Teaching and Learning with Collections Arts Library and Special Collections Martin Aurand

Arts Library and Special Collections
Teaching and Learning with Collections
Martin Aurand
64-100 Critical Histories of the Arts (Ting Chang w/ Mary Kay Johnsen)
48-368 Rediscovering Antiquity: Travelers, Archeologists
and Architects in the Mediterranean (Francesca Torello
w/ Mary Kay Johnsen)
Book List
• Vitruvius Pollio. De architectvra libri decem ... omnibus omnium editionibus longè
emendatiores, collatis veteribus exemplis. Lyon: Apvd I. Tornaesivm, 1552.
• Vignola. Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura. Roma: Stamparia di D. de Rossi, [16--?].
• Palladio, Andrea. The four books of Andrea Palladio's architecture, wherein, after a short
treatise of the five orders, those observationas that are most necessary in building, private
houses, streets, bridges, piazzas, xisti, and temples are treated of. London: I. Ware,1738.
• Pococke, Richard. A description of the East, and some other countries. London: Printed for
the author by W. Boyer..., 1743-45. 2 v.
• Piranesi. Oeuvres choisies de J.-B. Piranesi. Paris: A. Vincent 1913.
• Stuart & Revett. The antiqvities of Athens. London: Printed by J. Haberkorn, 1762-1830. 5 v.
• Commission des sciences et arts d'Egypte. Description de l'Egypte: ou, Recueil des
observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant l'expédition de l'armee
française. Paris: Impr.impériale, 1809-1828. 19 v. in 23.
• Schliemann, Heinrich. Mycenæae; a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenæ and
Tiryns. New York: Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 1878.
• Laloux, Victor Alexandre Frederic. Restauration d'Olympie. Paris: Maison Quantin, 1889.
• Lechat, Henri. Epidaure, restauration & description des principaux monuments du sanctuaire
d'Asclepios. Paris: Librairie-imprimeries reunies, 1895.
• Collignon, Maxime. Pergame; restauration et description des monuments de l'Acropole.
Paris: Societe francaise d'editions d'art, 1900.
• Espouy, H. d' (Hector d'). Fragments d'architecture antique d'apres les releves &
restaurations des anciens pensionnaires de l'Academie de France a Rome. Paris: C. Schmid,
[189-?]-1905. 2 v.
• Espouy, H. d' (Hector d'). Monuments antiques: releves et restaures par les architectes
pensionnaires de l'Academie de France a Rome. Paris: C. Massin, 1910.
• Desgodets, Antoine Barbuty. Les Edifices antiques de Rome. Farnborough: Gregg, 1969
Pattern Books
• Gibbs, James. Rules for drawing the several parts of architecture, in a more exact and easy
manner than has been heretofore practised, by which all fractions, in dividing the principal
members and their parts, are avoided. London: W. Innys, 1753.
• Pain, William. The practical house carpenter; or, Youth's instructor; containing a great
variety of useful designs in carpentry and architecture ... To which is added a list of prices
for materials and labour, labour only, and day prices. London: Printed for J. Taylor, 1799.
• Haviland, John. The builder's assistant: containing the five orders of architecture, selected
from the best specimens of the Greek and Roman, with the figured dimensions of their
height, projection, and profile, and a variety of mouldings, modillions & foliage ... with
working drawings, shewing their method of construction ... . 3 vols. Philadelphia: John
Bioren, 1818-1821.
48-200 Architecture Design Studio (Pablo Garcia)
representation… boxes
Eisenman, Peter. Moving Arrows, Eros and Other Errors: An Architecture of Absence.
London: Architectural Association, 1986. Box 3.
Kawakami, Kisa. Plus Minus Box. London: Architectural Association, 1985. Box 2.
Boyarsky, Alvin. Blaubox. London: Architectural Association, 1988. Folio XIII.
Cook, Peter. 21 Years - 21 Ideas. London: Architectural Association, 1985. Folio VI.
Domenig, Günther. Steinhaus = Stonehouse. London: Architectural Association, 1986.
Folio XI.
