Career & Technical Education Course #: CB21 Course Name: Web Page Design Prerequisites: CB09 CB21 – Web Page Design Grade Level: 9-12 Level of Difficulty: Average # of Credits: 2 semesters–1 Credit The following is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) class under the Computer Technology Program. Web Page Design and Understanding Statement Unit 1: Introduction to Web Development Students will be able to use Microsoft Word or Publisher, design a basic page that discusses legal and ethical issues related to the information technology industry. Unit 2: Planning and Organizing Directory Structure Students will be able to create appropriate directories (folders) using proper naming convention. Unit 3: Development and Evolution of the Internet Students will be able to describe how the Internet evolved. Unit 4: Security Students will be able to recognize security issues related to information technology. Unit 5: Understanding HTML/CSS Formatting Students will be able to create HTML pages using an HTML editor. Unit 6: Best Practices for Webpage Design Principles Students will be able to publish a webpage using current best practices. Unit 7: Planning a Professional Website Students will be able to plan and test a professional website. Unit 8: Create and Edit Graphics Using an Image Editor Students will learn how to create and edit graphics using an image editor. Unit 9: Animating Vector Objects using Flash Students will understand the process of creating an animated movie. Unit 10: Dynamic Website Design using Dreamweaver Students will be able to create dynamic web pages using appropriate programming language connected to a database. Unit 11: E-Business and E-Commerce with Marketing and Promotion Strategies Students will be able to create a webpage to sell the merchandise in a virtual store. Unit 12: Planning and Organizing a Web Server Platform Students will be able to identify key components of a Web Server Platform. Unit 13: Individual Projects for Individual Portfolio Students will create a real live business through Ultimate Fitness Simulation project. 1 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Common Core Standards The following Reading and Writing performance objectives are integrated throughout the entire course: Reading: 9-10.RST.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics. 9-10.RST.9 Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts. Writing: 9-10.WHST.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation. 9-10.WHST.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research Speaking and Listening 11-12.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range or formal and informal tasks. Language 11-12.L.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. Mathematics HS.G-CO.2 Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch). HS.G-CO.4 Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of angles, circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments. 2 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education CB21 Web Page Design - Suggested Teaching Timeline First Semester August Unit 1: Introduction to Web Development Unit 2: Planning and Organizing Directory Structure Sept. Oct. Second Semester Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May 2 weeks 1 week Unit 3: Development and Evolution of the Internet 1 week Unit 4: Security 1 week Unit 5: Introduction to HTML/CSS Formatting Unit 6: Best Practices for Webpage Design Principles Unit 7: Planning a Professional Website Unit 8: Create and Edit Graphics using an Image Editor 2 weeks 2 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 1 week 3 weeks Unit 9: Animating Vector Objects using Flash 3 weeks Unit 10:Dynamic Website Design 4 weeks 3 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education First Semester August Unit 11:E-Business and ECommerce with Marketing and Promotion Strategies Unit 12:Planning and Organizing a Web Server Platform Unit 13:Indivual Projects for Individual Portfolio Sept. Oct. Second Semester Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May 3 weeks 1 week 1 week 6 weeks 4 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 1: Introduction to Web Development Students will be able to use Microsoft Word or Publisher, design a basic page that discusses legal and ethical issues related to the information technology industry. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Security issues to prevent unauthorized access to computers Intellectual property rights which are ownership to intangible goods such as ideas, names, designs, symbols, etc. (copyrights) Information privacy to prevent pirating of software not owned but illegally downloading from Internet (ethical and legal) Social networking concerning how it affects ethical and legal postings of private information Environment as it pertains to maintaining a safe work environment. Microsoft Word/Publisher to make a basic webpage Skills: Research using the Internet Differentiate between ethical and legal issues of information technology Demonstrate personal responsibility for a safe environment Categorize technology that maximizes a safe green environment Create a webpage using Microsoft Word/Publisher Arizona CTE Standards Maintain a safe green information technology work environment 2.1 Demonstrate personal responsibility for developing and maintaining a safe and healthy information technology work environment 2.2 Use tools, materials, and equipment commonly utilized in the field of information technology safely 2.3 Identify ergonomics and repetitive strain injuries