1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 IJJ-OP-1 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS SELECTION GUIDE Revised ??/??/???? PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 210 4502 North Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85012 IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Rev. ??/??/?? 41 TABLE OF CONTENTS Glossary.................................................................................................................... 1 42 Introduction............................................................................................................... 3 43 IM in the Curriculum Development and Review Cycle ............................................................. 3 44 Generic Calendar for Adoption of IM (See Appendix C) ........................................................... 3 45 PUHSD IM Evaluation Committees (PUHSD Committee) ........................................................... 4 46 Period of Adoption....................................................................................................... 6 47 Delisting of Approved IM ................................................................................................ 6 48 Use of Discontinued IM .................................................................................................. 6 49 Experimental IM .......................................................................................................... 7 50 Exceptions to the Procedures in the Guide ......................................................................... 7 51 Emergency IM Procedures .............................................................................................. 7 52 Issue and Care of IM ..................................................................................................... 7 53 Selection of Instructional Support Materials (ISM) ................................................................. 7 54 Teacher Desk Copies of IM ............................................................................................. 8 55 IM for A Student Teacher ............................................................................................... 8 56 Sponsored IM .............................................................................................................. 8 57 Pilot Testing Donated IM ............................................................................................... 9 58 Objection to Selected Instructional Materials (IM) ................................................................ 9 59 60 61 62 Appendices A. Arizona Revised Statutes Related to Instructional Materials .............................................. A1 63 B. Board Policies Related to Instructional Materials ........................................................... B1 64 C. Generic Calendar for Evaluation of Instructional Materials ............................................... C1 65 D. Instructional Materials Information Form .................................................................... D1 66 E. Suggested Procedures for Responsible District Administrator .............................................E1 67 F. Dealing with Controversial Issues in Instructional Materials ............................................... F1 68 PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page i of i Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 69 70 71 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) Glossary. Terms appear in this glossary in the singular form; the reader should interpret them as either singular or plural based on the context in which they are used. Term Comments A.R.S. Arizona Revised Statutes ASIA Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Accountability basic IM IM approved and adopted by the Board for required use in a course. The Board may approve a single basic IM or a choice of basic IM for use in a course. If the Board approves a choice of basic IM, then normally a teacher may choose only one of the approved basic IM for use in the teacher’s sections of the course. The Board may also approve more than one type of basic IM for use in a course when one type does not meet the objectives of adoption. For example, the Board might approve for Biology 1-2 both one or more basic IM to support the course generally and one or more basic IM to support laboratory assignments. In this case, a teacher must choose one of each. Board Governing Board of the Phoenix Union High School District #210 CES Center for Educational Services 4502 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 discontinued IM Instructional materials that the Board adopted but that are beyond the adoption period or for other reasons no longer approved. District Indicates something at the district office level, rather than at a subordinate (e.g., school) level. Emergency IM Procedure A procedure that allows the PUHSD to adopt and acquire IM when the standard adoption procedures cannot meet student needs. Guide Instructional Materials Selection Guide (this operational procedure) IAD Instruction and Accountability Division IL instructional leader IM instructional materials (See) instructional materials (IM) Items approved and adopted by the Board for purchase and use in instruction. Policy IJJ identifies these as “ . . . textbooks, supplemental books, and other related IM . . .” IM may be printed (e.g., a book, a map, a musical score) or non-printed (e.g., a software program, a video disk, a video DVD, a video tape, an audio tape, an