Metropolitan Community College BIOS 1310 1A Course Syllabus Spring 2011

Metropolitan Community College
BIOS 1310 1A Course Syllabus Spring 2011
Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOS 1310 1A
CLASS BEGINS/ENDS: March 9 – May 23
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 7:45 a.m.- 9:55 a.m.
Lecture EVC 130
Lab EVC 141
TELEPHONE/EMAIL: 457-7200 ext. 8158
Weather Cancellation Line: 457-2499
COURSE: Bio 1310
PREREQUISITE: SCI 095 or assessment testing.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Detailed objectives for BIO 1310 can be reviewed in the campus libraries
(on reserve). The overall course objectives are to:
1. Explain how the design of a body structures makes its function possible or more efficient.
2. Explain how the various body systems are interrelated in structure and function
3. Explain how the body’s structures help maintain homeostasis.
TEXT: Marieb’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology 10th Edition
Lab Manual: Organs and Actions A guide for study of the human body
CLASS STRUCTURE: Instruction will include formal lecture, group activities, and laboratory
exercises. Active student participation will be the setting for class, learning by doing, asking, and
thinking. Students will work together in the lab and are encouraged to study together. Please
ask if you have any questions.
Since test questions come from lectures and labs, it is important to attend class. A tentative test
schedule is included in this syllabus. All tests are subject to change, and so tests will always be
announced at least one week prior to the test. Tests will include multiple choice, matching, and
short answer questions. Tests will not be returned to students.
Make-up exams are difficult to arrange especially with the lab component, so only one exam
may be missed. If you miss an exam for any reason you will have to take a comprehensive final
immediately after Unit VI test. If you know you are going to miss a test, you may take the exam
a day early.
Metropolitan Community College
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Types of Assessment/Assignments (650 pts total)
a. 6 unit exams (100 pts each) - will have a lab and lecture component and five
bonus questions. If you take the comprehensive final(no bonus questions) you can
drop your lowest test grade
b. Labs and attendance – ten bonus points if all classes have been attended
c. Quizzes (10 pts each) one per unit - there will be 6 quizzes the lowest quiz score
will be dropped
No make-ups for quizzes or tests. If you miss one exam you will have to take a
comprehensive final after the final unit test
Exam Schedule:
(All dates subject to change.)
Exam 1 The Moving Framework
Chapters 1, 5, 6
Exam 2 Organization
Chapters 2, 3, 4
Exam 3 Coordination
Chapters 7, 8
Exam 4 Transport
Chapters 10,11,12,13
Exam 5 Metabolism
Chapters 14, 15
Exam 6 Regulation & Reproduction Chapters 9, 16
March 23
April 4
April 18
May 2
May 13
May 23
Grading Policy
Your grade will be determined by adding together all the points you have earned on exams and
written assignments. That total will be divided by the total number of points for a percent score.
A = 90 - 100%
B = 80-89%
C = 70 - 79%
D = 60 - 69%
F = 0 - 59%
Maintenance of Student Records
Your exam scores will typically be available the next class meeting day after the exam.
All grade records, test, papers, projects will be maintained for a minimum of one year.
Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend class, but are not required to except on exam
days. Any work or information you miss in your absence is your responsibility.
Expected Classroom Behavior: Students are not allowed to engage in behaviors that are
disruptive to the teaching/learning process.
Students are not allowed to use cell phones, i Pods® and other portable electronic devises in
the class or lab. You may use your laptop to take notes. You are not allowed to access
internet sites in class.
No children are allowed in class or lab.
Notice: This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and
expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this
schedule that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These
modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be
done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College.
Metropolitan Community College
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Metro's Learning, Math, and Writing Centers can help you achieve educational success. The
staff in these centers provide drop-in assistance with basic math, reading, writing and computer
skills. We offer a friendly, supportive learning environment. Self-paced computer-assisted
instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online
course orientation is also available.
Detailed information about these services are in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and
online. Links to these resources are located at
College policies, such as student rights and responsibilities, academic standards, plagiarism, and
etc. are outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. This information can be
accessed via the online catalog at
STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially
withdraw by calling Central Registration, 457-5231. Failure to officially withdraw will result in
either an instructor withdraw (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is identified on
the second page of this syllabus handout.
