What is Internet Privacy?
-Internet privacy is the privacy and
safety you have when you are online.
--Internet privacy can be breached by
many manual and automated
attackers such as: tracking cookies,
viruses, map tools such as google
earth, and search engines.
Breaches of Internet Privacy
• Tracking Cookies-Tracking cookies can save your
information after visiting a website. Some think
of them as breaches of privacy.
• Viruses-Certain viruses can save your personal
data and can sometimes even send that
information to remote locations. There are now
viruses that can access the camera on your
computer and send the information to a remote
location. That means people like this guy are
watching you.
Breaches of Internet Privacy (cont’d)
• Street view-The street view of google maps can be thought of as a
breach of privacy because anyone can see someone’s house or
personal property at the click of a mouse.
• Search engines now contain sites that, if you type in someone’s
name, the site will provide all of the available information of that
person which can consist of: email address, home address, and
phone number. This can lead to internet predators such as this man
getting ahold of very personal information.
History of Internet privacy
• Back a couple of decades ago when the internet
was created, a great decrease in privacy occurred.
As the internet has become more and more
widespread and understood, privacy has become
a bigger and bigger issue. Now, the internet leads
to molestations and murders everyday. Since
these occurrances have increased, they have not
decreased. The gorvernment as well as many
organizations are trying to address this problem
in the most efficient manner they can.
Steps Towards Safety
• The Government is beginning to adopt plans that
allow trusted officials to access personal
information of U.S. citizens. This is to help
officials identify people early who may be prone
to taking advantage of people across the internet.
In past years, data has shown that these plans do
not significantly reduce internet attacks.
• Most schools are now teaching children about
internet safety, and organizations are forming to
try and educate people about the potential risks
of giving too much information over the internet.
Walls to Climb
• No one knows how to make the internet
stricter without hindering the capabilities of it.
• With so many sites now on the internet, it is
hard to monitor the whole internet.
Our Opinion
• The main solution to this problem is to
educate people. We need to educate people
on what sites to give information to, and how
much information to give to those sites. The
key to a solution is knowledge.