audio recording, an electronic book [e-book]). IM includes both basic items and supplementary items. instructional support materials (ISM) Anything (e.g., overhead transparencies, laboratory specimens, commercially prepared lesson plans, microscope slides, models, worksheets) used by a teacher during teaching in support of a lesson. A publisher may provide ISM as part of a package, or the PUHSD may buy ISM from a third party. library facilities A collective term used for resource centers, media centers, and school libraries, after its use in Policy IJNC (Resource Centers/Media Libraries/School Libraries). Policy A policy of the Governing Board of the PUHSD PUHSD Phoenix Union High School District #210 PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 1 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) Term Comments PUHSD Committee A District-level Subject Area Instructional Materials Evaluation Committee, typically appointed to make adoption recommendations for instructional materials for courses in a subject area in an academic year, e.g., the PUHSD Science Instructional Materials Evaluation Committee for 2011-2012. A PUHSD Committee makes adoption recommendations to the ASIA. responsible District administrator A PUHSD administrator who is responsible for a program or subject area (e.g., career and technical education, fine arts, science, special education.). Typically, a supervisor or a director assigned to the Instruction and Accountability Division. Except where expressly prohibited, a responsible District administrator may delegate an authority to act, e.g., as the chairperson of a PUHSD Committee. School Committee A school-level Subject Area Instruction Materials Evaluation Committee, typically appointed to make adoption recommendations for IM for courses in a subject area in an academic year, e.g., the South Mountain Mathematics IM Evaluation Committee for 2011-2012. A School Committee makes adoption recommendations to a PUHSD Committee. supplementary instructional material IM approved and adopted by the Board for optional use in a course. textbook The Board approves supplementary IM for one or more of the following purposes. To accommodate the various learning ability levels of students. To meet the educational needs of students for whom English is a second language. To meet the educational needs of students from disparate cultures. To provide more complete coverage of a course objective. “ . . . printed or non-printed instructional materials or digital content, or both, and related printed or non-printed instructional materials, that are written and published primarily for use in school instruction and that are required by a state educational agency or local educational agency for use by pupils in the classroom, including materials that require the availability of electronic equipment in order to be used as a learning resource.” A.R.S. §156-722(F) Related directives may use other terms synonymously (e.g., Policy IJ uses “Instructional Resources and Materials”, A.R.S. §15-723 uses “ . . . textbooks, subject matter materials and supplementary books.”) This Guide uses the term “instructional materials” (IM) to refer to textbooks as defined herein, except when the use of a more precise term is necessary. unadopted IM Instructional materials that the Board has not adopted. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 2 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 72 Introduction. 73 74 Instructional materials (IM) is an essential part of the educational program in the PUHSD. Appendix A of this Guide lists several A.R.S. that use this term in related contexts. 75 76 77 The A.R.S. (see Appendix A) charges the Board with the responsibility for approving basic textbooks and supplemental books used in high school courses. To fulfill this responsibility, the Board adopted Policy IJJ: 78 79 80 81 82 83 The Board will approve and adopt all new textbooks and supplementary books. The Superintendent shall establish textbook selection procedures and shall provide for the appropriate involvement of staff members, students, and community members. These procedures may provide for the establishment of textbook selection committees. Recommendations from textbook selection committees will be forwarded to the Superintendent. 84 85 This Guide fulfills the responsibilities of the Superintendent enumerated in Policy IJJ. Administration shall update this Guide as necessary. The 86 Appendix B of this Guide is a list of Board policies related to IM. 87 IM in the Curriculum Development and Review Cycle. 88 89 90 91 IM are resources used in teaching and learning, but IM is not the curriculum. The PUHSD has developed a six-year cycle of curriculum development and review. The following summary shows where the adoption of IM occurs in this cycle GENERIC CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW CYCLE Year(s) Event One Analyze, evaluate, and revise curriculum. Two Adopt IM and field-test assessment procedures. Three - Five Implement revised curriculum using new IM; assess student performance and make needed changes. Six Assess five-year record of student performance and report results with recommendations for improvement. 92 Generic Calendar For Adoption of IM (See Appendix C) 93 94 All activity relates to the current year’s adoption of basic and supplemental IM for existing and new courses. 95 96 After the PUHSD revises the curriculum in a subject area, then the PUHSD may adopt IM. Policy IJJ indicates, “It is the responsibility of the school textbook committees to recommend resources that will 97 98 support the mastery of standards, taking into account the varied interests, abilities, learning, and maturity levels of student served. 