common to information technology occupations 2.6 Identify methods for making the computer environment more environmentally friendly 2.7 Explain environmental considerations when disposing of computer/networking components 3.0 Recognize security issues related to information technology 3.1 Explain procedures to maintain data integrity and security 4.0 Explore legal and ethical issues related to information technology 4.1 Explore issues regarding intellectual property rights including software licensing and software duplication 4.3 Identify issues and trends affecting computers and information privacy 4.4 Differentiate between ethical and legal uses of information technology, i.e., data pricing, use of public and private networks, social networking, industryrelated data, and data piracy 2.0 Employability Skills 1.0 Complex Communication: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.4 Communicates effectively with people of different cultures, generations, and life/work experiences in different situations. 7.0 Legal and Ethical practices: Observes laws, rules, and ethical practices in the workplace 7.4 Adheres to the policies and procedures of the organization. 7.8 Acts with integrity Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 1: Intro to Web Development Unit 15: Safety and Environment Unit 16: Legal Issues MCC Competencies: 3. Explain the concepts of culture, ethics, and privacy as they relate to the Internet/WWW. 5 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 2: Planning and Organizing Directory Structure Students will be able to create appropriate directories (folders) using proper naming convention. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Naming convention to make files easy to find and access on a website or hard drive Navigation which defines how one page relates to another on a web site Site map to give overview of pages within a website for easy access Achieving the exact purpose of a website known as functionality A quality attribute that assesses how easy a user can navigate a website known as usability Skills: Demonstrate methods of establishing priorities by planning and designing a directory structure Construct a web page using the principles of navigation, functionality and usability Devise a naming convention that accents the directory structure Arizona CTE Standards Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to information technology 1.1 Describe methods of establishing priorities 1.2 Prepare a plan of work and schedule information technology tasks 1.3 Apply problem-solving processes 1.4 Explain the purpose, types, and content of documentation 20.0 Demonstrate knowledge of page layout principles in the design of pages 20.1 Identify the principles of navigation 20.2 Identify the principles of functionality 20.3 Explain the principle of usability in design 1.0 Employability Skills 3 Expert Thinking: integrates a mastery of technical knowledge and skills with thinking strategies to create, to innovate, and to devise solutions. 3.1 Recognizes the existence of a problem, sometimes despite evidence to the contrary 3.3 Exhibits expertise by asking relevant questions and listening actively Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 12 – Standard Language Encoding . 6 Career & Technical Education Unit 3: Development and Evolution of the Internet CB21 – Web Page Design Students will be able to describe how the Internet has evolved. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Components and functions of the Internet such as browsers, search engines, world wide web, hyperlinks, etc. Impact of computers and Internet on modern life Internet and Intranet search engines; how are they the same and how they are different Browser based (Yahoo) and local E-mail client based (Outlook) On-line collaborative documents as in Google Drive or Social Networking sites Tools and uses of remote computing to assist clients with troubleshooting Skills: Form Boolean searches to obtain desired results Create a timeline of the development of the Internet Differentiate browsers and their uses Demonstrate meta tag, spider and Boolean search engines and compare them to browsers Examine how remote computing affects modern life Differentiate between e-mail clients such as browser based or local software. Discuss uses of collaborative documents such as Google Drive, etc. Demonstrate use of LAN School software in the classroom Arizona CTE Standards Describe the development/evolution of the Internet 6.1 Identify the components and functions of the Internet 6.2 Identify the steps in the historical evolution of the Internet 6.3 Identify how the Internet has impacted modern life 8.0 Utilize different types of search indexes (static index/sitemap, keyword index, and full text index) 8.1 Index a site for a search 8.2 Use Internet and intranet search engines 8.3 Compare and contrast spider-based search engines, directories, and RSS aggregators 8.4 Explain Meta search engines 8.5 Explain Spider search engines 8.6 Form Boolean searches to obtain desired results 10.0 Identify the roles of client-side Internet software 10.2 Identify key functions of an Internet browser 10.3 Demonstrate knowledge of e-mail client configurations 10.4 Identify uses of client collaboration software 10.5 Identify tools and uses of remote computing 6.0 Employability Skills 7. Legal and Ethical Practices: Observes laws, rules and ethical practices in the workplace. 7.9 Interacts respectfully with co-workers and customers. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 17 – Internet Development/ Evolution MCC Competencies 1.0 Define and distinguish between the Internet/World Wide Web (WWW). 2. Identify common uses of the Internet/WWW 3. Explain the concepts of culture, ethics, and privacy as they relate to the Internet/WWW. 4. Describe procedures and requirements for connecting to the Internet/WWW 5. Describe key technologies used by the Internet/WWW. 8. Use various research information and resources available on the Internet/WWW. 11. Analyze and evaluate various resource discovery systems available on the Internet/WWW 12. Use popular resource discovery systems available on the Internet/WWW 7 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 4: Security Students will be able to recognize security issues related to Information Technology. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Identity thefts and methods to protect a computer user (https, lock, etc) Data integrity and security issues as it relates to network, computer hardware, software and data Intellectual property rights as it relates to software licensing and software duplication Computer data thefts and methods to protect the information Information privacy as it relates to social networking, and public and private networks Skills: Describe computer threats and identity theft Recognize unsecure practices as it relates to data security and user identity Understand the purpose and importance of “terms and conditions” agreements Understanding your digital footprint…you leave traces Differentiate between the levels of intellectual and physical property rights Arizona CTE Standards 3.0 Recognized security issued related to information technology 3.1 Explain procedures to maintain data integrity and security 3.2 Identify security issues related to the network, computer hardware, software, and data 3.3 Describe computer threats and methods to protect a computer, i.e., viruses, phishing, email, social engineering, spoofing, identify theft, and spamming 3.4 Explain concepts such as denial of service, hacking/cracking, intrusion, detection, and prevention 4.0 Explore legal and ethical issues related to information technology 4.1 Explore issues regarding intellectual property rights including software licensing and software duplication 4.2 Understand the difference between open source and proprietary systems in relation to legal and ethical issues 4.3 Identify issues and trends affecting computers and information privacy 4.4 Differentiate between ethical and legal uses of information technology, i.e., data pricing, use of public and private networks, social networking, industry-related data, and data piracy 7.0 Determine issues that affect Internet site functionality 7.2 Identify security issues including authentication, permissions, and data 17.0 Assess and describe various Internet security concepts 17.1 Identify concepts such as access control, authentication, encryption, secure socket layers, access security tools, auditing, and secure electronic transactions via log in after access control. Employability Skills 7. Legal and Ethical Practices: Observes laws, rules and ethical practices in the workplace. 7.1 Respects the organization’s physical and intellectual property 7.2 Demonstrates loyalty to the organization, its mission, and its resources. Resources Internet Resources MCC Competencies 1, Define and distinguish between the Internet/World Wide Web 2. Identify common uses of the Internet/WWW 3, Explain the concepts of culture, ethics, and privacy as they relate to the Internet/WWW 8 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 5: Introduction to HTML/CSS Formatting Students will be able to create HTML pages using an HTML editor. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tags and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to format web pages Skills: Write code using HTML tags Code metatags to improve browser searches Differentiate between browser formatting styles Know the difference between ordered and unordered lists Develop style sheets for formatting and page layout consistency Create HTML documents to effectively communicate the authors message Construct tables and lists to organize information on a web page Arizona CTE Standards 13.0 Create HTML pages using an HTML editor 13.1 Explain the importance of W3C standards and conventions 13.2 Identify the importance of creating cross-browser coding in HTML and XHTML 13.3 Create cascading style sheets, extensible style sheet language, DHTML, and XHTML code 13.4 Code metatags properly Employability Skills 1. Complex Communication: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.3 Exchanges knowledge and processes among team members, colleagues, and clients 3. Expert Thinking: Integrates a mastery of technical knowledge and skills with thinking strategies to create, to innovate, and to devise solutions. 3.2 Engages in continuous learning through inquiry and reflection Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 2: Basic Tags Unit 3: Links and Tables Unit 5: CSS Basic Unit 6: CSS Layout MCC Competencies 9. Create a Basic Home Page with HTML 10. Enhance Web pages using HTML . 9 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 6: Best Practices for Webpage Design Principles Students will be able to publish a webpage using current best practices. