Soph.--Chapter 18 1. surfeit (noun) surfeit

Soph.--Chapter 18
1. surfeit (noun)
Last Thanksgiving there was a surfeit of inexpensive
turkeys at the grocery store.
- Due to a surfeit of winter clothing, the department store is
having a huge sale this March before the spring line
a. a small amount b. disinterest
c. overabundance
2. compulsive
Watching their diets can become compulsive for ballet
- She has a compulsive tendency to lie, always making up
stories to get attention.
a. stupid
b. dangerous
c. obsessive
3. rejuvenate (verb)
My mother hoped a vigorous daily workout would
rejuvenate her.
- In hopes of rejuvenating herself, my great aunt joined a
day spa where she frequently enjoys seaweed masks and
mud baths.
a. to bore
b. to instill hope
c. to make youthful again
4. quaff (verb)
After his game of tennis in the hot sun, Andre was ready
to quaff a cold lemonade.
- The runners quaffed multiple bottles of water at the end
of the race.
a. to drink
b. to spend money
c. to eat
5. acrid (adjective)
We were alarmed by the acrid smell coming from the
kitchen and suddenly lost our appetites.
- The acrid taste of the sharp cheese caused me to make a
twisted and disgusted face.
a. dull
b. bitter
c. pleasant
6. epicure (noun)
Jack was no epicure; he was strictly a meat and potatoes
- Having the epicure over for dinner was stressful! I tried
to prepare a gourmet meal and offer exquisite wine.
a. a person with excellent taste
b. a cook
c. a person who writes menus
7. victuals (noun)
The diner was renowned for inexpensive but tasty
- Brady was pleased to see the victuals the town had
provided and ate like a pig!
a. food
b. menus
c. prizes
8. dauntless
The young officer was dauntless in his pursuit of the
- The dauntless warrior rode onto battle with head held
a. fearless
b. stupid
c. cowardly
9. impassive
The convicted man remained impassive as the sentence
was read.
- He was disappointed when his girlfriend appeared
impassive as she read the poem he’d written with a blank
a. enraged
b. emotionless
c. sensitive
The pensive girl spent a lot of time in her “happy place”
pondering her identity and her life.
- Leaving the sermon, church members remained in a
pensive mood, reconsidering the encouraging messages as
they walked somberly to their vehicles.
a. depressed
b. rowdy
c. thoughtful
10. pensive
1. ________________ to drink heartily
2. ___________ to restore to a new condition; to energize or stimulate
3. ________________ a person with refined taste (especially in food
and wine)
4. ________________ deeply, often dreamily, thoughtful
5. _________ unafraid; incapable of being intimidated or discouraged
6. ________________ unpleasantly sharp or bitter to the taste or smell;
sharp language or tone
7. ______________ an excessive amount; to supply in excess
8. ________________ devoid of emotion; expressionless
9. ________________ caused by obsession; acts on impulse
10. ________________ food supplies; meals
1. The coach hoped the orange slices and granola bars would _________his
tired players.
2. Her _______ shopping habit was detrimental to her budget; she could
never save a dime!
3. My boyfriend is an__________, so we always eat at the city’s finest
4. Due to a __________ of rain last weekend, community members have
been called upon to sandbag the riverbanks to prevent flooding.
5. The way she _________ed her juice signaled her severe dehydration.
6. The old vegetables in the dumpster created an _____ stench in the garage.
7. The ___________ girl in the back always wrote deeply emotional poetry
and read them in a soft, thoughtful voice.
8. His ____________ attitude drove him to face his enemies face-to-face; he
would not yield to intimidation or to threats.
9. The hostess provided the most delicious ____________ for our
congratulatory feast.
10. Not caring one bit about the outcome of the exam, the __________
student walked out of the room without receiving her results.
Her (1) _____________ tendency to eat was beginning to get out of control.
Certainly not an (2) ___________, she could not resist the tasty (though low
quality) (3)_______ and snacks she encountered at business meetings,
social functions, etc. So, in her (4) ___________ moments alone, she made
a deal with herself: she had to work out as much as she ate. No longer
would she allow herself to be the (5) ___________, careless person that she
had been. She would improve her health and her appearance once and for
all. She was not afraid to start right away! (6)_________ towards her task,
she purchased a new gym bag, packed it full of exercise necessities, and
headed for the gym. With the (7) ____________ of exercise items she
managed to cram into her bag, she got a workout just lugging it across the
parking lot! She joined an aerobics class and participated in her first class
immediately. With only one session, she already felt (8) ________d and
energized—definitely ready to (9) _________ one of those giant bottles of
water she had in her handy bag. Thinking about all of the greasy, unhealthy
food she used to enjoy now left an (10) _______ taste in her mouth. She
was hooked! She is sure to be in shape in no time .