99 100 stimulate growth in factual knowledge, critical analysis, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and recognition of various societal values.” PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 3 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 101 PUHSD IM Evaluation Committee (PUHSD Committee). 102 Purpose. 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Accountability (ASIA) shall form a PUHSD IM Evaluation Committee (PUHSD Committee) in the appropriate year for the courses taught in a subject area. The members of a PUHSD Committee shall study IM submitted by publishers, gather input from teachers of the course(s) at their schools, and make an adoption recommendation through the ASIA to the Superintendent. The Superintendent may submit recommended IM to the Board. A PUHSD Committee shall make a recommendation for each course taught. From among the IM submitted by the publishers, a PUHSD Committee may recommend that the PUHSD adopt: 110 One or more basic IM for a course. 111 No supplemental IM for a course or one or more supplemental IM for a course. 112 One or more basic IM and one or more supplemental IM for a course. 113 No basic IM and no supplemental IM for a course. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 4 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 114 Structure. 115 116 A PUHSD Committee shall have the following membership. Member Appointed by Chairperson. Typically the responsible District administrator. A responsible District administrator may delegate this role to another qualified administrator or teacher. The ASIA The Instructional Leaders (IL) from each school offering courses in the subject area (e.g., English, science). An IL may delegate this role to a qualified teacher. The Chairperson may allow an IL or a qualified teacher to represent more than one school (e.g., one or more small schools). Ex officio A teacher from each school offering a course for which the PUHSD may adopt IM (e.g., biology, chemistry). The ILs One or more students who have successfully completed a course from each school offering courses in the subject area (e.g., fine arts, social studies). The principals One or more parents or community representatives from each school offering courses in the subject area (e.g., career and technical education, physical education) or from the PUHSD community at large. A principal or the ASIA A representative of the Special Education (SPED) program A representative of the English as a Second Language (ESL) program A representative of the Title I program (if necessary) A representative of each related magnet program (if necessary) The administrator with responsibility for the program or area A representative of the reading program (if necessary) A media representative (if necessary) Others as determined by the ASIA The ASIA 117 118 119 120 By October 15 of the academic year of selection, each of the appointers identified above shall send to the chairperson of the PUHSD Committee a list of their appointee(s). The list shall include the following information for each appointee: full name, home address, personal phone number, PUHSD phone numbers, PUHSD e-mail address. 121 Procedure. 122 123 124 125 The ASIA and the District administrators responsible for the subject areas that will evaluate and recommend IM in the upcoming academic year shall prepare by June 1 of the previous academic year a notice that the PUHSD shall send to publishers who might have IM for consideration. This notice shall include: 126 1. A calendar of IM selection activities (Appendix C). 127 2. Specific requirements that a submitted IM must meet. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 5 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 128 129 3. The names and addresses of the responsible District administrator(s) and the ILs to whom the publishers may send copies of the submitted IM. 130 4. An Instructional Materials Information Form (Appendix D). 131 5. The deadline by which the PUHSD must receive the submitted IM. 132 133 6. Procedures for general visits by publishers' representatives to schools during the evaluation period. 134 135 136 137 A responsible District administrator shall direct publishers to provide one copy of the submitted IM to the District Media Specialist who will log, organize, and display all submitted IM at the CES. Interested persons (e.g., PUHSD and School Committee members, parents, citizens) may examine the submitted IM at this location during the evaluation period. 138 139 140 The Chairperson shall assure that all of the PUHSD Committee meetings are open to the public. At least one week prior to a PUHSD Committee meeting, the Chairperson shall post notice of the meeting on the bulletin board outside the entrance to the CES. 141 A responsible District administrator shall do the following. 142 143 144 145 146 147 1. Review submitted IM received by the deadline to determine whether the PUHSD Committee will review all of the submitted IM or if a PUHSD Committee will review only the submitted IM selected as finalists by a screening PUHSD Subcommittee selected by the responsible District administrator. A responsible District administrator shall notify all submitting publishers of the procedure a PUHSD Committee will follow. The responsible District administrator shall request any additional copies needed by a PUHSD Committee. 