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Professional design principles i.e. whitespace, rule of thirds, uniform designs, consistency Metatags to improve SEO (search engine optimization) Templates for design consistency Strategic design elements using graphic design tools (GIF, JPEG and PNG) Web pages and how they are accessed by people with disabilities Skills: Develop proofreading skills for accuracy and consistency Follow professional design principles Implement Desktop publishing rules Demonstrate accurate use of design software Exhibit professionalism when working with clients Understanding alt tags to be used by people with disabilities Analyze use of different graphic images formats Arizona CTE Standards Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to information technology 1.1 Describe methods of establishing priorities 1.2 Prepare a plan of work and schedule information technology tasks 1.3 Apply problem-solving processes 13.0 Create HTML pages using an HTML editor 13.3 Create cascading style sheets, extensible style sheet language, DHTML, and XHTML code 13.4 Code metatags properly 14.0 Identify appropriate use of various multimedia extensions, plugging and image, and multimedia formats 14.2 Demonstrate when to use image and file formats such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG 16.0 Outline the core components of the Internet infrastructure 16.4 Design web pages so that they can be accessed by individuals with disabilities 20.0 Demonstrate the ability to create web promotion strategy 20.1 Identify the principles of navigation 20.2 Identify the principles of functionality 20.3 Explain the principle of usability in design 1.0 Employability Skills 1. Complex Communication: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.2 Uses technologies and social media appropriately to engage various audiences. 3. Expert Thinking: Integrates a mastery of technical knowledge and skills with thinking strategies to create, to innovate, and to devise solutions. 3.4 Uses multiple thinking strategies, such as critical thinking, divergent thinking, problem solving, and decision making, to determine a course of action. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 3: Links and Tables Unit 4: Frames Unit 5: CSS – Basic Unit 6: CSS – Layout Unit 9: Productivity and Accountability Unit 12: Standards Language Encoding MCC Competencies 9. Create a Basic Home Page with HTML 10. Enhance Web pages using HTML 15. Control Input with Web Pages. 16. Plan, design, and publish a web site. 10 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 7: Planning a Professional Website Students will be able to plan and test a professional website. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Storyboards and flowcharting for planning a website Design element balance to promote consistency on a website Sitemap development for navigation on a website Use web design current best practices The purpose, types, and content of documentation to reach the target audience Skills: Design a client website according to specific instructions Utilize consistent navigation techniques such as buttons, links, etc. Distinguish between good and bad websites Use problem solving processes to troubleshoot usability Optimize page loading, resolution size, graphics Arizona CTE Standards Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to information technology 1.1 Describe methods of establishing priorities 1.2 Prepare a plan of work and schedule information technology tasks 1.3 Apply problem-solving processes 1.4 Explain the purpose, types, and content of documentation 7.0 Determine issues that affect Internet site functionality 7.1 Solve performance issues including bandwidth, Internet connection types, pages taking too long to load, and resolution and size graphics 13.0 Create HTML pages using an HTML editor 13.1 Explain the importance of W3C standards and conventions 13.4 Code metatags properly 20.0 Demonstrate knowledge of page layout principles in the design of pages 20.1 Identify the principles of navigation 20.2 Identify the principles of functionality 20.3 Explain the principle of usability in design 1.0 Employability Skills 7. Legal and Ethical Practices: Observes laws, rules, and ethical practices in the workplace. 7.5 Follows all applicable local, state, and federal laws. 7.7 Manages resources for the good of the organization. 9. Initiative a Self-Direction: Exercises initiative and self-direction in the workplace 9.1 Takes action without direction within the boundaries of one’s job. 9.2 Exercises leadership and self-direction within organizational structure. 9.5 Seeks responsibilities beyond one’s scope of work. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 9: Productivity and Accountability Unit 12: Standard Language Encoding Unit 14: Additional Formats and Flash Multimedia MCC Competencies 6. Identify and use proper asynchronous communication services available on the Internet/WWW 16. Plan, design and publish a website . 11 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 8: Create and Edit Graphics using an Image Editor Students will learn how to create and edit graphics using an image editor. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Fireworks as an image editor to create and edit images Image formats for appropriate use i.e. Vector, Bitmap, GIF, JPEG, and PNG Optimize both graphics and designs that are created in other applications Adjust transparency/opacity for graphic optimization Color hexadecimal identification as related to graphics Skills: Demonstrate basic photo editing and optimization Solve performance issues related to graphics Utilize special effects and filters to enhance images such as drop shadow, bevel, etc. Combining photos and graphics to create new images Utilize color picker for color matching Integrate Fireworks graphics to an HTML web page Arizona CTE Standards Demonstrate basic computer mathematics required for information technology 5.1 Explain the function of general mathematics as it relates to computer hardware 5.2 ADD 7.0 Determine issues that affect Internet site functionality 7.1 Solve performance issues including bandwidth, Internet connection types, pages taking too long to load, and resolution and size graphics 14.0 Identify appropriate use of various multimedia extensions, plugging and image, and multimedia formats 14.2 Demonstrate when to use image and file formats such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG 20.0 Demonstrate knowledge of page layout principles in the design of pages 20.3 Explain the principle of usability in design 5.0 Employability Skills 9. Initiative and Self- Direction: Exercises initiative and selfdirection in the workplace. 9.3 Asks questions and seeks information as needed, exercising curiosity. 9.4 Pursues opportunities to learn new skills. 9.7 Demonstrates focus and drive for results. MCC Competencies 7. Demonstrate Browser Basics 10, Enhance Web pages using HTML Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 12: Standard Language Encoding Unit 13: Computer Mathematics Unit 14: Additional Formats and Flash Multimedia 12 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 9: Animated Vector Objects using Flash Students will understand the process of creating an animated movie. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Flash as an authoring software to animate objects and develop animated web pages Symbols and ActionScript to add functionality to a Flash movie Timeline layers and keyframing to control Flash movie clips Media files as needed for enhancement Libraries to organize and manage objects Skills: Apply basic animating concepts o Tweening, ActionScripting, keyframing, shape tweening, and morphing Program with ActionScript Demonstrate appropriate use of Flash Create a multimedia movie Access various libraries to share graphics in multiple locations Integrate Flash movie to an HTML web page Arizona CTE Standards Identify appropriate use of various multimedia extensions, plugging and image, and multimedia formats 14.1 Demonstrate the appropriate use of flash and other multimedia 14.2 Demonstrate when to use image and file formats such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG 14.0 Employability Skills 7. Legal and Ethical Practices: Observes laws, rules, and ethical practices in the workplace. 7.6 Takes responsibility for one’s actions in the workplace, such as disclosing personal mistakes to supervisor. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 14: Additional Formats and Flash Multimedia MCC Competencies 9. Create a Basic Home Page with HTML 10. Enhance Web pages using HTML 13 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 10: Dynamic Website Design Students will be able to create dynamic web pages using appropriate programming language connected to a database. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Open dynamic page to enter and retrieve information Security issues related to server and client relationships Detection and prevention of denial of service on the Internet Impact of Internet usability on modern life Web Server Operating Systems vs Desktop Operating Systems File Transfer Protocol (FTP) applied to publishing a web page Server side programming language Active Server Pages (ASP and Structured Query Language (SQL) to extract data from a database Java script and XML in Dreamweaver for client side programming Skills: Store and retrieve data using dynamic web pages Construct a dynamic web page using ASP Identify methods of uploading and downloading data using FTP software Create a webpage that authenticates a user Identify and explain common formats used to deliver content and popular tools to connect a web server to a database such as XML and SQL Analyze how the Internet interactivity has impacted modern life Arizona CTE Standards Recognized security issues related to information technology 3.2 Identify security issues related to the network, computer hardware, software, and data 3.4 Explain concepts such as denial of service, hacking/cracking, intrusion, detection, and prevention 6.0 Describe the development/evolution of the Internet 6.3 Identify how the Internet has impacted modern life 9.0 Outline the key components of a webserved platform 9.1 Demonstrate knowledge of web server operating systems 10.0 Identify the roles of client-side Internet software 10.1 Demonstrate the correct use of FTP client software 12.0 Differentiate between popular client-side and server-side programming languages and terms 12.1 Identify the purposes of server-side programming language such as PPHP, ASP, and to create dynamic web pages 12.2 Identify the purposes of client-side programming language such as java script and XML 3.0 Employability Skills 1. Collaboration: Collaborates, in person and virtually, to complete tasks aimed at organizational goals. 1.1 Demonstrates mastery of traditional communication skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening within organizational contexts. 3. Expert Thinking: Integrates a mastery of technical knowledge and skills with thinking strategies to create, to innovate, and to devise solutions. 3.5 Takes action based on confidence in mastery. 3.6 Analyzes evidence based on mastery knowledge to solve problems. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 7: Forms Unit: Information Technology Planning Unit 21: Scripting and Databases MCC Competencies 5. Describe key technologies used by the Internet/WWW 10. Enhance Web pages using HTML 13. Perform information search and retrieval operations using Internet/WWW services 14. Perform Internet/WWW File transfers. 