OCET-2012 Question Booklet Series : A Sr. No. :

Question Booklet Series : A
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Subject : M.Sc. (Hons. School/2 Year Course)-Zoology
Time : 90 minutes Number of Questions : 75 Maximum Marks : 75
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M.Sc.(Hons.School/2 Year Course)-Zoology/FRH-41348-A 2
M.Sc.(Hons.School/2 Year Course)-Zoology/FRH-41348-A 3 [Turn over
M.Sc.(Hons.School/2 Year Course)-Zoology/A
1. Conjugation of Paramecium was elucidated by :
(A) Dellinger (B) Hyman
(C) Diller (D) Hertwig and Maupaus
2. Which of the following is not a larval stage of liver fluke ?
(A) Cercaria (B) Cysticercus
(C) Sporocyst (D) Miracidium
3. Placenta is found in which of the following animals :
(A) Ambystoma (B) Xenopus
(C) Duckbilled platypus (D) Equus
4. In which of the following trochophore larva is absent ?
(A) Brachiopoda (B) Mollusca
(C) Crustacea (D) Annelida
5. Permanent neoteny is exhibited by :
(A) Necturus (B) Bolitoglossa
(C) Ambystoma (D) Eleutherodactylus
6. Glycosylation of proteins takes place in :
(A) Mitochondria (B) Ribosomes
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum (D) Lysosomes
7. In a heterozygote if both the alleles are expressed. They are called :
(A) Dominant (B) Recessive
(C) Co-dominant (D) Partially dominant
8. Non-allelic genes effecting same trait but one's expression is masked by second's
expression are called :
(A) Lethal genes (B) Supplementary genes
(C) Epistatic genes (D) Complementary genes
9. Which layer of egg contains hyaluronic acid ?
(A) Corona radiata (B) Plasma membrane
(C) Cortical layer (D) Zona pellucid
10. To which of the following categories the scorpion belongs :
(A) Crustacea (B) Arachnida
(C) Insecta (D) Brachiopoda
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11. Which of the following is Hermaphrodite ?
(A) Aplysia (B) Pila
(C) Unio (D) Cardium
12. Drones of honey bee are :
(A) Fertile females (B) Sterile females
(C) Fertile males (D) Sterile males
13. Prokaryotic ribosomes contain :
(A) 16S, 23S and 5SrRNA (B) 18S, 28S, 5.8S and 5SrRNA
(C) 16S, 18S and 23SrRNA (D) 16S, 28S and 5SrRNA
14. Which of the following is the most productive aquatic ecosystems ?
(A) Coral reef ecosystem (B) Stream ecosystem
(C) Riverine ecosystem (D) Pond ecosystem
15. Which of the following air sacs are not paired in pigeon ?
(A) Cervical (B) Interclavical
(C) Thoracic (D) Abdominal
16. Retrogressive metamorphosis occurs in :
(A) Herdmania and frog (B) Botryllus and Necturus
(C) Frog and Necturus (D) Botryllus and Herdmania
17. The outer layer of placenta which is selectively permeable and hormone secreting is :
(A) Chorion (B) Amnion
(C) Allantois (D) Yolk sac
18. Study of population ecology is called :
(A) Synecology (B) Demecology
(C) Phytosociology (D) Ecosystem
19. Sleeping sickness is caused by :
(A) Trypanosoma gambiense (B) Leishmania donovani
(C) Trichomonas buccalis (D) Plasmodium vivax
20. Aphrodite is :
(A) Sea hare (B) Sea mouse
(C) Sea horse (D) Sea squirt
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21. Deficiency of which of the following hormones causes the dwarfism and excess of the
same causes gigantism and acromegaly :