148 149 150 151 2. During the review period, direct the activities of a PUHSD Committee, preside at meetings, disseminate minutes, and ensure that a PUHSD Committee follows the procedures set forth in these guidelines. (Appendix E includes detailed suggested procedures for a responsible District administrator.) 152 153 3. Submit to the ASIA all PUHSD Committee recommendations in time for the Board to act on them by the first Board meeting in May. 154 Period of Adoption. 155 156 157 The PUHSD shall adopt IM for at least six (6) years. If a publisher or other source cannot provide annual replacement copies of adopted IM, then a responsible District administrator shall utilize the emergency IM procedure. 158 Delisting of Approved IM. 159 160 161 At any time, the ASIA may appoint an ad hoc PUHSD Committee to consider if a Board-approved IM should be delisted. The Superintendent may refer such a recommendation to the Board. The Board alone may delist IM. 162 Use of Discontinued IM. 163 164 When the PUHSD discontinues IM (e.g., after six [6] years of use) and the discontinued IM is still usable, the following procedures apply: 165 An IL may request the assignment of the discontinued IM to a department for supplemental use. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 6 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 166 167 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) The bookstore manager shall be responsible for obtaining and controlling the inventory of discontinued IM. 168 Experimental IM. 169 170 The PUHSD shall not allow a teacher to use a donated classroom set of IM that the Board has not adopted. 171 Exceptions to the Procedures in this Guide. 172 The ASIA may approve exceptions to the procedures in this Guide. 173 Emergency IM Procedure. 174 175 The emergency IM procedure enables the PUHSD to provide IM required for a course when the regular IM selection procedure does not meet the needs of the PUHSD, for example, when: 176 1. The approved basic IM is not available (e.g., out of print, out of stock). 177 178 2. The Board has not approved the purchase of a sufficient number of IM for a course that has unanticipated enrollment. 179 180 When the regular IM selection procedure does not meet the needs of the PUHSD, then the responsible District administrator shall: 181 182 1. notify the ASIA who shall convene an emergency meeting of a Committee to recommend replacement IM. 183 184 185 2. forward the Committee’s recommendation for replacement IM to the ASIA. If the ASIA approves the recommendation, the ASIA shall authorize the purchase of the IM and take the recommendation to the Board for approval. 186 Issue and Care of IM. 187 The PUHSD provides IM without charge to all students. 188 189 190 A student is responsible for the safekeeping and return of all IM issued to the student. The PUHSD may charge a student who damages or loses IM the repair or replacement cost of that IM. (Policy IJ (Instructional Resources and Materials), Policy JQ (Student Fees, Fines, and Charges)) 191 Selection of Instructional Support Materials (ISM). 192 The PUHSD shall follow the principles of this Guide and applicable Policies when selecting ISM. 193 Responsibility for Selection of ISM. 194 1. The Board is legally responsible for all matters relating to the operation of the PUHSD. 195 196 197 198 2. The appropriate professionally trained members of the PUHSD professional staff shall select ISM for school classrooms and school media centers. Those selecting ISM shall solicit and consider recommendations from the PUHSD administration, faculty, students, and parents before making a selection. 199 200 The PUHSD shall select IM for library facilities that meet the goals outlined in Policy IJL (Library Materials Selection and Adoption). PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 7 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 201 Teacher Desk Copy of IM. 202 203 204 205 206 The PUHSD shall include on a purchase order for basic IM and supplementary IM a request for one (1) free teacher desk copy for every thirty (30) student copies ordered from a publisher. A bookstore manager shall issue the free teacher desk copies to the appropriate IL for distribution to teachers teaching that course. An IL shall provide to a teacher who teaches a course one desk copy of the basic IM and one desk copy of the supplementary IM that the teacher is using. 207 208 209 210 211 A teacher desk copy is the property of the PUHSD. When a teacher no longer needs a desk copy (e.g., when on assignment to another school, when no longer teaching the course) the teacher shall return the desk copy to the IL. The PUHSD shall not provide additional teacher desk copies to a school unless the PUHSD adopts new IM or hires an additional teacher. The PUHSD shall only provide additional teacher desk copies of IM that the Board has adopted. 212 IM for a Student Teacher. 213 214 Upon request, the PUHSD shall provide an IL with a desk copy of IM for a student teacher. A student teacher shall return the desk copy when the student teacher completes the assignment. 215 Sponsored IM. 216 217 218 219 Sponsored IM is IM requested or received free of charge from of a non-PUHSD entity (e.g., an agency, an individual, a publisher) for use in a PUHSD course. A sponsor may represent different types of interests (e.g., commercial, political, religious). A member of the PUHSD educational staff (e.g., a teacher, a librarian, a responsible District administrator) may select sponsored IM. 220 221 A principal shall assure that any sponsored IM used in a school undergoes a proper evaluation. A principal shall use the following criteria when evaluating sponsored IM. 222 223 224 225 226 1. Purpose. 