15. Control Input with Web Pages 14 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Identify and explain common formats used to deliver content and popular tools to connect a web server to a database 15.1 Demonstrate correct use of file formats such as XML 15.2 Explain how Web-based technologies and convergence technologies are often combined 15.3 Explain how SQL can be used to extract data from a database Employability Skills Resources 15.0 15 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 11: E-Business and E-Commerce with Marketing and Promotion Strategies Students will be able to create a webpage to sell the merchandise in a virtual store. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Employability Skills Resources 16 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Knowledge: E-Business an E-Commerce concepts and models for online businesses Marketing, public relations, geographic factors related to launching an online business Target audience and competition Search engine optimization Promotional/marketing strategies Website promotional tools such as web analytics Skills: Compare and contrast different business models from the Internet Describe how various protocols or services apply to the function of their corresponding server Identify intellectual property rights, privacy and jurisdiction, relating to legal and regulatory considerations when planning ebusiness solutions Generate traffic to your website Analyze the use of web analytics Evaluate and apply search engine optimization techniques 2.0 Demonstrate the ability to create web promotion strategy 2.1 Explain how determining target audience and competition is critical for a successful website 2.2 Identify web promotional strategies such as Search Engine Optimization, pay per click, affiliate marketing, social/virtual media, banners, and display ads 2.3 Determine the impact of web marketing strategies on web site traffic through the use of analytics 2.4 Identify ergonomics and repetitive strain injuries common to information technology occupations 2.5 Determine safe working practices to avoid or eliminate physical and electrical hazards 16.0 Outline the core components of the Internet infrastructure 16.3 Describe how various protocols or services apply to the function of their corresponding server, e.g., SSL, e- commerce, and streaming media protocols 18.0 Identify and describe various E-business and Ecommerce terms and concepts 18.1 Compare and contrast various online business models, such as e-commerce and affiliate marketing and publishing 18.2 Identify key factors, such as geographic location and public relations, relating to strategic marketing consideration as they relate to launching an e-business initiative 18.3 Identify key factors, such as intellectual property rights, privacy and jurisdiction, relating to legal and regulatory considerations when planning e-business solutions 19.0 - Demonstrate the ability to create web promotion strategy 19.1 Explain how determining target audience and competition is critical for a successful website 19.2 Identify web promotional strategies such as Search Engine Optimization, pay per click, affiliate marketing, social/virtual media, banners, and display ads 19.3 Determine the impact of web marketing strategies on web site traffic through the use of analytics 19. 1, 2, 3, ADD 1. Complex Communications: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.3 Exchanges knowledge and processes among team members, colleagues, and clients. 2. Collaboration: Collaborates, in person and virtually, to complete tasks aimed at organizational goals. 2.1 Applies personal strengths to enhance the effectiveness of the team. 2.2 Builds on strengths and contributions of others to achieve common goals. 4. Intergenerational and Cross-Cultural Competence: Interacts effectively with different cultures and generations to achieve organizational mission, goals, and objectives. 4.1 Uses relevant intergenerational and cross-cultural communication that acknowledges differences. PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 25: Security Unit 26: Internet Marketing 17 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 12: Planning and Organizing a Web Server Platform Students will be able to identify key components of a Web Server Platform. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Web Server Operating System Web Server Software File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Website Hosts Administer websites Skills: Understanding Web Server Operating Systems Understanding Web Server Software How to find and use FTP Clients Post content to server Use Internet Domain Names and Domain Name Server (DNS) Arizona CTE Standards Utilize different types of search indexes (static index/sitemap, keyword index, and full text index) 8.4 Explain Meta search engines 9.0 Outline the key components of a webserved platform 9.1 Demonstrate knowledge of web server operating systems 9.2 Demonstrate knowledge of web server software 9.3 Identify additional services such as scripting languages, databases, and media 9.4 Understand APIPA and its uses 10.0 Identify the roles of client-side Internet software 10.1 Demonstrate the correct use of FTP client software 11.0 Administer Internet/intranet sites 11.1 Configure permissions 11.2 Post content to a server, providing authentication information, specifying the server host name or IP address and the destination directory 12.0 Differentiate between popular client-side and server-side programming 12.1 Identify the purposes of server-side programming language such as PPHP, ASP, and to create dynamic web pages 12.3 Demonstrate knowledge of when to sue client-side scripting and server-side scripting 8.0 Employability Skills 1. Complex Communications: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.2 Uses technologies and social media appropriately to engage various audiences. 