ABC POLICY DEVELOPMENT IOWA DOT Norman McDonald, PE Iowa Department of Transportation Office of Bridges and Structures MID-CONTINENT TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM STRUCTURES/CONSTRUCTION SESSION 2D AUGUST 15, 2013 Iowa’s ABC Experience Develop skills and design details through demonstration projects Invest in research with laboratory and field testing to confirm constructability and performance. Participate in national pooled fund studies Involve local construction industry and hold ABC workshops. ABC Policy Development Goal is to create a statewide policy to determine when ABC should be used. Assembled a team of engineers from Project Delivery Bureau, Districts, Research, and FHWA along with representatives from Highway Division Management Team (HDMT). Also included industry representatives. Goal was to have a draft by July 2012 ABC Policy Development Conducted a survey of State DOTs Collected and reviewed all available policies Discussed the development of the policy with other states, FHWA staff, and national experts at various conferences and workshops Collaborated with neighboring states and hosted a regional policy forum Visited a State DOT with established experience in ABC ABC Policy The Iowa ABC policy utilizes two decision making tools : – ABC Rating Score & Flow Chart similar to Utah as a first level filter – AHP Decision Making Tool as a second level confirmation and further evaluation of alternatives. Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart ABC Rating Score Concept Measures Measures are limited to data that are readily available in NBI database and can be programmed to calculate a Rating Score: Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Out-of-Distance Travel (miles) Daily Road User Costs Economy of Scale (total number of spans) Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Use a value equal to the total number of vehicles on the bridge plus 25% of the AADT for any roadways under the bridge. 0 No traffic impacts 1 Less than 5000 2 5000 to less than 10,000 3 10,000 to less than 15,000 4 15,000 to less than 20,000 5 20,000 or more Out-of Distance Travel (miles) This is a measure of the impact that a project has on vehicles when the construction site is closed to traffic. 0 No detour 1 Less than 5 2 5 to less than 10 3 10 to less than 15 4 15 to less than 20 5 20 or more Daily Road User Costs Is the measure of daily financial impact of a construction project on the traveling public. Major contributing factors are out of distance travel (OOD) and AADT on the bridge. The standard method used for calculating user costs is the formula: DRUC=(AADT+2xADTT)xOODxMileage Rate The mileage rate is currently set at 37.5 cents per mile. Truck traffic (ADTT) is counted at three times the amount of other traffic. Daily Road User Costs 0 1 2 3 4 5 No user costs Less than $10,000 $10,000 to less than $50,000 $50,000 to less than $75,000 $75,000 to less than $100,000 $100,000 or more Economy of Scale (number of spans) Accounts for the repetition of elements and processes, and how they relate to cost, as well as possible savings to future projects. Number of spans is used to account for repetition of substructure elements and superstructure elements. 0 1 span 1 2 or 3 spans 2 4 or 5 spans 3 6 spans or more ABC RATING SCORE FACTORS AND WEIGHTS Measures Score Weight Factor Weighted Maximum Score Score Weighted Maximum Score Average Annual Daily Traffic 5 10 50 5 50 Out of Distance Travel 2 10 20 5 50 Daily Road User Costs 4 10 40 5 50 Economy of Scale 2 5 10 3 15 Total Score 120 Max Score 165 ABC Rating Score (Total Score/Max Score)x100= 73 ABC Rating Score Distribution for State Bridge Replacements in Iowa for 5 year Plan (2013 to 2017) 40 35 35 33 30 0 to < 10 10 to < 20 25 Number of State Bridge Replacements (Total = 120) 20 20 to < 30 22 30 to < 40 40 to < 50 50 to < 60 60 to < 70 15 70 to < 80 11 80 to < 90 10 90 to 100 10 5 4 5 0 0 ABC Rating Score Distribution 0 0 ABC Rating Score Distribution for State Bridges in Iowa 1200 1008 1000 970 800 771 0 to < 10 10 to < 20 20 to < 30 Number of State Bridges (Total = 4072) 30 to < 40 40 to < 50 600 50 to < 60 505 60 to < 70 70 to < 80 445 80 to < 90 400 90 to 100 274 200 48 0 ABC Rating Score Distribution 32 12 7 Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart ABC Rating Score 50 to 100 ABC Rating Score Less than 50 District requests further review for ABC? Yes Yes No Does the project support an ABC approach based on OBS, District,Yesand possibly others’ evaluation? No No No No Does the Project Concept Team want the project to undergo further ABC evaluation? Yes Use Traditional Construction Perform ABC AHP Analysis for Second-Stage Decision Making Yes Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart AHP Criteria Organization 19 Criteria A decision maker can insert or eliminate levels and elements as necessary to sharpen the focus on one or more parts of the analysis. Less important criteria and sub-criteria can be dropped from further consideration. New Sub-Criteria AHP Analysis Details Comparisons between criteria and between sub-criteria are performed using data from actual measurements or using a qualitative scale. Direct Costs Direct Costs Direct Costs 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Indirect Costs 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Schedule Constraints 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Site Constraints AHP Analysis Details Comparisons are also used to assess the extent to which one alternative satisfies a criteria over another alternative. Alt A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 Alt B Direct Costs Alt A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 Indirect Costs Alt B Results 23 Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart Calculate ABC Rating Score No First-Stage Filter: Use First-Stage Decision Making Flowchart Yes No Second-Stage Decision Making: Use the ABC AHP Tool Yes No Project Delivery Concurrence Yes Determine Tier of Acceleration OBS recommends ABC options based on Tier of Acceleration MDT reviews OBS recommendations Develop ABC Concept Alternative(s) and Estimate Costs Develop Traditional Concept Team Alternatives and Costs Recommended Alternatives Concept Selection and Statewide Prioritization ABC Decision Process Flowchart OBS Concerns Additional duties/assignments within OBS to perform ABC evaluation (i.e. AHP analysis) Additional time required for developing ABC design concepts Need to develop ABC design standards and policies Need to develop expertise to perform inhouse ABC design or support/guide consultant design OBS Concerns Accuracy of estimating cost for new ABC concepts. Unknown long term performance of bridges constructed with ABC. Need for higher level of construction inspection. ABC Implementation Challenges Funding to offset ABC construction cost – need to identify new revenues or alternative funding Resistance from some local contractors to ABC – working with industry to change the climate Limited contracting methods – since Design Build (DB) is not allowed in Iowa we are looking at the partial DB option ABC Implementation Challenges Design aids – we are working on ABC design policies, specifications and standard details. Limited experience in ABC design – several ABC projects have been identified to attain experience for our engineers. Questions? Norm McDonald Director, Office of Bridges and Structures Iowa Department of Transportation