Document 15525319

Stewart Awards – Rubric for Teaching Lesson and Evidence of Learning/Assessment
Applicant: __________________________________
65 Points Possible
Reviewer: _______________________________
Innovative Lesson Plan
The design is basic to the
The design has some innovative The design is very innovative
discipline and lacks innovation.
and rich in detail.
0-5 pts
6-10 pts
11-15 pts
Ability for other faculty Other faculty in the discipline
Some faculty in the discipline
Most faculty would be able to
to implement the
would find it difficult to implement would be able to implement the implement the lesson plan, it
lesson plan
the lesson plan due to the
lesson plan.
is detailed, and the complexity
complexity or lack of detail.
is appropriate.
0-5 pts
Evidence of
interaction, critical
thinking and student
6-10 pts
11-15 pts
The student materials presented The student materials presented
The student materials
showed little evidence of critical
showed some evidence of
presented showed clear and
interaction, student success.
interaction, critical thinking and
detailed evidence of
student success
interaction, critical thinking
and student success
0-5 pts
6-10 pts
11-15 pts
Evidence of
The student materials presented The student materials presented
The student materials
assessment of learning
provided little evidence of
provided some evidence of
presented provided clear and
outcomes and student
assessment and feedback.
assessment and feedback.
detailed evidence of
assessment and feedback.
0-5 pts
Discussion Points
11-15 pts
Points to be added as a result of Points to be added as a result of Points to be added as a result
the committee discussion.
the committee discussion.
of the committee discussion.
0-1 pts
6-10 pts
2-3 pts
4-5 pts
Applicant Score