2. Collaboration: Collaborates, in person and virtually, to complete tasks aimed at organizational goals. 2.4 Optimizes technology to collaborate with others. 2.6 Exchanges essential information among collaborators. Resources PimaJTED Web Development: Unit 20: Server Setup Unit 22: Internet Software and Client Side Unit 23: Internet Connectivity 18 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Outline the core components of the Internet infrastructure 16.1 Identify problems with Internet connectivity from source to destination for various types of servers such as email, web, FTP, caching and DNS 16.2 Demonstrate the use of Internet domain names and DNS 16.3 Describe how various protocols or services apply to the function of their corresponding server, e.g., SSL, ecommerce, and streaming media protocols Employability Skills Resources 16.0 . 19 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Unit 13: Individual Projects for Individual Portfolio Students will create a real live business through Ultimate Fitness Simulation Project. Knowledge and Skills Knowledge: Hyperlink buttons & Pages Web graphic images Web forms Navigation menu Colors and design themes Web page planning Plan and organization: navigation flow chart Skills: Hyperlinking text, buttons, and pages Design and edit Web graphic images Creating Web site submit forms Creating Web site buttons to develop a navigation menu Using colors and design themes Building and designing a Web site navigation system Planning and decision-making skills Write and edit technical documents Arizona CTE Standards Employability Skills Resources Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to information technology 1.2 Prepare a plan of work and schedule information technology tasks 1.3 Apply problem-solving processes 2.0 Maintain a safe green information technology work environment 2.2 Use tools, materials, and equipment commonly utilized in the field of information technology safely 10.0 Identify the roles of client-side internet software 10.3 Demonstrate knowledge of e-mail client configurations 13.0 Create HTML pages using an HTML editor 13.3 Create cascading style sheets, extensible style sheet language, DHTML, and XHTML code 13.4 Code metatags properly 14.0 Identify appropriate use of various multimedia extensions, plugging and image, and multimedia formats 14.1 Demonstrate the appropriate use of flash and other multimedia 14.2 Demonstrate when to use image and file formats such as GIF, JPEG, and PNG 16.0 Outline the core components of the internet infrastructure 16.4 Design web pages so that they can be accessed by individuals with disabilities 19.0 Demonstrate the ability to create web promotion strategy 19.1 Explain how determining target audience and competition is critical for a successful website 1.0 Complex Communications: Employs complex communication skills in a manner that adds to organizational productivity. 1.4 Communicates effectively with people of different cultures, generations, and life/work experiences in different situations. 2. Collaboration: Collaborates, in person and virtually, to complete tasks aimed at organizational goals. 2.1 Applies personal strengths to enhance the effectiveness of a team. 3. Expert Thinking: Integrates a mastery of technical knowledge and skills with thinking strategies to create, to innovate, and to devise solutions. 3.1 Recognizes the existence of a problem, sometimes despite evidence to the contrary. 5. Professionalism: Conducts oneself in a professional manner appropriate to organizational expectations. 5.1 Adheres to organizational protocol, such as behavior, appearance and communication Ultimate Fitness Web Site Design Simulation by BE Publishing m/Textbooks/TB/Ulti mate_Fitness.htm 1.0 Examples of individual portfolio to Kuder Navigator Personal portfolio 20 CB21 – Web Page Design Career & Technical Education Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards 19.2 Identify web promotional strategies such as Search Engine Optimization, pay per click, affiliate marketing, social/virtual media, banners, and display ads 19.3 Determine the impact of web marketing strategies on web site traffic through the use of analytics 20.0 Demonstrate knowledge of page layout principles in the design of pages 20.1 Identify the principles of navigation 20.2 Identify the principles of functionality 20.3 Explain the principle of usability in design Employability Skills 7. Legal and Ethical Resources Practices: Observes laws, rules, and ethical practices in the workplace. 7.6 Takes responsibility for one’s actions in the workplace, such as disclosing personal mistakes to supervisor. 7.8 Acts with integrity. 7.9 Interacts respectfully with co-workers and customers 9. Initiative and SelfDirection: Exercise initiative and selfdirection in the workplace. 9.1 Takes action without direction within the boundaries of one’s job. 9.3 Asks questions and seeks information as needed, exercising curiosity. 9.7 Demonstrates focus and drive for results. 9.8 Assesses consequences of potential actions. MCC Competencies . 21