(A) Thyrotropin (B) Somatotropin
(C) Cortisone (D) Parathormone
22. Which of the following diseases is autoimmune disease ?
(A) Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus (B) Diabetes insipidus
(C) Parkinson's disease (D) Angina
23. Double trisomics have a genomic constitution of :
(A) 2n+2 (B) 2n+1
(C) 2n+1+1 (D) 2n–2
24. Which of the following is the sex linked abnormality ?
(A) Patau's syndrome (B) Edward's Syndrome
(C) Kleinfelter's syndrome (D) Cri-du-chat syndrome
25. Stinging cells are present in :
(A) Aurelia (B) Spongilla
(C) Euplectella (D) Hyalonema
26. Metameric segmentation is found in :
(A) Nematoda (B) Annelida
(C) Urochordata (D) Cephalopoda
27. A functional unit in a compound eye is termed as :
(A) Ocellus (B) Stigma
(C) Ommatidium (D) Eye spot
28. A restriction enzyme brings cleavage only at :
(A) the ends of a gene (B) the methyl group
(C) a particular sequence of nucleotide (D) the time of replication
29. Preparation of sperm before penetration of ovum is :
(A) Insemination (B) Spermiogenesis
(C) Capacitation (D) Spermatogenesis
30. Which of the following is a fish ?
(A) Cuttle fish (B) Jelly Fish
(C) Flat Fish (D) Silver Fish
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31. Pernicious anaemia is caused due to deficiency of :
(A) Pyridoxine (B) Folic acid
(C) Niacin (D) Cyanocobalamine
32. Which gas contributes most to greenhouse effect ?
(A) Sulphur dioxide (B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Nitrogen (D) Ozone
33. Diapedesis is :
(A) Bipedal walk
(B) Ability of WBC to pass through blood vessels
(C) Reproduction in Paramecium
(D) Doubling of chromosomes
34. Acetabulum is part of :
(A) Sternum (B) Skull
(C) Pelvic girdle (D) Pectoral girdle
35. Bt in Bt cotton stands for :
(A) Biotechnologically tailored (B) Bioenvironmentally tested
(C) Bacillus thuringiensis (D) Bacillus thermophillus
36. Gall bladder is absent in :
(A) Rana (B) Scoliodon
(C) Uromastix (D) Columba
37. Silk is produced by which stage of life cycle of silk moth :
(A) Larva (B) Adult
(C) Pupa (D) Egg
38. Structures with similar functions but having different origins are called :
(A) Analogous (B) Autologous
(C) Vestigial (D) Homologous
39. Which type of eggs show superficial cleavage ?
(A) Megalecithal (B) Microlecithal
(C) Cleidoic (D) Centrolecithal
40. The AIDS virus can be transmitted by :
(A) Hand shake (B) Using same toilet
(C) Sharing utensils with infected person (D) Using contaminated needles for injections
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41. The technique of chromatography is based on the principle of :
(A) Adsorption (B) Absorption
(C) Partitioning (D) Partitioning and adsorption
42. Which of the following amino acids is the precursor for the thyroid hormones T3 and
T4 ?