227 2. Content. A school shall acquire sponsored IM that is educationally sound and usable in a particular teaching situation in the school or that will aid a school library in meeting its responsibilities as outlined in the "School Library Bill of Rights”. 228 a. Sponsored IM presented as factual should be accurate and well organized. 229 230 231 b. A school shall select sponsored IM that presents opinions and supporting data on controversial issues to provide the best available presentations or opposing viewpoints and conform to Policy IMB (Teaching About Controversial/Sensitive Issues). 232 233 234 235 3. Time Lines. 236 237 238 4. Format. 239 240 Sponsored IM shall present relevant information that is supplementary to that available in the school using Board-adopted IM. Sponsored IM shall be interesting and motivating. A principal shall maintain for examination in the school library a copy of each sponsored IM that a teacher distributes to students in the classroom. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 8 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 241 Pilot Testing Donated IM. 242 The PUHSD shall not permit a teacher to maintain a donated basic IM for the purpose of pilot testing it. 243 Objection to Board-Adopted IM. 244 245 246 247 248 1. Policy KEC (Public Concerns/Complaints About Instructional Resources) provides a framework for addressing concerns about IM adopted by the Board. Any employee, resident, or student of the PUHSD may raise objections to IM used in the PUHSD despite the fact that the individuals selecting such IM were duly qualified to make the selection, followed proper procedures, and observed the criteria for selecting such IM. 249 250 a. The complainant shall meet with the principal at the school where the IM is in use. The principal will attempt to resolve the complaint. 251 252 253 b. If the complainant and the principal agree on a resolution that does not involve restricting the use of the IM by other than the complainant's own student, the principal shall implement the resolution. 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 c. If the only action that will satisfy the complainant would restrict the use of the IM by students in addition to the complainant’s student, then the principal shall initiate the procedures in Policy KEC. The principal shall provide the complainant with a copy of KEC-E (Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Material) and ask the complainant to complete the form and return it to the principal. The principal shall forward the completed KEC-E to the Superintendent with a written summary of the principal’s attempt to resolve the issue. 261 2. Request for Review. 262 263 a. Within ten (10) workdays of the filing of the completed KEC-E, the ASIA shall refer the IM in question to a Reconsideration Committee for re-evaluation. 264 b. The Reconsideration Committee shall be composed of the following: 265 i. 266 ii. One librarian, designated by the Superintendent. 267 268 iii. One administrator, designated by the Superintendent, who shall be the chairperson of the Reconsideration Committee. 269 iv. Two members from the community, appointed by the Board. 270 v. Two high school students, selected by the Student Council. 271 272 One teacher, designated by the Superintendent. c. The procedures for the first reconsideration Committee Meeting following receipt of a completed KEC-E are as follows: 273 274 i. The chairperson shall provide each member of the Reconsideration Committee with a copy of the completed KEC-E. 275 276 ii. The chairperson shall give the complainant an opportunity to discuss and expand on the information presented in the completed KEC-E. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 9 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide (Rev. ??/??/??) 277 278 iii. Any member of the Reconsideration Committee may distribute a reputable, professionally prepared review of the IM. 279 280 281 282 iv. The chairperson shall distribute copies of, or present, the challenged IM. The members of the Reconsideration Committee shall review (e.g., read, view, or listen to) the IM in its entirety, considering the strength and value of the IM as a whole and not its individual parts. 283 284 285 286 d. Within five (5) workdays after the meeting and under the direction of the chairperson, the Reconsideration Committee shall prepare a report that includes recommendations with supporting data. The chairperson shall provide the report with its recommendations to the ASIA. 287 288 e. The ASIA shall meet with the complainant to report the Reconsideration Committee's findings. 289 290 f. The complainant may request a review with the Superintendent if the complainant is dissatisfied with the recommendations of the Reconsideration Committee. PHOENIX UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 210 Page 10 of 10 Printed Mon 7/11/2016 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix A: Arizona Revised Statutes Related to Instructional Materials (Rev. ??/??