North Hunterdon Boys Soccer 2014 mail

North Hunterdon Boys Soccer 2014
Coach Simpson email and
Summer Training- available via Goal Quest and Pro-Activity this summer. Must register to participate.
Anticipated ?’s and AnswersQuestion- Is it mandatory that I attend the summer practice sessions?
Answer- Summer training is not mandatory but will help you to get in shape and improve your skill level.
If you have a family vacation, a legitimate family obligation (see below), or have a club soccer game
please notify me ahead of time.
Question- What if my family and I will be on vacation or have a family obligation during a practice night?
Answer- Enjoy your family vacations. Please extend the courtesy of notifying me ahead of time. You do
not need to reorganize truly important family events for the summer training sessions.
Question- By attending summer training sessions does it guarantee me a spot on the team?
Answer- We expect fierce competition for roster spots and many difficult decisions will need to be made.
We have many returning varsity players as well as several players from the JV and Freshmen teams who
will be competing for the final roster spots. The summer voluntary training sessions are there to help you
improve your skills and develop stronger overall team play and unity. By participating in these sessions it
will hopefully increase your skill level and enhance your chances of making the team. However, it does
not guarantee you a spot on the fall roster. It is very important that you understand this possibility before
you commit to a rigorous summer workout.
Question- What else can I do during the summer to enhance my chances of making the team?
Answer- Speed training, conditioning, ball skills, juggling,and playing the game. Work on enhancing your
speed, agility, and core strength.
Physicals/Forms- You may get your physicals anytime now. They are good for participation in athletics
for 1 year.
Boy’s Soccer
Start Date
Physical must
dated on or
(pages B1-B4)
Parent permission
must be dated on
or after
(pages A1-A3)
Due Date
in the
Center for
Please send them to the Athletic Trainer, Mr. Bill Jehl
Please make a copy of the signed and dated physical for your records to reduce any potential for problems.
You are also required to have a parent permission form and consent to random drug testing to be eligible to
participate in athletics. If you miss any days of preseason because you are not cleared to play you will not
be eligible to play in our first scrimmage. Please make sure your Health Office and Athletic Requirement
Forms are signed completely and turned in. All forms due in to the athletic trainers office by 7/28/14. If
this deadline is missed it could impact your ability to tryout.
See links on my soccer webpage regarding boys soccer paperwork/forms
Preseason/Tryouts/Practice Schedule- (schedule as of now, this is subject to change)
Make sure your physical is complete and you are cleared to play!!!
Begins Wednesday
August 13
8am-11am. (JV and Varsity)
August 14
August 15
August 16
August 18
August 19
August 20
8am-11am (JV/Frosh)
Frosh Impact Test in media center 9am Frosh 1st Day Tryout 10am-noon
August 21
Frosh Tryout
August 21 Scrimmage vs Somerville 10am (JV and Varsity)
August 22
August 23 Scrimmage at Easton
10am (JV and Varsity
August 25
August 26 Scrimmage vs Bernards 5pm JV/7pm Varsity
August 27
August 28
August 29 Scrimmage Home St Joes of Metuchen 3:45pm (JV and Varsity)
August 30
September 1
OFF Labor Day
September 2
September 3
September 4
September 5
Game Day at Watchung Hills 3:45pm (all)
**** please understand this schedule is subject to change.
Seniors- We know many seniors like to visit colleges during the fall. We encourage you to schedule your
college visitations prior to the week of August 13th and following the conclusion of our season in
Academics/Behavior- Please remember that while you are quality athletes, the soccer field is an extension
of the classroom. Playing soccer for North Hunterdon is a privilege, not a right. If you fail to meet
behavioral and academic expectations you may face the consequence of seeing that privilege revoked. We
are very proud of the academic success of our soccer players. We are also very proud of the positive
reputation our players have around the school and community. Remember, that you represent our team and
our school when you wear North Soccer clothing. You are expected to carry yourselves with dignity and
class. You are expected to work hard in the classroom and be respectful at all times to the teachers and
staff of North Hunterdon High School. Failure to meet these expectations will not be tolerated!
Conditioning Requirements- We expect you to work yourself into peak playing shape for the fall season.
When preseason/tryouts begin we will time you in a 1 ½ mile run (6 times around the track). We would
like you to complete the run within 9 ½ minutes. If you cannot make the cutoff time you will have extra
conditioning sessions beyond our regular regimen and you may jeopardize your spot on the roster. We
highly recommend you attend the speed training and workout programs made available to you. In addition
we would like you to do the following conditioning program:
Sunday: 2-3 miles at a moderate pace.
Monday: Practice at North 7pm to dark or roughly 9:30pm
Tuesday: Hills-2 minutes at half speed, recover downhill with a light jog or walk
Do this 5 times for a total of 10 minutes running uphill.
Wednesday: 6 x 800m at a moderate pace, 400m recovery walk
Practice Timed Run- 1 ½ mile within 9 ½ minutes
Friday: 2-3 miles at a moderate pace. Try jogging with a soccer ball.
Saturday: Hills 2 minutes at half speed, recover downhill with a light jog or walk
Do this 5 times for a total of 10 minutes running uphill.
Juggle/Dribble/Cutting/Shoot Workout:
1) Juggle up to 500-1,000 touches-not consecutive, keep juggling and adding touches until you reach 5001,000
2) Dribble- set two cones or markers 7 yards apart for Figure-8 dribbling. Do sets of 25 Figure-8’s. A
complete Figure-8 (up and back) counts as 1.
3) Cutting- use same two markers; do 5 sets of 10 cuts. A cut is simply dribbling the ball to the line and
turning to change direction as quickly and cleanly as possible. Each cut counts as 1; do 5 sets of 10 cuts
including cuts with inside foot, outside foot, bottom of foot, stepover turn.
4) Shooting- 25 instep/laces strikes with left and right foot against a net or wall
Communication- At the top of this sheet I provided you with an email address to increase communication
between player and coach. It is Email me and I will put your and your parents on
my distribution list. I need both email addresses sent to me so I can reply to them.
I want each of you to write me when you get home and send me a short email so that I can easily
place you on a group list. This will make communicating during the summer much easier.
On the topic of communication we sincerely hope that you feel free to talk to us. A positive relationship
between coach and player exists when there is communication. If you speak to us in a mature and
respectful manner we guarantee you will receive a mature and respectful response. Questions regarding
playing time etc should be handled at an appropriate time and place between you and the coaches. Please
understand that we will place the interests of the team above your personal individual interests. This is the
nature of a team sport and you must understand this when you make your commitment to play for our
TEAM. Remember that roster spots will be highly competitive this year. Playing time is earned at
practice, not during games. If you believe that you could not tolerate the possibility of being cut or accept
a role on either the Varsity or JV as a non-starter, you may want to reconsider the work planned for you. If
this is a possibility please seek me out so that we may communicate. I will respect your decision.
Parents- Please remind your parents that while we are together as a team, parents are encouraged to be
away from the sidelines and attendance at tryouts/practices is not encouraged. This is to try and limit any
distraction and to prevent any problems among players, parents, and coaches. Also, remember questions,
concerns, problems should be handled between the players and coaches first. Emails, phone calls to
coaches should occur following a conversation between player and coach.
Coaches Note- We are obviously excited to be your coaches. North Soccer has an outstanding tradition of
winning and good sportsmanship that we shall continue. The nucleus for a successful season is here.
Expectations should be very high for all involved with North Hunterdon soccer. The foundation for a
winning team begins with a winning attitude. Commit yourselves to doing all that you can to improve your
skills, speed, strength, endurance, and attitude and there is no limit to the success we will experience
together. We will do all that we can to make success a reality.