(A) Tryptophan (B) Lysine
(C) Tyrosine (D) Histidine
43. Abzymes are :
(A) Antibodies that have catalytic activities
(B) Zymogens
(C) Enzymes that hydrolyse antibodies
(D) Enzymes that are highly specific like antibodies
44. Which of the following bird species is endangered ?
(A) Hill myna (B) Great Indian Bustard
(C) Crow pheasant (D) Grey hornbill
45. During electrical stimulation-induced depolarization of neuron, voltage gated :
(A) Na+ channels will close (B) K+ channels will close
(C) Cl channels will open (D) Na+ channels will open
46. Which of the following is natural inducer of the lac operon in E-coli ?
(A) Allolactose (B) Galactose
(C) Lactose (D) IPTG
47. The region where RNA polymerase binds to promoter in prokaryotes is called :
(A) Pribnow box (B) Hogness box
(C) Homeobox (D) Shine Delgarno box
48. In which organelle is NADP+ the final electron acceptor ?
(A) Chloroplast only (B) Mitochondrion only
(C) Both chloroplast and mitochondria (D) Lysosomes
49. One of the major transmembrane protein in a tight junction is :
(A) Lectin (B) Claudin
(C) Adherin (D) Integrin
50. Which of the following is not a poisonous snake ?
(A) Rat Snake (B) Cobra
(C) Viper (D) Krait
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51. XX-XO mechanism of sex determination occurs in :
(A) Humans (B) Birds
(C) Grasshopper (D) Drosophila
52. Bipinnaria is larval form of :
(A) Coelenterata (B) Polychaeta
(C) Echinodermata (D) Cestoda
53. Sternum is absent in :
(A) Mammals (B) Amphibians
(C) Fishes (D) Birds
54. Amphioxus belongs to :
(A) Hemichordata (B) Cephalochordata
(C) Urochordata (D) Cyclostomata
55. Which part of the brain detects temperature changes in blood ?
(A) Cerebellum (B) Cerebral hemispheres
(C) Medulla (D) Hypothalamus
56. In most of the ecosystems, the greatest amount of energy flows through the :
(A) Secondary consumers (B) Herbivores
(C) Decomposers (D) Carnivores
57. Triassic and Jurassic periods are included in :
(A) Paleozoic era (B) Mesozoic era
(C) Coenozoic era (D) Proterozoic era
58. The population of all the species in a given habitat is referred to as :
(A) Biosphere (B) Community
(C) Ecosphere (D) Ecosystem
59. Which one of the following is the termination codon ?
60. Which of the following is not characteristics of birds ?
(A) Air sacs attached to lungs (B) Hollow bones
(C) Ectothermic (D) Amniotic egg
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61. Development of which of the following occurs first :
(A) Liver (B) Heart
(C) Notochord (D) Kidney
62. An animal that warms its body mainly by heat of cellular respiration is :
(A) a poikilotherm (B) an exotherm
(C) an ectotherm (D) an endotherm
63. Modern birds are more closely related to :
(A) Lizards (B) Mammals
(C) Crocodile (D) Turtles
64. The neurotransmitter between a motor neuron and a muscle cell is :
(A) Serotonin (B) Epinephrine
(C) Dopamine (D) Acetylcholine
65. The first true hominids in the fossil record have been placed in the genus ?
(A) Homo (B) Australopithecus
(C) Dryopithecus (D) Aegyptopithecus
66. Which of the following is a radially symmetrical animal ?
(A) Planarian (B) Rotifer
(C) Fluke (D) Sea anemone
67. The total collection of genes at one time in a unit of evolution is called as :
(A) Genotype (B) Demotype
(C) Multiple alleles (D) Gene pool
68. In aerobic cellular respiration most of the ATP is synthesized during :
(A) Glycolysis (B) Oxidation of pyruvic acid
(C) Krebs cycle (D) Electron transport
69. Genetic drift occurs when a few individuals of a species colonize an Island. This
phenomenon is known as :
(A) Bottle-neck effect (B) The founder effect
(C) Assortative mating (D) Random mating
70. The meiotic process by which homologues are paired during prophase l is called :
(A) Chiasma (B) Interkinesis
(C) Crossing over (D) Synapsis
71. Which enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of new strands of DNA molecule, by linking
nucleotide to the developing strand ?
(A) DNA ligase (B) DNA polymerase
(C) Single strand binding protein (D) Topoisomerase
72. The number of spiracles in cockroach is :
(A) Twelve (B) Fifteen
(C) Eight (D) Ten
73. The King crab Limulus is important because it is a :
(A) Missing link (B) Living fossil
(C) Connecting link (D) Extinct species
74. Cri-du-Chat syndrome is due to a :
(A) Duplication (B) Deletion
(C) Inversion (D) Translocation
75. The sting of worker honey bee is a modification of :
(A) Mandibles (B) Jaws
(C) Ovipositor (D) Maxillae