Name__________________________Date________Period_______ Job Skills



Job Skills

Directions: The list below on the left describes various on-the-job activities of some of the people who work in a supermarket. Decide what ability listed in the right column is shown by the employee and write the letter of the ability shown in the blank to the left of the activity described.

Activities on the Job Abilities Shown by Employees

___1. Josie and Kelly worked together to refill the frozen food case.

A. Willingness to learn

B. Good communication skills

___2. Jeff has been asked to learn the new computer

program the store is purchasing. C. Basic math skills

___3. Part of Jeff’s job is to deal with customers D. Teamwork

who have complaints.

E. Responsibility

___4. Meg added the receipts from six cash drawers

at the end of the shift.

___5. Drew wrote a report explaining the advantages of installing

an automatic sprinkling system in the produce department.

___6. Bonita figured and made the bank deposit each day.

___7. Bob talked to Kelly and told her unless she started

coming in on time for her shift, she would be fired.

___8. David accidentally left some plants outside one night

and the next day they were gone. He told his boss about

it and offered to pay for the missing plants.

___9. When the store bought new cash registers, all the checkers

were trained to use them.

___10. Meg was assigned to work with the Downtown Merchants Association

to plan a holiday party.
