Behavior and Classroom Policies and Procedures

Behavior and Classroom Policies and Procedures
Animals are to be fed only when directed by your instructor or unless you are specifically assigned to take care
of the animals such as your Classroom SAE Assignment.
There are areas that all students are off limits to unless directed by your instructor. These areas include lab
areas, storage areas, my desk, drawers and cabinets, and my computer).
When the bell rings, you should be in the classroom. After entering the classroom, sit in your assigned seat
while roll is being called. If you’re not in your assigned seat when roll is called you may be considered absent
and will lose responsibility points.
You are to take care of your business before class starts. This includes using the restroom, etc. Visits to the
Catty shack will not be allowed in my class.
Any time a student is permitted to leave he/she must: (1) get permission from the teacher, (2) sign out on the
sign out sheet located on the clipboard by the door, and (3) have the teacher sign your passport/hall pass. Only
one student is allowed out of the class at one time. Your privileges to leave class will be revoked if you do not
follow these three steps. If you abuse your privileges of leaving class, they will quickly be taken away from you
and can lead to detention.
When a substitute is present, you are to grow wings and become angels. If I ever get a bad report from a
substitute, you will definitely pay for it. Specific individuals with bad sub reports will receive a citation or lunchtime detention.
During quizzes and tests there will be no talking. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate
zero for the assignment and disciplinary action according to school policies.
Class participation is encouraged. However, wait to be called on to speak unless otherwise directed by the
teacher. When the teacher is talking you are listening! When someone else has permission to talk you
are listening! All students will be expected to take notes when given. Excessive talking will result in loss of
responsibility points. Failure to take notes and participate will result on loss of responsibility points.
Nothing is to be thrown in this classroom or lab. If you must throw a piece of paper away, walk to the garbage
and throw it away. Throwing items will result in detention and loss of responsibility points.
10. If you are absent (excused), check with other students to get any information you missed. YOU are
responsible for finding out what you missed and getting all the information or assignments. You need to
get notes from someone in class and come see me for assignments before or after class. You are responsible
for turning in your assignment when it is due. After school, lunch, and before school is reserved for make-up
work that you missed while absent or unless other arrangements are made.
11. Each day you are to come prepared with all materials you need for the class. I will only lend you a writing
utensil or paper with collateral. If you do not come to class prepared don’t ask me for help, ask your fellow
classmates, because I will take points away. Failure to come to class prepared will result in loss of responsibility
12. Headphones and i-pods are NOT allowed during class unless specifically authorized by your teacher. These
devices will be confiscated if in sight during class, even if you are not using them and will result in loss of
responsibility points.
13. No Cell Phones are allowed unless permission is given by the instructor. If a cell phone is in sight, whether it is
being used or not, it will be confiscated and turned into the principal’s office and will result in loss of
responsibility points.
14. Candy, drinks, snacks, etc are allowed with permission from the instructor but this is a privilege and can be
taken away. Wrappers and containers are to be thrown away. Problems with this will lead to individual
detention or will result in loss of responsibility points and loss of snacking privileges for the entire class.
15. Respect other students’ right to learn, their property, and feelings. This includes using appropriate language
and adhering to the school dress code. Failure to do so will result in loss of responsibility points and other
disciplinary action according to district policies.
16. All school and district policies and procedures will be upheld in this classroom.
17. All policies and procedures are subject to change as the teacher deems necessary.
Behavior and Classroom Policies Contract Agreement
My signature verifies that I have read and understood the syllabus, rules,
procedures, and attendance policies for this class. I agree to follow the rules and
policies throughout my enrollment and understand that I may be removed from the
class and/or FFA privileges for failure to follow the guidelines and rules for the
course. I also understand that learning is a privilege for all students and if I impede
any student from learning, it would result in disciplinary action.
STUDENT PRINTED NAME_________________________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________