can anybody
or anything help
 First of all, realize that anyone in the education field wants
you to learn the material, so that you will be successful in the
course…. And in life!!!
Who can help me???
 Your instructor
 The Math Center tutors
 Your study group
Who can help me???
 The Academic Resource Center can set you up with your
own personal tutor that will work one-on-one with you.
 Don’t expect them to replace going to class and getting
instruction from your teacher
 Do expect them to help you understand the material!!!
 By the way, this is also FREE!!!
What else can
you use to help
you understand???
 You can use other on-line sources:
Other outside help…
 You can always hire your own tutor
 They won’t be free
 They won’t know how Metro’s classes are set up
 Can you say $$$$$$$$ ???
Bottom Line…
Don’t give up!
You CAN do it!
There is help
if you need it!