Quick Daily Assessment Ideas

Quick Daily Assessment Ideas
Formative assessment does not equal evaluation! Evaluation is formal, summative, graded, reported and occurs at the end of a larger concept
unit. Assessment is daily, informal, on-going, usually not graded or reported and is part of the monitoring process. Assessment exists in every
lesson piece (class period at minimum). It is an activity that EACH STUDENT will perform by the end of the lesson chunk/period.
If there’s no daily Formative assessment, then there was no objective!
Mini-White Boards
o clear, smooth plastic sheet protectors with cardstock inside or have shower-board cut
o students answer questions, work problems, spell words, etc and hold up boards
o teacher checks each student’s answer from front of room
Assessment Response Cards
o this is a preprinted card with A,B,C,D,E along bottom edge - could also have numbers or
content-specific terms preprinted
o with one hand, students hold card facing teacher and point to letter of answer
o from the back, it’s difficult to tell exactly which response or letter is being pointed to
o teacher asks question with multiple choice options
o students hold up fingers to indicate # of correct response
o it is a fist that they hold under their chin so other students do not see responses
Thumbs Up or Down
o teacher asks True/False question or a question where answer is positive or negative
o students respond with thumbs up or down, held under chin
Picture or Non-linguistic representation
o students draw to show their understanding of a concept
o could be done on mini-white-boards or paper or back of homework sheet
Model / Demonstration / Performance
o students each show or demonstrate part of the day’s learning/concept
o could be done in pairs if there’s a relationship demonstrated in the concept
o students take on the teacher role to demonstrate understanding/application
o determine groups of 5 or 6
o each group member becomes an expert on same sub-section of the day’s learning
o then the original group breaks out and 1’s find each other, 2’s find each other, etc
o in each new group, there is an expert from each of the first 5 or 6 groups
o each expert shares the important information because he/she is the only expert in the group
on that content
o teacher monitors to see that each “expert” indeed has his/her learning accurate and corrects
“experts” as needed because the teacher is the master expert
o jigsaw can start with students breaking up text components or researching a concept online
o after each expert has shared with the new group, it’s important for group to synthesize the
pieces together to discover relationships and interrelated concepts
o students should have some accountability piece to record learning from each expert
Quick Match
o preprinted half-sheet or quarter-sheet of paper for each student
o students draw lines to match terms or match questions to responses
o teacher quickly checks each based on the pattern that the crossing lines create
o could also do quick check with overlay of a transparency with correct lines
Mesa Public Schools 2010
This information and other great lesson planning resources are available at
o only counts as daily assessment if teacher can track each and every student’s response to at
least one question
o requires check-sheet or some method to ensure teacher heard each student express
understanding of new concept
o requires teacher to pose multiple questions and opportunities for sharing while circulating to
hear each student response
Ringed Index Cards
o multiple cards on a clip ring
o each card can have a concept term, number, letter, etc to indicate a response to some type
of teacher-prompt
o students flip to correct answer and hold up that card facing teacher
Signals or Gestures
o some concepts lend themselves to gestures or impromptu sign language
o examples:
 negative numbers - digging a hole
 punctuation - hand punch for a period, questioning hands for question mark
 electron and proton attraction – fists bumping together
o each student does a quick sign to demonstrate a concept component
The __#__ -Minute Paper
o fill in the blank with any number from 1 to 5
o give the students a prompt related to the day’s topic
o set the timer and students write as much as they can in the allotted time
o can be words, phrases, or short sentences
o remind students you are not checking for good writing, just for concept understanding
Clear as Mud
o each student has a slip of paper or index card that teacher collects on way out door
o students write one sentence about what they clearly understood from the lesson
o students write one sentence or question about what was muddy or confusing
o open the next day with clarification or use the muddy points to plan your re-teaching
Who, What, Where, When, Why, How - NOW
o each student has a slip of paper or index card that teacher collects on way out door
o students must summarize the lesson’s key idea by packing in as many answers as they can
to the Wh- questions
o as student leaves, if their response indicates understanding, don’t save the paper
Concept Map
o give students a blank concept map with the day’s key concept listed
o students spend 5 minutes completing the map with connections or ideas from notes
Pros & Cons
o use after discussing a historical problem, social issue, cause/effect, etc
o students brainstorm pros on one side of paper slip or index card for 2-3 minutes
o cons go on the other side (make sure both sides are clearly labeled)
o before leaving, each student shares a pro and a con from their list
o teacher walks about the classroom and checks student answers to a few questions or
problems on worksheet or preprinted paper/text
o guided practice together and then 2 to 4 problems individually for the Walk-About
o each student page must get a quick glimpse and check from the teacher to confirm
Are they learning what we’re teaching?
How well have they learned it?
Daily Formative Assessments have the ANSWERS!
Mesa Public Schools 2010