Chapter Operations Chapter #4

Chapter Operations
Chapter #4
Essentials of a Successful
FFA Chapter
Knowledge of the FFA
 All members share responsibility
 Capable Officers
 A challenging Program of Activities
 A workable constitution and bylaws
 Proper equipment and records
Essentials of a Successful
FFA Chapter
Well-planned regularly held chapter
 Adequate financing
 School and community support
 Chapter resource file
Executive Chapter Officers
– Livvi Pearson
 Vice President – Jenna Mennetti
 Secretary – Karly Chism
 Treasurer – Liana Leivdal
 Reporter – Taylor Ussery
 Sentinel – Ryan Newberry
 Advisor – Kevin Hicks
 Advisor – Bridget Goodner
 President
Para-professional – Jessica Mennetti
Associate Chapter Officers
 Historian-
Mckenna Willis
 Web/Tech specialist: Allie DeMassari
 Photographer- Sohpie Wild
 VP of Healthy Living- Vanessa Colgain
 VP of Recruitment- Jenna O’Reilly
 VP of Public Relations- Charlene Cauchron
 VP of Facilities- Cole Farrington
Duties of All Officers
 Genuine
desire to be part of a team
 Willingness to accept responsibility
 Desire to work with members as a leader
 A commitment to lead by example
 Knowledge of constitution and bylaws
 Knowledge of parliamentary procedure
 Memorize official ceremonies
Duties of the President
 Preside
of meetings using rules of
parliamentary procedure
 Coordinate chapter activities
 Represent chapter at official and public
relation functions
Duties of the Vice President
 Assume
duties of president if needed
 Develop Program of Activities (serve as
non-voting member of all committees)
 Coordinate all Committee work
 Work with President & Advisor to
evaluate chapter goals
 Oversee FFA activities (approval and
Duties of Secretary
 Prepare
and post agenda for meetings
 Prepare minutes of meetings
 Place all committee reports in Secretary’s
 Be responsible for chapter correspondence
 Maintain attendance records
 Develop the Chapter Roster and submit to
State and National FFA
 Keep Program of Activities up to date
Duties of Treasurer
 Record
& deposit FFA funds
 Present monthly treasurer’s report
 Maintain Chapter Treasurer’s Book
 Develop annual FFA budget
 Assist in all fundraising efforts
Duties of Reporter
 Plan
public information programs
 Release news to media
 Release news to State and National
Newsletters / Magazines
 Oversees chapter newsletter and news
 Oversees flyers and announcements of
all FFA activities
Duties of Sentinel
 Assist
President in maintaining order
 Keep meeting room and equipment in proper
 Welcome guests and visitors
 Assist with special features and refreshments
at meetings and activities
 Keep an inventory of all FFA supplies and
 Keep meeting room comfortable
Duties of the Advisor
 Supervise
all chapter activities
 Inform prospective students and parents
about the FFA
 Instruct students in leadership
 Build school and community support
 Encourage member involvement in
 Prepare students for competitive events
Duties of the Web/Tech
 Make
Videos for the FFA and end of
year banquet
 Set up and manage electrical
 Maintain the Chapter Website
Duties of the Officer at Large
 Fill
in for all officers when absent
 Memorize all opening ceremonies parts
 Serve as assistant to all committees
 Assist all officers in their duties as
 Plan the Chapter Banquet
Duties of the Photographer
 Take
pictures and videos at all events and
activities in the ag program and the FFA
 Maintain all camera equipment
 download and e-mail photos as needed
 Make slideshow for chapter banquet
 Assist the Reporter, Historian, and Web
Specialist by providing all the pictures they
Duties of Historian
 Maintain
Chapter Scrapbook
 Serve as an assistant chapter
 Collect souvenirs and memorabilia
 Works with Yearbook staff on the FFA
Duties of Associate Vice
Presidents/ Pride Leaders
 Act
as committee chairs over their
respective assignments
 Plan specific activities that correspond
to their committee chair assignments
from the chapter POA
 Assist executive officers as needed
Program of Activities
 Serves
as a Road map for the chapter
 National Chapter Award Program
 Broken down into 15 Divisions
 Each
division has a committee
 Set Goals to accomplish for upcoming year
 Every
member should be on a
Chapter Banquet
 End
of the year
 Awards for individuals and the Chapter
 Highlight year’s events and awards
 (Leadership points)
Chapter Meetings and Activities
Chapter Meetings/Super Activities
 Held monthly during school year
 Conduct business and have lots of fun
with a planned activity
Executive Meetings
 Executive meetings held twice per
month for committees and officers to
‘return and report’
Vice President
Order of Business
 Opening
 Minutes of the
Previous Meeting
 Treasurer Report
 Advisor Report
 Report on Chapter
POA (1 month
 Unfinished
 Committee Reports
(Return and Report3 month planning)
 New Business
 Closing Ceremony
 Recreation or
Officer Stations
 President........................................Rising
 Vice President..........................................Plow
 Secretary.......................................Ear of Corn
 Treasurer..........................Bust of Washington
 Reporter............................................U.S. Flag
 Sentinel...................................Clasped Hands
 Advisor.......................................................Owl
 Photographer......................................Camera
 Historian……………………………..Scrapbook
 Web/Tech specialist………………...Computer
Opening Ceremonies
 Officers
memorize parts
 (ALL) In Unison: To practice
brotherhood, honor agricultural
opportunities and
responsibilities, and develop
those qualities of leadership
which an FFA member should