/??) Citation Description A.R.S. § 15-362 Libraries; powers and duties; authority to contract with a county free library or other public library A.R.S. § 15-722 High schools; course of study; textbooks A.R.S. § 15-723 Furnishing of free textbooks; subject matter materials and supplementary books A.R.S. § 15-724 Purchase of high schools textbooks; subject matter materials and supplementary books; budge; rental A.R.S. § 15-726 Purchase of textbooks and instructional computer software by schools having four or fewer teachers; welfare institutions A.R.S. § 15-727 Care and issue of textbooks; subject matter materials, supplementary books and instructional computer software A.R.S. § 15-728 Purchase of books by pupils or parent A.R.S. § 15-729 Use of monies received for lost or damaged textbooks; subject matter materials, supplementary books or instructional computer software A.R.S. § 15-730 Access to IMs by parents and guardians 291 292 Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page A1 of 1 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 293 Code ABAA IJ IJJ IJJ-R IJL IJL-R IJM IJNC IJ-R IMB JQ JQ-E KEC KEC-E Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix B: Board Policies Related to Instructional Materials (Rev. ??/??/??) Description Parental Involvement Instructional Materials and Resources Textbook/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption Textbook / Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption (Criteria for Selection) Library Materials Selection and Adoption Library Materials Selection and Adoption Special – Interest Materials Selection and Adoption Resource Centers / Media Centers / School Libraries Instructional Resources and Materials (Availability of and Access to Instructional Materials by Parents or Guardians) Teaching about Controversial / Sensitive Issues Student Fees, Fines, and Charges Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Fees) Public Concerns / Complaints About Instructional Resources Public Concerns / Complaints About Instructional Resources (Citizen’s Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Material) 294 295 Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page B1 of 1 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 296 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix C: Generic Calendar for Evaluation of Instructional Materials (Rev. ??/??/??) During this period, the Committees will develop recommendations for: 297 new basic and new supplemental IM for on-going courses. 298 basic and supplemental IM for new courses. 299 On or Before Responsible Action June 15 The ASIA Responsible Administrators Invites publishers to submit IM samples and IM Information Forms October 1 Publishers Submit IM samples and completed IM Information Forms to responsible District administrators and ILs October 15 The ASIA Principals Administrators of special programs Appoint members to PUHSD IM Evaluation Committees October 15 ILs Form School Committees November 1 ILs Hold organizational meetings (e.g., to establish schedules & operating procedures) for School Committees November 1 PUHSD Committee Chairpersons Hold organizational meetings (e.g., to establish schedules & operating procedures; to decide how PUHSD Committee will evaluate IM) for PUHSD Committees November 1 – March 15 ILs School Committees study and rate IM November 1 – March 15 PUHSD Committee Chairpersons PUHSD Committees study and rate IM March 15 PUHSD Committee Chairpersons PUHSD Committees make final IM adoption recommendations to the ASIA April 1 The ASIA Makes IM adoption recommendations to the Superintendent April 15 Superintendent Superintendent makes IM adoption recommendations to the Board First May Board Meeting The Board Board approves and adopts IM Immediately after Board Action Responsible Administrators Submit orders to Purchasing 300 301 302 Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page C1 of 1 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 303 304 305 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix D: Instructional Materials Information Form (Rev. ??/??/??) The PUHSD requests that each publisher submit this form no later than October 1 for each IM sample submitted for adoption. Publisher Course for which IM is submitted Title Author or editor Copyright date ISBN number Grade level Readability level How readability level was determined Description Supplementary IM Net price to PUHSD Is publisher willing to do correlation with State Essential Skills/PUHSD Curriculum? Will the edition of the IM submitted be available for the entire six-year adoption period? 306 Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page D1 of 1 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix E: Suggested Procedures for Responsible District Administrator (Rev. ??/??/??) On or Before June 15 October 1 to October 15 October 15 November 1 to March 15 Activity. IM = instructional materials Prepare request for IM samples from publishers. 1. Prepare list of names and addresses of publishers from whom the PUHSD will request IM samples. 2. Prepare list of courses for which the PUHSD will adopt IM 3. Develop specific requirements that the PUHSD shall consider when studying IM (e.g., compiled from course objectives, competency requirements, focus, level of instruction, developed in curriculum revision process). 4. Prepare list of names and school addresses of IL who will receive IM samples and the date(s) after which the publishers may deliver the IM samples. Also, include names and addresses of others to receive IM samples (e.g., other PUHSD administrators, PUHSD Media Specialist). 5. Include procedural information that may be helpful to publishers (e.g., guidelines for visits to schools, whether the PUHSD will schedule formal presentations, whether screening will precede submission of IM samples that a PUHSD Committee as a whole will then consider). A chairperson may delay sending this information to the publishers until the chairperson has received the IM samples. Determine whether a PUHSD subcommittee will screen the IM samples prior to its release to the PUHSD Committee as a whole. 