Syllabus Riverview 2015 Mrs. Mandy C. Truman

Mrs. Mandy C. Truman
Riverview 2015
Welcome to Mrs. Truman’s class! I am so excited to be
able to work with all of you and to be able to get to know
you, as you get to know me. But before we can really dive
into the fun stuff, we must go over just a few housekeeping
Class Description
EN 08: Includes writing, reading fluency and
comprehension, literature, informational text, grammar,
vocabulary, spelling and research. Course content and pace
of instruction will be differentiated to meet the specialized needs of the student.
We will be coming up with our class rules
together, but I have left some space for you
to fill them in once we have come up with
them. 
1. Be in your seat with all necessary
supplies when the bell rings.
2. Raise your hand and wait to be
called on to speak.
3. Follow directions the first time they
are given.
4. Stay on task and complete all work.
5. Keep hands, feet and objects to
We will be following the Riverview Behavior
Chart. 1. Verbal Redirection 2. Chameleon
COLORS Reminder card 3. Teacher
Redirection 4. Documentation of Behavior
5. Behavior Stamp in Agenda 6. Blue Slip
Reflection 7. Office Discipline Referral
This is school policy, and you may refer to
the chart in your student agenda.
Class Guidelines for success
Absences: You are responsible to get the work that you have missed. If you know beforehand that
you will be absent, come and find out what the work is beforehand. When you return from your
absence, check the folder in the absent bin (in the Paper Center) for the day or days of your absences.
The blue and green folders are for History and the red and yellow folders are for English. You will be
expected to turn in the work within three days of receiving the assignment.
Grading: Everything in class will be graded on a point value system. Each assignment will be worth
a certain amount of points. This is the tentative list of point values for each assignment.
Homework: 2-5 points
Quizzes: 10-15 points
Class Assignments: 5-20 points
Tests: 60-80 points
Projects: 60-120 points
Assignments are not weighted. Tests are only worth more because they have a bigger point
value. Doing ALL assignments is important. If you struggle with an assignment, talk to me about
it and we will figure it out.
Mrs. Mandy C. Truman
Riverview 2015
Late Work: Late work will always be accepted. It is better for you, however, to get it in as soon
as possible.
Extra Credit: Extra credit will be only given if all other work is done for the unit. You may earn
between 1-20 points extra credit for every unit. Your choices for extra credit are as follows:
Book Project: Read a book (fiction or non-fiction) that has to do with the unit. On the
website is a list of projects you can do. You may also ask me for a copy of the list.
Unit Essay: On my webpage I have the requirements for this assignment.
Unit Poster: Requirements located on my webpage.
Classroom Library: Reading is AWESOME!!!! And since our school doesn’t have a library, we
have a classroom library! But in order to keep track of all of my books, we have
some rules.
Treat the books with care. Books are very precious to Mrs. Truman, and
she may go Gollum on you if you treat them badly. ;)
The only time you can check out books is when you are finished with your
work and there is no instruction or group work happening or during RTI.
When you want to check out a book, fill out the Library Checkout page on
the clipboard and bring it to Mrs. Truman to sign.
If these procedures are not followed you will lose access to the class
library, and if issues continue, other actions will be taken.
Heading: Each paper that you turn in will need to have the following heading on
the right-hand corner of the paper:
Questions? If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to talk to me either before or after
class, during RTI, or email me @
One last thing, please respect my classroom, I have items in here that are very
special and would appreciate it if you would not touch them, as well as my
desk area.  I am SOOO excited for us to learn together! This year will be
educational, inspirational and fun! But it is up to us to make it so. We’re in
this adventure together so just “do what I do: hold tight and pretend it’s in
the plan!”-The Doctor (from Doctor Who)