Vocab Unit 6 51) avarice noun [avarus (Latin), “greedy,” from avere (Latin), “desire”] An excessive desire to acquire and possess wealth; a combination of greed and stinginess. Related Forms: (adj) avaricious; (noun) avariciousness Synonyms: acquisitiveness, cupidity, covetousness, rapacity, miserliness, parisomy, acquisitive, greedy, covetous, rapacious, grasping, stingy, miserly, tightfisted Antonyms: generosity, liberality, openhandedness, generous, liberal, openhanded 52) avid adjective [avidus (Latin), “craving; greedy,” from avere (Latin), “desire”] Extremely eager, anxious, or enthusiastic. Related Forms: (n) avidity; (adv) avidly Synonyms: zealous, ardent, keen, fervent, fervid, voracious, insatiable, rabid, fanatical, passionate, gung ho Antonyms: indifferent, apathetic, unresponsive, apathy, indifference 53) badger verb [Origin uncertain, possibly from the name of the animal] To tease; to annoy with a constant string of petty torments. Related Forms: Synonyms: harass, torment, pester, plague, vex, irritate, hassle, bait, harry Antonyms: leave in peace; soothe, calm, pacify 54) baffle verb [Origin uncertain] a. To puzzle completely. b. To prevent from achieving a goal. Related Forms: (adj) baffling; (n) bafflement Synonyms: perplex, mystify, bewilder, nonplus, confound, thwart, foil, balk, frustrate, stymie, stump, mystifying, bewildering, enigmatic, perplexed, mystified, quizzical Antonyms: understand, comprehend, fathom, help, aid, assist 55) banal adjective [banal (French), “commonplace,” from ban (Old French) “summons to military service”] Made stale by constant use or repetition. Related Forms: (n) banality; (adv) banally Synonyms: trite, hackneyed, stereotyped, prosaic, commonplace, pedestrian, insipid, vapid, fatuous, jejune, corny, triteness, insipidity, cliche, platitude, bromide Antonyms: novel, fresh, original, innovative, provocative, striking, sparkling, scintillating, piquant; novelty, originality 56) belligerent adjective & noun [bellum (Latin), “war” + gerens (Latin), “waging,” from gerre (Latin), “wage”] a. Warring, actually engaged in a war;warlike or hostile. b. A party (for example, a nation or organization) engaged in a war. Related Forms: (n) belligerence, belligerency; (adv) belligerently Synonyms: martial, combative, bellicose, quarrelsome, contentious, militant, pugnacious, hawkish Antonyms: pacific, peaceable, conciliatory, dovish 57) benign adjective a. Gentle and kindly. b. Wholesome or favorable. [bene (Latin), “well” + genus (Latin), “birth; race”] Related Forms: (n) benignity; (adj) benignant; (adv) benignly Synonyms: benevolent, favorable, auspicious, beneficial, salutary, salubrious Antonyms: malevolent, pernicious, deleterious, injurious, inimical, noxious, detrimental 58) bicker verb [bikeren (Middle English), “thrust; attack”] To engage in petty quarreling. Related Forms: (n) bickering Synonyms: squabble, wrangle, haggle, dicker Antonyms: agree, concur 59) bizarre adjective [bizarre (French), “strange,” originally “gallant”: from bizarro (Spanish), “handsome, manly”; from bizar (Basque), “beard”] Weird or fantastic. Related Forms: (n) bizarreness Synonyms: grotesque, outlandish, freakish, odd, queer, singular, far-out, unconventional, eccentric Antonyms: normal, conventional, orthodox, straight, square, sedate, conservative, sober, staid 60) bland adjective [blandus (Latin), “smooth; soft-spoken”] a. Mild or gentle. (When used in this sense, the word is usually neutral in tone.) b. Lacking interest or liveliness; flat. (When used in this sense, the word is distinctly pejorative.) Related Forms: (n) blandness; (adv) blandly Synonyms: calming, soothing, nonirritating, dull, boring, unexciting, insipid, lifeless, nondescript, mediocre, run-of-the-mill Antonyms: irritating, harsh, spicy, pungent, piquant, racy, colorful, florid, scintillating, lively, sprightly