1. Log all IM samples delivered to a chairperson and monitor the receipt of IM samples by IL so all are reviewing the same IM samples. Consider only IM for which the publisher submits samples. Beware of IM for which a publisher submits a partial sample. 2. If PUHSD a subcommittee will screen the IM samples, then work with IL to set up a screening procedure. 3. Consider involving IL in developing standards for evaluation of IM samples. (These guidelines do not include a procedure for evaluating the IM samples because each subject area is unique and the IL should develop an ad hoc method of ranking or scoring of IM samples.) Due date for receiving names of PUHSD Committee members appointed by schools. 1. Provide IL a form to collect the desired information on members appointed by the schools (e.g., full names, home addresses, home phone numbers, PUHSD e-mail addresses). Consider asking the IL to indicate the specific course(s) in which appointed members have experience, so that the PUHSD Committee will have balance. 2. Determine if a PUHSD Committee should have SPED and ESL representatives from each school or a cross-District representation from the various courses for which the PUHSD will adopt IM. Then work with the SPED and ESL administrators to identify PUHSD Committee members from those areas. Evaluation procedure for the PUHSD Committee: 1. Create a master schedule and develop standards for evaluation of IM samples. 2. Determine method of ranking or scoring of IM samples and a procedure for determining the PUHSD Committee’s final recommendations. 3. Obtain enough samples IM to serve all PUHSD Committee members. 4. Prepare agendas, minutes, and other written communications. 5. Determine if the PUHSD Committee will ask publishers to make formal presentations; if so, then schedule equal time for each publisher and arrange for needed substitutes. Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page E1 of 2 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix E: Suggested Procedures for Responsible District Administrator (Rev. ??/??/??) On or Before March 15 May 15 Activity. IM = instructional materials Submit final PUHSD Committee recommendations to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Accountability. 1. Send minutes of the voting meeting identifying the recommended IM to PUHSD Committee members as soon as possible. 2. Send a letter to publishers who submitted IM samples identifying the recommended IM. 3. Ask IL to identify the new IM they will use in their schools. Remind IL to submit IM orders to the bookstore managers for the IM they will use at their schools in the following year. The schools shall select these from among the IM on the Board-approved list. 307 Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page E2 of 2 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM IJJ-OP-1 Instructional Materials Selection Guide Appendix F: Dealing with Controversial Issues Related to Instructional Materials (Rev. ??/??/??) 308 A controversial issue is one about which conflicting opinions exist. 309 STATEMENT OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES 310 311 312 313 314 The nature of controversy is such that reasonable persons differ. Discussions of controversial issues therefore may involve points of view objectionable to some individuals. It is the purpose of this statement to describe the criteria for judgment that public school personnel may consider reasonable and acceptable as a guideline. Public school personnel should consider the criteria in their entirety and not as a series of statements, each of which may be fully defensible as an isolated generalization. 315 316 317 318 Free discussion of controversial issues is at the heart of the democratic process. Freedom of speech and free access to information are among our most cherished traditions. It is the responsibility of American teachers to prepare students to understand democratic practices so that they may use these practices wisely. 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 A major purpose of public education is to build good citizenship by providing opportunities for education in the basic skills, attitudes, and activities of a free society. We believe that discussion and evaluation of all aspects of controversial issues will help students to reach conclusions most in keeping with our democratic traditions. American schools should provide opportunities for such discussion and evaluation. When such discussion takes place, it is the teacher's responsibility to ensure that the discussion has provided students with a fair and honest presentation of various points of view. The teacher should select for discussion those issues that are consistent with the knowledge, maturity, and competence of the students. 327 328 329 330 331 332 Freedom of discussion under mature supervision in the classroom instills in growing minds the habit of evaluating all aspects of controversial issues and tends to offset the impact of subversive influences. Well-informed, enlightened citizens are the foundation upon which a free society rests. The school plays a vital role in the strengthening of this foundation in order to protect and extend our democratic way of life. Phoenix Union High School District No. 210 Page F1 of 1 pages Printed Mon 7/11/16 1:45 PM