Eisenman, Peter. Fin d’Ou T Hou S. London: Architectural Association, 1985. Folio V.
Hadid, Zaha. Planetary Architecture Two. London: Architectural Association, 1983.
Folio II.
Holmes, Andrew. Addition: A Folio of 20 Silkscreen Prints Which When Assembled
Form a Print 1525 x 1120 mm. London: Architectural Association, 1986. Folio IX.
Libeskind, Daniel. Chamber Works: Architectural Meditations on Themes from
Heraclitus. London: Architectural Association, 1983. Folio I.
Mozuna, Kikō. Kojiki of Architecture. London: Architectural Association, 1991. Folio
Paolozzi, Eduardo. Underground Design. London: Architectural Association, 1986.
Folio X.
Purini, Franco. Around the Shadow Line: Beyond Urban Architecture. London:
Architectural Association, 1984. Folio III.
Takamatsu, Shin. The Killing Moon: and Other Projects. London: Architectural
Association, 1988. Folio XII.
Tschumi, Bernard. La case vide: la Villette, 1985. London: Architectural Association,
1986. Folio VIII.
Wilson, Peter L. Bridgebuildings + The Shipshape. London: Architectural Association,
1984. Folio IV.
Wines, James. Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt. London: Architectural Association,
1985. Folio VII.
representation… folios
Ando, Tadao. Tadao Ando: The Process of Creation: Emaki-Style Sketchbooks. New York:
Yoshii Gallery, 2005.
Goff, Bruce. Architecture by Bruce Goff. N.p.: Q. & R. Blair, 1978.
———. Bruce Goff: A Portfolio of the Work of Bruce Goff. New York: Architectural
League of New York and the American Federation of Arts, 1970.
Kahn, Louis I. The Notebooks and Drawings of Louis I. Kahn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
Libeskind, Daniel, and Cecil Balmond. Unfolding. Rotterdam: Netherlands Architecture
Institute, 1997.
Mendelsohn, Erich. Eric Mendelsohn, 1887-1953. San Francisco: 1955.
Murcutt, Glenn. Glenn Murcutt, Architect. Rozelle, NSW: 01 Editions, 2006.
Museum of Modern Art. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. New York: Museum of Modern Art,
Wright, Frank Lloyd. Buildings: Plans and Designs. New York: Horizon Press, 1963.
48-100 Architecture Design Studio (Gerard Damiani)
Rome 1748 = Roma 1748: La pianta grande di Roma di Giambattista
Nolli in facsimile, 2d ed. New York : J. H. Aronson, 1991.
L'Espirit nouveau, no.10 (1921).
Voyage d'Allemagne: carnets (2002).
Voyage d'Orient: carnets, 6 vols. (1988).
Le Corbusier Sketchbooks, vol. 3 (1981).
Precisions (1930). Quand les cathedrales etaient blanche: Voyage au pays des timides
(When the Cathedrals were White: A Journey to the Country of Timid People (1937).
Vers un Architecture (Towards a New Architecture) (1923).
L’Art décoratif d’aujourd’hui (1925).
La Ville radieuse (The Radiant City) (1935).
Modulor (1950).
Modulor 2 (1955).
Modulor Rule (1990).
Des canons, des munitions? Merci! Des logis (1938).
Les plans Le Corbusier de Paris 1956-1922 (1956).
Ronchamp (1957).
Le Corbusier oeuvre plastique, peintures et dessins, architecture (1938).
New World of Space (1948).
Oevres complètes (1930-1965?).
L’Atelier de la recherché patiente (My Work or Creation is a Patient Search) (1960).
Hunt Library
Fine & Rare Book Room
Le Corbusier:
An Architect of Books;
with Scale Models of
Le Corbusier's Villas Built
by First-Year Students in the
School of Architecture
An exhibit of early imprints of books written and
designed by the famous architect, urban planner,
designer, artist, and writer; complemented by
scale models of Le Corbusier's architectural
projects, mostly villas, recently built by first-year
students in the School of Architecture
Arts Library and Special Collections
Teaching and Learning with Collections
Martin Aurand