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: The college has a standard code of conduct that involves
consequences for specific academic and non-academic behavior that may result in a failing
grade, probation, or suspension from the college. More complete information about the code of
conduct is located in the Student Services portion of the online catalog
substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact a Vocational Special
Needs Counselor, located in the Student Services Office on each campus. Metropolitan
Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented
qualifying disabilities. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations.
For further information, please contact the Student Services Office at your campus.
Metropolitan Community College
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Unit I The Moving Framework
1. Lab Safety and anatomical Terms
2 . The Skeleton
3. Bone
4. The Joints
5. Muscle
6. Biomechanics
7. Unit I Exam
Wed 3/9
Fri 3/11
Mon 3/14
Wed 3/16
Fri 3/18
Mon 3/21
Wed 3/23
Unit II Organization
8. The Microscope
9. Tissue slide
10.Skin Structures and Functions
11.Skin Structures and functions
12.Unit II Exam
Fri 3/25
Mon 3/28
Wed 3/30
Fri 4/1
Mon 4/4
Unit III Coordination
13. The Reflex Arc
14. The Nervous system
15. Vision
16. Hearing
17. Taste, Smell, Touch
18. Unit III Exam
Wed 4/6
Fri 4/8
Mon 4/11
Wed 4/13
Fri 4/15
Mon 4/18
Unit IV Transport
19. Circulatory Structures and Function
20. Cardiovascular Health
21. Blood
22.Protection Against Infection
23. Respiratory Structures and Functions
24. Unit IV Exam
Wed 4/20
Fri 4/22
Mon 4/25
Wed 4/27
Fri 4/29
Mon 5/2
Unit V Metabolism
25. Food/Digestive Structures
26. Enzyme Action
27. Homeostatsis of pH and water
28. Excretion
29.Unit V Exam
Wed 5/4
Fri 5/6
Mon 5/9
Wed 5/11
Fri 5/13
Unit V Regulation and Reproduction
30. Endocrine System
31. Reproductive Systems
32. Reproductive Systems
33. Unit VI Test
Mon 5/16
Wed 5/18
Fri 5/20
Mon 5/23
Metropolitan Community College
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For your safety and that of other students working with you, be aware that using equipment and
chemicals in the laboratory involves a degree of risk. This risk is minimal if you are conscious of
safe practices and follow them. Metropolitan Community College does not carry medical
insurance on or for students.
General Policies:
1. College policy does not allow smoking, eating or drinking in the classrooms or laboratory.
You are not allowed to bring food or drinks into the science areas.
2. The classroom will not be locked or supervised while the students are in the laboratory. Keep
anything of value with you at all times.
3. While in the laboratory, place personal belongings (purses, books you won’t need, etc.) on
side counters or in empty drawers at the lab stations. Do not place these items on the work
surfaces. Normally, you should only need your laboratory guide, and possibly your class
notebook and textbook. All other items crowd your work area or someone else’s. Anything
placed on the floor must be out of the traffic path.
4. Work may be done in the laboratory only under the supervision of an instructor. Normally this
means that work can only be done during regularly scheduled class time. Make-up labs are
difficult to set up due to the large number of classes that use the lab. Also, the value of working
with others and learning in a cooperative fashion is lost when you are not in attendance.
5. Before operating equipment or beginning any procedure, be confident that you know what to
do and how to do it. If unsure ask the instructor or laboratory assistant.
6. Safety glasses and gloves are provided for use by the student, and must be worn as directed
by the instructor. Lab coats are also available for your use if you desire.
7. Keep long hair tied back, and loose sleeves and cuffs rolled up to avoid passing them through
an open flame or getting them caught in equipment.
8. Report all accidents - any injury to yourself, or any broken glassware or equipment to the
instructor immediately.
9. Leave your work area clean when you are finished.
10. Wash your hands after handling chemicals or microorganisms.
I have read the laboratory policies pertaining to this course. I understand their importance to my
safety and that of others, and agree to abide by them. I also have received and read the course
Metropolitan Community College
Date________________ BIOS 2310
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